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Old Spartan

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Everything posted by Old Spartan

  1. nice meme +1 copy paste ❤️
  2. +1 Everyone should have standard loadouts for every class.
  3. Old Spartan


    Thats literally what he said you forehead Also +1
  4. Joah I personally believe that server performance should be 100% the priority and I think you agree with me. I normally don't suggest what im about to and I disagree with it a majority of the time however I think you should use your prerogative as owner and make this decision for the community. Load in lag has been a major issue for the server for a long time, and no matter what players can't have a good time if the server is shitting it self while they try to play.
  5. While I feel y'all about yeeting the perma weapons I dont like the idea of adding skins in either. Now as for an alternative to adding skins I honestly dont know I'd have to give it some more thought. You can reference my opinion about perma weapons and said systems in the server suggestion for it.
  6. Neutral leaning towards a +1 if we dont add the skins. I believe that the "permaweapons system" has no place on the server. Players shouldn't be able to purchase weapons that make the class specializations of each battalion fruitless. With the "permaweapons system" removed further balancing of each battalion and class load outs would be encouraged. Furthermore I also believe that a weapon skin system shouldn't be added in as a replacement for the "permaweapons system" for two reasons. If we try to make the skins like CS:GO skins they will look autistic and out of place, and if we go for an attempt at "realistic" skins there is nothing lore wise to support the content and it would still look out of place. In reality there is no need for either of these systems as credits have no use on the server other than the "permaweapons system" and to purchase ammo. :Edit for clarification: I don't think all the guns should be removed from the server, I think the system should be removed. There is no reason in my mind why any of the guns from the "permaweapons system" couldn't be balance and incorporated into the battalion class load outs. Assuming there is lore to support it, and if there isn't lore to support it keep them on the server to be used as fun items to acquire during events.
  7. From what I've read you wouldn't have to give up any of the things you mentioned, and your statement is incorrect the voice codec for gmod is shit the sample rate is currently 11025 you'd start to have decent sound at 32000.
  8. Chill buddy if you keep sucking that hard your gonna need some of these ;P
  9. You mean this autism? Both decisions are autistic either way XD
  10. I'm not upset at all, I just enjoy the irony in the situation. XD Although im sure you were more upset when people made fun of your name change. ;) :p
  11. When your server load in card says by the players for the players and the players make a decision and you tell them to shove it. Not to mention the plethora of previously denied suggestions to re add this battalion.
  12. If you took ten seconds to look at what he linked you would see that it literally uses team speak as in game voice. It basically allows us to use teamspeak for everything it makes our life easier. There is literally nothing to confirm what you've stated anywhere. Lastly this gets a massive +1 from me. This can lead to increased RP where battalions have to actually use radio comms, similarly to task force radio in arma 3. Lastly it provides the way better audio quality of teamspeak vs garrys mod shit voice comms.
  13. Just like the founders said 187th was never coming back?
  14. "wE hAvE tO rP!!!!!! REEEEEEE" Yall everyone i've quoted has hit the nail on the head. ITS AN RP SERVER ❤️ +1
  15. Name: Alpha-22 Aven | Spartan Staff Rank: Senior Admin (SA) Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): One week, 02/24/2019 - 03/03/2019 Reason: Headed out of the country for a small vacation. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  16. If we were going to "revolt" there would have been a Wolffe app up from literally any of the former Wolffe's. I personally believe Skunk isn't ready yet because of the limited time he's had to grow and learn as an officer, furthermore for you to say that @Chop's claims are stupid is foolish considering you had no involvement what so ever in the situation. All your knowledge of the situation is based off rumors or hearsay from people who were involved. Your characterization of events during the officer report is false. I have also attached a video link to the meeting where we sat down and talked about what happened. All of the events were clearly explained and clarified to all present. When Wagner was unable to deal with the report due to his IRL situation, Chop also reported it to Skunk following his proper chain of command since Skunk was the next highest officer due to you being offline at that moment. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LAptiNotfvQidK_txF7uTfu40Lo2oalZ/view?usp=sharing (Video of the meeting regarding Chops officer report)
  17. Neutral The man I chose as my successor, you and I have disagreed heavily recently. Putting all of that aside I think besides having another former Wolffe run for the position you are the most qualified and best suited to this role. You've recognized mistakes you've made when you started and a second term could be a chance for you to correct those mistakes or fail miserably . However I think your health is an important concern, you are an Eastern player with a mixed battalion but I see you on for long hours during Western times. Fix your sleep schedule, take care of yourself, and do not put your health away for a game.
  18. Even though I have disagreed with the current leadership of the 104th including Scarecrow and yourself I personally believe that you are not ready for this position. You have minimal experience as a high ranking officer in the battalion considering you have held the position of commander for a little more than 3 weeks. Further more I believe your attitude could present issues for you as BCMD. As well as I personally think you need more time to grow and develop before you move to a BCMD position. Finally I can verify what @Chop Is saying was true, I was present while both him and myself were trying to get the report solved and honestly the attitudes of the high command of the 104th towards his report were appalling. -1
  19. After speaking with you, and you kindly answering some of my questions I gladly give you a +1.
  20. 7.5-8.0 Good event overall! Some more back story given to the troopers and actual reason to hack terminals and get data would have been great.
  21. Name: Rancor SGM Spartan SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35798040 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 1102:30:53 From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7.5-8 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: 8-9 Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: This is an event idea thats got alot to it, including plot twists and such so im only going to be giving vague information on it. I already have a completed doc for it but I dont want to spoil it. As the Clone wars continue to rage on, the leaders of the CIS forces are harassed by the need to increase production of B2 battle droids due to the ineffectiveness of B1 battle droids. As a result of this need the CIS forces have expanded their Duranium mining operations from the asteroid belt of Geonosis to the planets in the surrounding Arkanis sector. Multiple deposits of Duranium were discovered by the CIS on the surface of Andooweel. They were quick to set up multiple mining operations on the surface of the planet to satisfy the demand of increased B2 battle droid production of the Geonosian droid foundries. Republic intelligence received an anonymous tip off containing the locations of these mining outposts on Andooweel. Republic forces of the Venator Resolute have been ordered to the Arkanis sector to track down the CIS mining bases and destroy them, in an effort to cripple the CIS’s ability to manufacture B2 battle droids. This is a previous event idea that i've wanted to do but was never able to. Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):
  22. Truth They are fucking garbage, RIP my Wolfpack.
  23. +1 After speaking with him directly about this I know he truly regrets his mistakes. He's a good man who's recognized his mistakes and wants to come back to our great community. We should give him the same chance we've given others who have been even worse for the community.
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