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Everything posted by Zyner

  1. So, it most likely will be required to be handed out by the Gamemaster as they will have to take this into account for events due to the minor lag it adds. The more people are around the person making the cover the more lag it will create as the ghosted preview is visible to anyone around that person. The cool part is that we can make our on fortifications by just swapping the model in the code, such as if we find walls or barricades that are in the style of Star Wars we can use those instead of sandbags and etc. I'd say +1 based on what the extent of the lag is. And of course event server only.
  2. Zyner

    Put sign above ATC

    More textscreens on the server, more props, more lag. When it gets to a severe situation then maybe we'll waste another half FPS on a textscreen up there. Until then it's just a regular server rule. As it stands, during DEFCON 6 or any ordinary situation, you may not be on top of ATC. You are to be at ease, doing your regular duty and that in no way would require you to be on top of ATC (unless you make a meme excuse to try and play against the rules). When outside of such DEFCON and either during a combat situation or with a good reason, you may get up there for strategical purposes such as getting a good line of sight with a sniper because that is utilizing your envinorment - but also realize you are making the ATC a more focused target if enemies become aware that's where they are being attacked from. So, just like cloaking, saber ignition, firing, etc, is not allowed on DEFCON 6 neither is being on top of ATC. Once you're in a combat situation, then it's strategical advantage.
  3. The option to add a file was removed for security purposes so I doubt it will be added back.
  4. @Prince, Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing any changes to your LOA so I may update it accordingly. Otherwise, your LOA is set to end on the given date.
  5. @wicked, Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing any changes to your LOA so I may update it accordingly. Otherwise, your LOA is set to end on the given date.
  6. @Snadvich, Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing any changes to your LOA so I may update it accordingly. Otherwise, your LOA is set to end on the given date.
  7. @Avavel, Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing any changes to your LOA so I may update it accordingly. Otherwise, your LOA is set to end on the given date.
  8. @Stix, Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing any changes to your LOA so I may update it accordingly. Otherwise, your LOA is set to end on the given date.
  9. +1 simply because you tried something new, different and most certainly unique that didn't turn bad.
  10. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  11. This Staff Application has been denied due to failure to contact a HA+ by the required date. You may re-apply for staff on 8/29/18.
  12. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  13. @GM CABOOSE , Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing your LOA is over so I may update it accordingly.
  14. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  15. @Egert75, Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing your LOA is over so I may update it accordingly.
  16. @Pratt, Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing your LOA is over so I may update it accordingly.
  17. @Eclipse, Your ROA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing your LOA is over so I may update it accordingly.
  18. @Buuged | Thermite, Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing your LOA is over so I may update it accordingly.
  19. Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Thinking Outside The Box Summary of the story: The Venator went through an asteroid field while on auto-pilot and some asteroids collided with the hull. The shield took care of most but a few rather sharp asteroids pierced the hull and allowed in a quickly growing life form that spread through the ship. What was the result of the event?: The alien life forms quickly adapted to the new environemnt, feeding off of the blaster fire of the Troopers and quickly mutating and evolving. This lead to a massive alien tormenting the Main Hangar Bay as all forces shot at it to no avail - not realizing it was feeding off their ammunition. Finally, the deviced the idea to toss it out of the moonpool when they realized not all problems can be solved with blaster fire. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up
  20. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
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