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Everything posted by Woeny

  1. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a member of High Command (MCMD+) or a Director immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  2. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a member of High Command (MCMD+) or a Director immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  3. Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED! Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck! // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  4. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director or Myself to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  5. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director or Myself to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  6. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director or Myself to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  7. Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED! Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck! // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  8. This Quest has been developed and IMPLEMENTED into the server! // LOCKED // MOVED TO QUEST IDEAS - IMPLEMENTED
  9. We wouldnt be removing them entirely, it would just be locking recruitment and Bcmd apps etc etc until the server gets into a state to support that, its not a decision we are doing 100% thats why the post was made to gauge community feedback ,
  10. Heya just thought I would come in and provide some more insight, I've stated before that I doubt the founders not logging into game is the reason that people are taking their leaves. I believe it could be said to be a multitude of things but obviously I feel like that's the freebie answer people will lean onto. Its clear that you haven't been on during the weekend, since the meeting both @Square and @Forseen have been present on server. I feel like you werent there, as there were a couple things announced to be in the works in terms on what the founders are doing. Aside from those that have other matters that it is in there right to disclose not mine not xaze not square not anyone else but ill write them out here so others who might have missed the meeting can be informed Staff/Gm changes- simply to put we are looking to seperate the two teams and allow anyone to apply for gamemaster without having the respoisbility of needing to apply for staff, so any VIP can apply for gamemaster get an interview and now have perms to things like, spawning droids, dupes,props, tping and other tools a GM might need while not being tied to staff, While this is still in the works its a big change that we are hoping that sparks some more activity within the server as I know its been something people have mentioned for awhile in different forms theres alot more to it but like stated its in the works so everything isnt fleshed out to give 100% exact details otherwise I gladly would! Dev side of things- As announced in the past two community meetings this one on OCT 15th was the smaller update, and a larger one pushing towards December as the goal for it The December update is looking to possibly include things like Helix Renegade squad system Stimulant shots,` for things like HP armor speed A BH rework working along side Guild Command More ways to earn credits with things like gambling or lottery Obviously some of this might change as the dev team works through it Founders- Square himself in the meeting said he would make himself more present if thats what the community has wanted, before that meeting he had looked to get an event set up for the players but couldnt due to ES already being claimed by GMs, he has been present within TS and has come in game Forseen- I wont really cover Forseen as hes already commented what his plans are and what hes been doing Now that was all covered in the very long around hour and half meeting so it could have gotten mixed in Like I stated before I do think there is alot of reasons that could be stated to why the server ended up in its current state, and to think thats theres just some big answer to solve it all is delusional/ crazy Adding into this comment ^ Repeating myself from before they have stepped into the server and stepped up as Forseen has been in game and TS every day since, and Square has been in TS every day and In game a couple of times But ive already stated that so moving to the whole step down thing I am assuming when you say " Let the people who can and will take your place step in" are myself @Xaze and @Maddoxx I cant necessarily speak for them but I have a feeling were all in the same boat I've made it clear to the founders and to a general few that I have no interest in founder AT ALL, I know i cant do the job they currently do when it comes to deving, finances ,etc etc its a lot more stress than it might seem :) Personally i see it as if the founders leave the structure falls apart as i cant take the responsibility to own the server So that comes with the server shutting down along with the TS, I personally dont wanna see something die that I myself have invested thousands upon thousands of hours into meeting new people and making memories and im tired of people writing these post that are essentially that since its never enough even when founders or myself or xaze or maddoxx attempt to solve things
  11. Hello!, wanted to give a quick rundown on the party system and explain how to use it, since we didnt go fully into it at the community meeting! 1. Creating a party: type /party into your chat, this menu will pop up, enter whatever you want your party name to be 2. The party will now display in the top right of your screen, showing the players name and their current HP (Green bar) 3. To invite someone to the party you must be party lead, you will type /party again popping up another box Click the names of the members you wish to invite on the left hand side as the right side displays whoever is in your current party Members who receive invites will have this pop up, all they need to do is click accept 4. If you wish to leave the party type /leaveparty and it will remove you from the party, if you were the party lead it would pass lead onto another member in the party While in a party and you try to do quest: -All members in the party must meet the requirements to start the quest , EX: Have the quest be off cooldown, or if the quest has a required completion of another quest if someone doesn't have the requirements met it will not start the quest If you join or invite midway through a quest they will get the following message When doing quest, and someone completes the objective it will complete it for everyone and move you onto the next part EX: Someone steps in a move to point that would teleport you , everyone would get tped to that point
  12. This suggestion has been moved to REVIEW PHASE. (Suggestions that have been accepted by the community vote or through Founder approval and a concept is being created by the development team)
  13. I can see your perspective on that which is 100% valid if you wish to look into like that I can say the same thing in regards to your post along with others, Alot of players sit in the same channel together whose to say they arent forcing there thoughts on you or bias as you stated? Ive always been one to be vocal about my opinions and in essence tell people to fuck off, or if i disagree with something, as you've known first hand along with others My thoughts are my own I truly don't think founders are needed in a day to day operation as the leadership presence is already in play from myself, Maddoxx,Xaze, Mavelle, Marvel All of the Has and Va's Adding founders to that listen doesn't really add much, they focus on other operations of the server while its others to piece together the day by day as that isnt there responsibility when it comes to the server.
