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Everything posted by Joah

  1. I sincerely disagree with this. I was Captain Rex 1-2 years ago, During my 2-3 month time period as Rex, I was one of the more active rex's and was very hands on with my battalion. At its peak I had 52 501st on for one of the events underneath my command. In Teamspeak it was quiet, professional, and everyone was immersed in ACTUAL roleplay. Good leadership can be found in a lot of people, even staff. @Forseen You have my +1, good luck lad. Don't forget founders need to do your interview. Furthermore we just removed power roles from director+ and you're now stating not to role-play because of your position in staff, that in itself is counter productive @Spaghetti
  2. No, Denied, If a commanding officer says "MANDATORY DEBRIEF" that means " MANDATORY" stop what you're doing and go to it. Do not be disrespectful. It's not the servers fault your tryouts take 9000000 years. Be respectful to your commanding officer. By definition, it would be fail-rp for you NOT to show up to a mandatory debrief. Debriefs are typically short, get over it. To clarify, [This is not a new rule, it has always been a rule that mandatory briefings are mandatory]. Players decided to be disrespectful and disregard the rule. CG/TG have full authority to arrest individuals who decide to think otherwise. Note: you can simply just pause your tryouts..
  3. This was a package to support ron's server, so more than likely not ^^.
  4. Zim you're a faggot.
  5. @UhohStinky According to many developers, the game is is beyond early stages and seems extremely resourceful right now
  6. Joah

    Adding the 327th

    -1, 3rd time is not a charm. Learn from RM mistakes (Bashes self) @Egg stole the words out of my mouth
  7. Better question, why is this topic brought up every week xD
  8. Lol this shit was on Jackbox, hilarious
  9. @ChambersI kinda figured this was coming, I was just waiting for the time. You always have a home here at Synergy. You've been here for years and you've been a close friend and a very helpful member of the community. Regardless of what anyone says about you, you were single handily one of the hardest workers here. I couldn't be more proud of one of my staff members and I hope everything that comes to you in life works out. I'll never forget the late night laughs, the arguements, the bonding that we had. You'll always be a brother to me. Forseen will make an excellent replacement, I couldn't see anyone else taking your lineage. Thank you for being apart of this community and thank you for standing next to me.
  10. Always got a place in my heart.
  11. @Thexan I literally read half way through this before I realized the meme. I am such a boomer
  12. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL This is gonna turn into a good meme thread.
  13. Why talk to us directly, when you can just explode :D. Sounds good. If you don't have the respect to speak to me directly, instead of an indirect call-out, I don't have the respect to even entertain this post. I'll take my childish insecure, permabanning idiot self out of this post from here (unleash the memes). But thanks for your concern.
  14. I can't. Please make it stop. HES SO ANNOYING
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