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Everything posted by Logic

  1. Logic

    Make DB Unclaimable

    Why can’t you guys just accept that this causes fucking issues, like seriously, someone got demoted in staff because you think you are better than everyone and don’t need a dupe
  2. Logic

    Make DB Unclaimable

    Full on lie, it was blocked off earlier today, witnesses being smalljeff and Allegro
  3. Logic

    CWRP - Armor Kit

    You dont even play the server anymore but okay. I like chambers idea about making ALL gm able to do it, gives them purpose
  4. +1 but its pretty ugly not gonna lie
  5. Logic

    Make DB Unclaimable

    The issue is they block it off or put up AOS on entry signs, this even led to Smalljeff getting staff abused and a whole report popping up with gen room/med bay they don’t close it off or anything, they just do their thing and its still usable for everyone, that is not the case for DB
  6. Logic

    Make DB Unclaimable

    They shut down DB again right before I posted this, so they refuse to use it still
  7. -1 bad accent +1 Is a bully, but a good one
  8. Name: Logic | Gree Suggestion: Make Debrief Unclaimable Implementation: So bascially, just tell the people claiming debrief to make a dupe, because it makes no difference whether you practice on the real thing or on a dupe that looks similar Lore: N/A Okay so before you all dumb me and shit, lets point out that this has led to staff abuse and arrests in the past, and is causing issues. I have mentioned this to Husly and got immediately shut down by him saying "They need to practice on the real thing" so I believe community feedback is a better way to show that this does indeed cause issues and a dupe needs to be made (I'll even make it for him)
  9. @Valdor/Keltor user has voided
  10. Logic

    CWRP - Armor Kit

    -1 this takes away from the specialization of the galactic marine elite support trooper which is the ONLY class that can spawn armor, so lets keep it that way cus god knows they need it
  11. Logic


    I don’t have food
  12. -1 Because questioning joah hurts
  13. This mans has been on the server since launch lmfao
  14. you guys didnt even read the app did you lmao, look at it
  15. We both know he has plenty
  16. -1 left me +1 is responsible and would make a great staff member
  17. -1 Sure itd be a big meme, but battalions need CTs to join them
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