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Blueberry Juice

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Everything posted by Blueberry Juice

  1. Blueberry Juice


    -1. These were suggested before but do not work nearly as well as the shields now
  3. If depression is a sin than I'm going to need more than Jesus to be forgiven
  4. Some of you know me, most of you don't. Some of you will be sad to see me leave, most of you won't. It's time I focus on life quit playing a video game. College is starting in the fall and I really just need to focus on me and me alone. I have family and friends that genuinely enjoy my company but instead I sit on a computer and play a game. It's time I grow up. Unfortunately that means leaving Synergy. I'm not going to give shoutouts because I don't need to. You know who you are and maybe you know how I felt under my, deep, dark, depressing voice. Farewell Synergy.
  5. As Joah said "I am sick of this back and forth shit with the council". Make sure you guys are actually going to keep this position and not butt fuck it around. Also is named characters are always filled, either make it harder to get them or something. Adding some snake looking dude just so some masters can get a named character doesn't sound like a good idea. Fucks sakes.
  6. Oh shit I didn't even you did that stuff pepehands
  7. You're too much of a Chancellor, be more of the Emperor. Someone's causing issues? Fuck em up with your wicked shit
  9. Now what I say is going to be as objective as I can (unbiased for you uneducated fucks) rather than subjective: BO is consistently a mess. I hate to say it but it's the truth. Rarely any tryouts from NCO's, BCC is consistently unmanned, and as many people point out, BO is consistently inactive. As both a senior officer in BO and the former CMO, I can say that the job that BO has is more boring than watching paint dry. I'm not kidding. We're doormen and receptionists. Branch wise, I struggled immensely to maintain numbers and interest people in MED. And, as far as I can tell, it seems to be the same issue recurring within all the branches. You failed to mention in the application how you plan to introduce intriguing aspects to BO to attract numbers. You also failed to outline your plan to make BO a viable and active participant in the server, only stating that, "I will continue to do what I have done as XO." For those of us who may not know what you've been doing, this is very, very poor word choice to gain support from strangers. However, you show promise, as all up and coming commanders do. Button up your application. Make a plan. I have no fucking clue what you want from BO other than the obvious problems. You have the What, but not the Who, Where, When, Why, or How. For a battalion with so many possibilities, there needs to be a plan for stability. I'm +1 He will do an excellent job as Krennic. THIS IS TO NOT CAUSE CONTROVERSY. I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL SOMEBODY IF PEOPLE THINK I'M RIPPING ON CARVIS.
  10. Does it even fucking matter. Shit happened and we can bitch about it but it won't change.
  11. I thought I got tagged and I was actually needed for once. But alas, my services are not required thus far.
  12. The system, like all, is imperfect. I still don't have definite so that's a yikes but regardless, tweaks can be made to it. -1 on removal +1 on changing the system. Remove the moaning (I mean who doesn't like to hear men moan wtf), make kills not reset, but keep the 5 second timer. That being, if a medic is working on you immediately, you don't respawn because there is absolutely nothing more excruciatingly frustrating than that shit.
  13. Cause this is a serious RP server and if you touch a person getting defibrillated in real life you will also be subject to a shock which could potentially cause arrythmias or cardiac arrest!
  14. Hands down the best Sith in terms or roleplay and just not being rarded +1
  15. +1 I guess? Adding in a bunch of useless lore characters that nobody knows anything about isn't much of fresh air but sure, go for it. I couldn't care less.
  16. Aw shit, here we go again Fat +1 I love marvel and it will be sad to see him go
  17. Bruh Greek is Wrecker IRL it's impossible to replace him +1 ig cause nerds get +1's
  18. What did it cost? A 1 month ban
  19. When you've already seen endgame so you're immune to spoilers. Pssh, peasants. Still, -1 chief.
  20. The ship has already been established to be the resolute you goddamn defects
  21. I specialize in the fetus deletus technique +1
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