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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. Name:

    Zyner & Square

    Who helped (If applicable):

    BCNS, Lix, Deadly

    Event Name:

    Lost Ship

    Summary of the story:

    A ship comes in sight of the Venator and Troops are sent out to investigate. Inside, a group of various different races is encountered in a wreckage, run out of supplies to survive & resort to eating their own supply of exotic animals & a crew member. Three different factions have been made and the ship divided as each group seeks their own interest. The Republic arrives to see what is going on and learn of the situation these men have gotten in and save them.

    What was the result of the event?:

    The Republic came on board and listened to all sides of the story and took the survivors to the Venator. Upon arriving, the Captain of the ship heard through comms they planned to blow his ship up and he demanded they stopped, putting his life at risk doing so. Tragically, he was tazed while at the Airlock, became disorientated and walked off ship to his death. The rest of the crew were infested with Massif fleas and taken to the Medbay for disinfection & questioning. Once they were cleaned & fed they were put on a ship to Coruscant. Unknown to the crew, one of the members that they allowed on the crew was the reason for the engine failure as he had previously sold a faulty engine which just happened to end on the ship he boarded.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


  2. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    JBFox, Square

    Event Name:

    Forced Cure

    Summary of the story:

    An unknown society had their community infested with a foreign alien species, as a last ditch effort they delivered the infection into a research station in order to force the scientists to make a cure. They planned to steal it once it was made in order to help their own people but the scientists managed to send out a distress beacon and the Republic answered. The Venator found the station and boarded it, fighting through all the monsters inside and attempt to figure out what happened. Meanwhile, the society had a group awaiting for the cure to be finished and move into the station after the Republic leaves. They search for the cure or data on it while the Republic leave and go back to the Venator. The infection covers their armor and begins to spread within the ship while the people on the space station begin to argue whether they should help the Republic or not. The infection is too advanced to make a cure on the Venator and they realize that the data for the cure should be on the research station. The people who infected the station on purpose went on board to get the antivirus and left with it while one had a change of heart and helped the republic.

    What was the result of the event?:

    One of the people who wanted the cure sided with the republic and gave them part of it in order to stop the spreading in the ship, Republic survived.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

    Shoot 'em up with a purpose & side story.

  3. Name:

    Zyner, Korm & Square

    Who helped (If applicable):


    Event Name:

    Convoy Escort

    Summary of the story:

    A CIS Frigate was found to be loading materials on a planet and the Republic had been using cloaked vessels to send troops and tanks fitted with explosives to blow the Frigate up. All troops were deployed and once they began to move out the CIS saw heat signatures and began to deploy forces. The troopers managed to get a tank to the tip of the Frigate and blew it up.

    What was the result of the event?:


    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

    Shoot 'em up with a purpose

  4. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):


    Event Name:

    Happy Birthday

    Summary of the story:

    A space station was being built on Dagobah, mistakenly assumed to be Naboo by some Jedi, so a General went to investigate. Upon arriving, a cult surrounded the General and sang him Happy Birthday. A battle ensued when they tried to take him down as he was flabbergasted and eventually they knocked him out. Later on, a couple of RC and a Pilot came to the station to investigate and were greeted by the cult members as well as they sang happy birthday. After some discussion, another fight ensued as they tried to retrieve the Jedi General. Then, unexpectedly, an RC used a rocket inside the fragile station which caused it to begin self destructing. Everyone began to make their way for the airlock as a cult member tied the Jedi General to a barrel and flung him into space. The rest continued to fight to the death or flee onto the Venator as the Jedi General floated in space on debris. As all cult members were taken down, the Jedi General awoke on the debris and contacted the Venator for help.

    What was the result of the event?:

    The cultist were dealt with, even the one that boarded the ship but the Jedi General had to wait a while floating in space until he was finally rescued.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


  5. Name:

    Zyner & Square

    Who helped (If applicable):


    Event Name:

    Sith Reborn - Part III: Temple Assault

    Summary of the story:

    A hidden Sith Temple was recently discovered to be unearthed on Tatooine by CIS Forces, they had set up a blockade with Frigates to prevent any forces from entering. The Venator deployed an Acclamator filled with Pilots & Pilot trained personnel in order to begin an assault against the CIS Forces and make it possible for a ground deployment. After a long battle, the Acclamator brought down the CIS Frigate that was stationed over the temple but began to take fire from an AA lazer canon that became operational. All Pilots focused fire on the canon and destroyed it, making it possible for the Acclamator to sustain itself. All forces deployed the necessary materials for an FOB in the ridges of a canyon, unseen by the CIS and came back onto the Acclamator

    What was the result of the event?:

    The Pilots helped make way for a ground deployment.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

    Shoot 'em up.

  6. Name:



    Add Frigate Props for immersion

    Add Command Outpost props for Galactic Conquest events or any requiring taking an outpost


    Add Frigate Pack (File Size - 12.106 MB)

    Add Command Post Pack (File Size - 0.325 MB)


    There were frigates in Star Wars

    There were command outposts in Battlefront I & II

    Workshop content if applicable:
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")



    If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

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  7. It was not, then it was, then it wasn't, then it was once again but now rules state otherwise.

    "If you were in an event, debrief is mandatory if it is called."

    Which relates to that if you did not take part in an event, debrief is not mandatory.

    So, here we go for yet another confirmation on this.

  8. +1

    The whole purpose of the forum was to let everyone have their word - which removing the entire section effectively caused to silence all which isn't very "Community-driven friendly"

    I understand it was removed due to the drama that it was creating, but those bringing in the drama should be pulled aside or punished singularly rather than removing it and preventing any members from getting stuff off their chest.

    It should be noted that the purpose of the section is to let things off your chase without attacking anyone or calling people out, if it's something that happened by accident that is okay but if your goal is to target someone then things need to be taken privately.

    • Agree 1
  9. Name:

    Zyner | Plo Koon


    Battalion Flags (File Size - 0.914 MB)


    Adding it to the prop list


    With each Battalion becoming more significantly different as the Clone Wars progressed, including them having their own colors, logos and characteristics I feel the flags would fall under each Battalion wanting to represent themselves.

    Workshop content if applicable:
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")


    If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

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