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Everything posted by Kurt

  1. What's the size of map we like to have cause 92mb ain't bad but a big boy.
  2. o7 Thank you for your service. I wish you well in your travels.
  3. I won't lie, I still don't fully understand the CIS on the server, (Not anyone's fault I'm just inactive) I sometimes get confused for event jobs. From just the app you have come great ideas for the future of the CIS faction however at the moment you don't have much experience. I'm not fully sure if Trench is like an XO or Commander in the faction or if the faction actually has ranks. On you're clone the highest rank you mention is a Captain which is still a junior officer if some people eyes, so at this moment I'm going to -1 the application. But with that said, I believe you are on the right path and again I'll mention, some awesome ideas for the faction, but just focus on learning and leading for now before taking on the pressure and responsibility of leading a faction. But that's just my, the sellout streamers opinion.
  4. Wish granted, but you have to solo Riven. I wish for Twitch Partner.
  5. You forgot a question there mate. Now I will be asking what can you bring to the staff team that one else can bring, besides being on during the “down time”? Like will you focus more on doing Encounters/Events for the player base or focus on Creating Dupes for training, or help with taking tickets.
  6. Oh god the colours. A very good app like Conrad said. However I do know people look at the fact you’re just under the threshold for hours to apply for staff, minimum is 75 hours. Looking aside from that, you’ll gain them in the time this app is being looked at. +1
  7. I know I’m late, work and all. I’ll give credit where credit is due, I enjoyed the dupe and it looked awesome, however it was a little lacking on what we were doing until suddenly the Pirates started to attack. From there it felt like it died, with most of us wondering what to do, and should have either A. Had more combat, more waves of Pirates or B. Do a quick final boss fight against the Sith Lord and call it there. 6/10 only because the dupe look good and well built.
  8. God I remember us having this idea back on endor days. Kept killing the server though. I do like the idea of having it as a former SO BCMD, however I'm going to -1 this suggestion, as I'm worried its going to cause errors and potentially break the server.
  9. This might bring me back onto the server. Good luck +1
  10. Could use more hours, I know 75 is the min, but I trust you know what you're doing +1
  11. +1 However what's a VHS? Lol jk
  12. +1 welcome back. Just a friendly reminder that LOA/ROA are a thing if you ever feel burnt out. We all here get it and know what its like to be burnt out.
  13. o7 One of the best. Take care my friend.
  14. CSM to Reg, what a power play. Lol jk +1 good luck
  15. +1 this is going to be a fun race though.
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