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Old Spartan

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Everything posted by Old Spartan

  1. I like #2. I dont personally like red as a color and the other blue would seem kinda doucheish. But the dark blue is solid 10/10.
  2. Name: Wolfpack Lead XO Comet | Spartan Who helped (If applicable): Fordo | Sinister Event Name: The Data That Got Away Summary of the story: So I noticed that two people were on clone commando jobs and were getting interrogated so I decided to work with that. Our Venator received a transport of a new company of clones that was comprised of survivors from various battalions that had been wiped out. (7 in total, 4 Commandos, 3 CT's) We received a hologram message from Commander Sinister about the new company of clones enroute to our Venator. The LAAT carrying the new company arrived, the clones disembarked had their ID's check and they immediately went every where. The new CT transfers had several PTSD attacks and were a nuisance for CG, while the commandos secretly went to reinforce their brother that was being questioned in medbay. The commandos came to med bay to find that their comrade had already been uncovered so they executed their further orders. Steal republic data and make it off ship. What was the result of the event?: Some new CT's were arrested, and one commando droid escaped from the Venator by jumping out the airlock to a CIS ship that warped in to pick him up. The remaining commandos executed their final protocol and opened fire upon the clones. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with RP
  3. +1 Baron and I have had our differences in the past, but he has proven to me that he is a capable leader, he has been dedicated to SO and i've seen him online more than any other member of SO. He has put in both the time and the work for SO. Hes been stubborn and hardheaded at times but he is not ignorant of reason. Out of everyone I think hes the best for the job.
  4. +1 Creative and good work on the game masters part, how ever a big -1 for the players choices during that event.
  5. Hear me roar, eat my grits! +1
  6. @Punybob There wasnt any abuse of admin powers throughout the whole event.
  7. @Bbstine Only part of this is still an issue. The heavy still does not have the 104th armor buff, and the Sharpshooter class is still on the server. The green text has been fixed.
  8. RP Name: Wolfpack Lead XO Comet Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:3579804 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 20 Timezone: Central Standard Time (CST) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be an administrator so that I can help other players on the server. I have seen players who have waited half an hour or more to get a simple issue resolved, and Id like to be there and be a resource for those people. I have been in those players shoes before and Id like to be able prevent that from ever happening to any player on the server. I have also thoroughly enjoyed the time I have spent with this community, I have chosen to support it with my money and now I would like to support it further with my time and dedication. I would like to see this community continue to grow and develop into something we all can love and enjoy. Being apart of the staff team would give me that opportunity to help the community continue to grow and hopefully leave a lasting and positive impression on the players i'm able to help. Tell us a little bit about yourself ( 3 sentence minimum): I am a 20 year old full time firefighter from south central Texas. I got my start firefighting by volunteering while I was in high school, and I realized that it was something that I loved, so I decided to pursue firefighting as my full time career. I have been playing video games since I was 5 and I built my first PC when I was 15 with money I had saved up working over the summer. Do you have any previous staff experience? No I do not. How much playtime do you have on the Synergy server? 707:34:46 Are you currently staff on a Synergy server? No I am not.
  9. Name: Wolfpack Lead XO Comet | Spartan Suggestion: Whitelist all the props in the prop packs for SWRP. If there are props that shouldn't be white listed such as large ships and such remove them from the prop packs. My reasoning for this is to make building easier for all people. So game masters know exactly what the have to work with when making an event and people building offline don't have to go back and forth to see if things are blacklisted. Implementation: No idea how it would work. Lore: Lore isn't necessary for this suggestion. Workshop content if applicable: The current prop packs used by synergy role play.
  10. I agree with you, that's why i made an event idea that has the possibility for the republic to lose and gave it to alfa.
  11. 1. Wasnt meant to be a story driven event, just a late night shoot em up. 2. This helped people to learn. Gives them an excues to move around the ship under pressure. 3. How is that the Game masters fault? It was 4:00am for some people, just a fun late night event to shoot stuff.
  12. +1 Had a good time, liked the premise of it all but i feel it would have been better on a slightly smaller map.
  13. Neutral The story was silly but thats ok it was still fun, the clones performed excellently and had good RP. The two trando event jobs were sketchy at best and were failRP at the end by dying of ligma.
  14. Neutral Not alot of RP or back story, it was also incredibbly laggy.
  15. Old Spartan

    Alfa | Baited

    +1 Turned into a really great RP event that had good shooting bits mixed in. Great job, hope you can get some sleep next time XD
  16. +1 You were rough around the edges when you first joined. However you've definitely proved that your a good leader and that your capable of changing for the positive. Although just like your color choices your fucking autistic
  17. o7 my first and best BCMD, fair winds and following seas brother.
  18. Neutral +1 The whole premise of the event was good, and there was some nice RP moments. -1 Sporadic transport to and from the station ended up leaving people stranded on ship. Also the negotiations were taken from the 104th, and the negotiations were interrupted by a rouge clone.
  19. +1 Chop said it all. You signed up for the responsibility.
  20. +1 Was a fun late night event, was nice to work with everyone. Lots of droids to shoot and some good TECH RP moments.
  21. Welcome brother its always good to have another public servant on the server ❤️
  22. +1 Seems like a good replacement until the scopes can be fixed.
  23. +1 If its possible and not a ton of work go for it. But if its a ton of work just let the event jobs no target themselves.
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