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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. 10/10 Great shoot em up then some rp and more shoot em up some more. Didn't deploy too many either which is one of my big problems with deployments.
  2. 6/10 It was a cool idea and I like that for once the frigates weren't taken down with standard blaster fire but there were too many props and it caused a lot of lag making it really short.
  3. LOL communicate with the pilot so he knows what planet to go to.
  4. Shouldn't have anyone getting priority over an actual Pilot. His whole job is to fly and it was handed to someone else who isn't a pilot. Like I said communication wasn't good.
  5. 5/10 You did give each battalion a job in which another battalion should've been doing. I also feel like communication was a little whacky and not done right but that most likely wasn't your fault so don't stress it.
  6. yikes... Imma say neutral as I see things BO do in their Discord compared to in game and they do actually do a lot over there with docs and stuff but it doesn't seem to show in game too much. The biggest reason a lot of people are against BO is because there is A LOT of times where Battalions can't do stuff because the lack of BO on at times. Sometimes there are BO on and they aren't even paying attention to comms or they're name is set to DOING DOC WORK and they aren't in game. I was trying to leave the base just today and there were 5 BO in the BCC and 1 in Courtyard AFK next to me and I had to get a ST to let me out after a certain amount of time. Focus more on your activity in game than working on docs and more docs. Y'all don't need a document written up for every little thing... Anyways best of luck.
  7. Couldn't think of a name when I first joined so I looked around my room. Was watching spiderman so I chose Marvel. As a CT my name was Elevator cause I played music for people a few times in the elevators and kept the name as a meme lul.
  8. +1 how come the regular swings take stamina and the heavies don't lul
  9. 7/10. It was really just a shoot em up which is always fun and I love that we worked with the Sith as well. Only problem was the spawning was a little wild and it got real laggy at parts but it was still fun. Keep it up.
  10. +1 I think you will do a good job as Gree. Just try to use that mic more my guy and make the 41st great.
  11. 10/10 I loved watching SO take the L using the cloaks on event server but it didn't matter cuz they ganged up on droids and ounched them real stealthy like.
  12. -1 I haven't seen any drama over the dumb reaction other than this one post lmao
  13. 6/10 It was a real good shoot em up but you can't really interrogate Commando Droids as they're droids and don't really feel any pain. Just work on the RP portions of your events and they'll be great!
  14. Superman flying in an event will always make me give it a -1 or 1/10 because it's just annoying playing follow the leader aroung the map for thirty minutes but apparently people like it? idk +1 from me
  15. 10/10 Best Event in a while. Keep it up! (Why is he not a GM??)
  16. -1 Like what was stated on Sterns app. Just don't need a yularen right now
  17. I have got to agree with Arroyo. I do not think anyone is ready to take the mantle of Yularen again and I would hate to see another one bite the dust. I'm going to have to be at -1 as of now.
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