  14. Providing my insight, I personally dont think its necessary at all for founders to be hands on involved within the community, The structure was set up so myself and @Xaze can handle 99% problems. While they all have their owns lives to attend to my personal experience, anytime ive messaged any of the founders for any situation I get a response within a couple of hours if not early the next morning, thats how its always been, Information is always passed upwards from myself @Xaze or @Maddoxx to make sure they stay informed, much like alot of the player base being informed from others! The post brought up Imperial day as it was our hands down best day for sure thats just a fact. the founders had no involvement with that, that was done by directors HC Xaze and Jayarr. I wasnt present for the first day as I had other duties but speaking on the second day, There was 1 event ran that entire time the rest was player rp ran throughout the entire day you can ask almost anyone and they would agree. So question to follow that up What is holding us back from continuing that trend but with clone wars? We were able to push as a community forward and show that things can happen. ^ might seem off topic but it also shows that there isnt need for founder involvement as they do there parts
  15. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED. If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied. // LOCKED // MOVED TO [CW] SERVER SUGGESTIONS - DENIED
  16. This Quest Idea has been ACCEPTED. It is now under development by the Dev Team. // LOCKED // MOVED TO QUEST IDEAS - ACCEPTED
  17. This isnt currently possible with the system but I do like the Idea so will move to pending for now and when it gets added to be able to implement this will move forward with it
  18. This Quest Idea has been ACCEPTED. It is now under development by the Dev Team. // LOCKED // MOVED TO QUEST IDEAS - ACCEPTED
  19. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a member of High Command (MCMD+) or a Director immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  20. Ill set up a quest giving brief description of battlions really good idea The lore characters and such would be alot of entites down as each one counts as 1 Later i can do one describing regiments i wouldnt mind doing that but from what i know when people are being recruited they are briefed on what the regiments within the battalion are no? @Conrad
  21. 3- Game play was just shooting from my perspective still was alot of fun with 2 manning it with sprint 4- It showed you took time to set this event up with the different small villages it was super cool to see! 4- There was some portions that did tank some overall was alot of fun still im excited to see more events from you!
  22. 4/5/5 I enjoyed the preplanning stage alot, You stated yourself the event was limited since it was just you which cant blame you for the dupe was pretty sick, I did feel like it was a breeze with how much cover you provided and the droids accurary but that might just be a me thing No performance issues and you always put time and effort into the events you host, its clear through playing them :D
  23. I know it was short, but i genuinely enjoyed this event encounter whatever you may call it 5- For Gameplay, Even though it was short i really like how you used parts of the base with the vent system gives a little spice to the event. being trapped in there with the explosions while others watched above was actually really fun, watching us get slaughtered. While i cant speak for others that were trapped, for me actively in the scenario i thought it was fantastic! 4- for care and effort. as you turned something passive and small into this event while trying to maintain your standard for your other. Being a solo gm with all those ticket i know is a pain and having so mayn thigns happen at once its hard to control but you did super well! 5- For performance not any issues on my end overall really loved this !!
  24. There is no plan to adjust pay for Palpy because palpy doesnt get a load out compared to the MCMD so we believe it is fair to keep the credits the current way they are
  25. Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED! Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck! // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
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