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Everything posted by Logic

  1. Name: Logic Suggestion: Adding an Officer tag to teamspeak Where would this be implemented?: ...teamspeak? How would this benefit the TeamSpeak/Community?: It would lessen the load on Staff and BCMDs because it should be able to take and give battalion tags and move people for sits. Have you asked for Feedback from others about this suggestion?: A couple people in the channel when I said “we should have an officer tag” Briefly explain why this should be implemented?: we have a pretty useless NCO tag, the officer tag would have permissions such as taking tags, moving people and giving tags, that way people don’t search for staff or bcmds to handle tags.
  2. Lets please 16 people rather than the hundreds in other regiments <we aren’t commies nobody is more equal than others based on in game skill
  3. +1 if and only if all regs get their own jobs with special loadouts because RC ain’t that special
  4. 10/10 I must say. well done. Im genuinely impressed. Im sure all the people who were for the first part aGREE
  5. Logic

    Ryders Palpy App

    +1 realistically you have done more for the server than almost anyone at the position you are at, I believe you can do wonders as Palpy make me proud
  6. Name: Logic Suggestion: Adding a Battalion training room on the other side of the base of CSR. So at the end of the halls with DU bunks Implementation: Have the mapper put it in for V4. Lore: They didn't have only 2 sim rooms that are always claimed by other battalions. and they sure as hell didn't do tryouts inside of bunks. there wasn't too much of a problem until senators got their bunks. Tryouts require space Workshop content if applicable: Require Development (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: A BTR or more sim rooms to the map
  7. Talked to him, he has a good plan +1
  8. Question: what have you done as Mas Amedda
  9. I want a trans am... don’t have one, not going to have one. My parents don’t love me enough
  10. I remember meeting you outside my bunks and we had a really nice chat about your time on the server, a really nice reasonable guy who knows what the fuck hes doing +1
  11. Can’t say I’ve had many encounters with you, but what I do know is this, When you are on your senator I hear snickers about how annoying you are and how you failrp, again thats just what I hear. What I know is that you rush TR work, I shadowed you once and it was pretty close to garbage as you read the wall and moved on, I think it took you a total of 6 minutes to train a CC, including getting names right and bind, I know that my shadow of you is not the only occurance because you’ve had strikes of it in the past, and if my memory serves me correctly you had to get ReTR trained, so I’m going to have to say -1 for the reason of as an admin you’d be a TR for a month or more
  12. -1 you can use it too so its balanced
  13. I had faith, how could you jk love you still
  14. you arrested me for incidentally getting the killing punch +1
  15. @Heart commented on his own app, also left a farewell
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