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Everything posted by Logic

  1. Neutral, I failed to see true management from you as a CMD. You were a decent COE that I worked directly under but there was still that lack of focus on what you wanted to do. You are a great and agreeable person with phenominal leadership skills but what baseops needs is laser focus and a clear sense of direction that I have not quite seen from you, this may change based on competition
  2. Logic

    Orlando Re-app

    Unfortunately I’m retarted and updated this comment later
  3. Logic

    Lix's Re-app

    +1 friendly guy
  4. Logic

    Voice Amplifier

    -1 we make due without people talking over our battlecomms
  5. Uhhhh since when aren’t you gamemaster? +1 (direct question)
  6. hmmmmmm definitely the worst guy on the server +1 ❤️
  7. +1 cus I still can, I used to do events with him
  8. Allegro is such a good boy, he deserved it
  9. Thatd be like replacing a jet trooper with an ARC Jet trooper... You have to truly be giving something up -1
  10. I guess+1 From what I’m getting is you were feeling a tad salty from your removal and revoked access but immediately felt bad and helped perri with the shit I don’t buy the “I don’t know why I revoked access” but oh well I mean he didn’t edit it to say DEATH TO STRIKER so I mean maybe it isn’t all intentional Please never come anywhere near my docs though I try hard on them all ❤️
  11. 79/80 I wish I got my deserved VIP... 38 kills but someone with 30 got it
  12. +1 hes an Ex GMM he was literally one of my favorites. GIVE IT TO HIM
  13. Fuck this weather... have another snow day, I just want to get my exams over with I’m just going to end my LOA because the forecast calls for worse weather all week
  14. Now you done fucked up chief, you can’t comment on your own app @Dragon @Valdor/Keltor @JBFox
  15. Why not make a reapplication? <Direct Question, you may respond>
  16. Who the fuck said you can leave
  17. +1 He has matured since last time he was staff, he did well
  18. Update on the teamspeak account: He is not alting, someone wiped all teamspeak bans, his account has been rebanned. But it still doesn't change the fact of him disrespecting me when I do my best to run the battalion Snakes are snakes no matter whose boots they are hiding in
  19. -1 STOP LETTING OLD DRAMA CAUSING CANCER CELLS BACK PERM MEANS PERMANENT FOREVER AND ALWAYS NO MATTER WHAT. They got it for a reason you guys don’t understand. Yes he did all these great things but he was still scummy in the end which is worse than being scummy all the way through because it highlights the pettiness in his character
  20. https://gyazo.com/f0243e063802c01d68a84b42c6b8c715 pythin says here that Allen Jones is Jefferson, if you look to my screenshot of teamspeak Logan Johnson changed his name to Allen Jones after sending that message
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