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Everything posted by Zyner

  1. Zyner

    Bull's Loa

    Your return has been logged, welcome back.
  2. @Rackarain, Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing your LOA is over so I may update it on your return.
  3. Zyner

    Neo's LOA

    @Neo, Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing your LOA is over so I may update it on your return. Should you be up for it feel free to contact myself, Medic or Zim if you want to just chat or have someone who will spend time with you.
  4. Zyner

    Rogue LOA

    @Rogue, Your LOA has been logged. Please @Zyner announcing your LOA is over so I may update it on your return.
  5. Zyner

    Mail System

    -1 Could just use Discord PMs.
  6. Your LOA has been logged, please reply to this post announcing your LOA is over so we may update it on your return.
  7. +1 A true Hero that would take a grenade for his Brothers.
  8. Your return has been logged, welcome back.
  9. Your LOA has been logged, please reply to this post announcing your LOA is over so we may update it on your return.
  10. Thank you for your service and the work you put in both as a Game Helper & Game Master.
  11. This application has been voided as per the request of the applicant. You may reapply in 30 days (July 19th).
  12. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  13. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  14. Your LOA has been logged, please reply to this post announcing your LOA is over so we may update it on your return.
  15. Good question, should contact whoever was in Command for that information.
  16. Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): Alfa, Rackarain, Rogue Event Name: Slaughterhouse Summary of the story: The Venator while on course approached a nearby slaughterhouse that made profit on killing Banthas and selling their meat, organs and such. This was an illegal practice in most of the Republic but they had found a gray area where the small sector they were in allowed for this business to prosper. As the Venator came cloes to their outpost, they reached out and began communicating. What was the result of the event?: The Republic came and inspected the place, some made purchases. Eventually a Naboo representative came around to inspect the legality of the facility and found it personally to be illegal. The Butcher became angry at his claims as he had proven many times before that the sector he was in did not outlaw his proccessing but there would always be a representative trying to shut him down regardless. The Butcher killed the Naboo representative and an SO alerted the Republic. As they came back, they charged the station and began to destroy it, killing the banthas and some of the workers in the process. The Owner was apprehended but managed to get his way and eventually called up his acomplice to come with a ship to rescue him & get away. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay
  17. Your LOA has been logged, please reply to this post announcing your LOA is over so we may update it on your return.
  18. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  19. +1 currently the best Game Helper there is and no doubt will be an essential Game Master.
  20. Thank you for the reply, your LOA has been updated.
  21. Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): Blank Event Name: Talz Hunters Summary of the story: Some Talz picked up the profecion of being Bounty Hunters to be vigilantes for those who were wronged, taking up hits on those who abused innocent people or were violent individuals, greed and such. After only a few days of being Bounty Hunters, and not very good ones at that, they picked up a contract against the Song of a Pirate who robbed a cargo ship. They severely under estimated their enemy and they were outnumbered and outskilled, their ship destroyed as they escaped in an escape pod and eventually met up with the Republic. What was the result of the event?: The Talz tried to get help from the Republic but eventually decided to make a last ditch effort to attack them as they showed no sign of aiding. As the attack was happening, the Son of a Pirate came around and began an assault on the Republic as he figured they had welcomed the Talz. Surprisingly, the Republic made a deal with the Pirates, to give up the Talz if the Pirate stoppedd the attack. The exchange was made and the Pirates left on their way. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both.
  22. Requesting an update on your LOA.
  23. You logged your own LOA, but please reply to this post announcing your LOA is over so we may update it on your return.
  24. Zyner

    Bull's Loa

    Your LOA has been logged, please reply to this post announcing your LOA is over so we may update it on your return.
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