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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. -1

    44th SO is not the same as the SO we have. They are also part of the SO-BDE along with all the RC Squads.

    They also mostly specialized on just demolitions & explosions, not espionage and some of the other stuff mentioned. They were always sent on high-risk missions and quite enjoyed blowing things up or being loud; which seems the opposite of what the current SO is supposed to be.

    Also left out Spitter, poor Spitter..

  2. Wrong format.

    No love for Spitter?

    SO here is called SO, not 44th, so you'd have to revamp SO to be 44th SO to get Devil Dogs I'd imagine.

    Also, 44th is part of SOBDE.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jayarr said:

    Yikes. Don't know if I can make this one. 

    I asked a few other devs about it and they said it's possible but in no time soon, and I mean months on end with no ETA.

    Out of curiosity what is it about this model that makes it so difficult?

  4. +1

    I don't understand where the "issues" come from. It's the same thing as when we had to switch back to standing & then sitting. There will be a period of adjustment and then it's back to being settled.

    Part of the reason I +1 is because a lot of the meme/jokes are during this brief moment. Nearly every DB is filled with people yelling at each other from the other side, tossing jokes, etc. It's like a Classroom right before the teacher steps in. Specially the one trooper that always has to stand out and yell "____ on deck!" as if nobody else was aware.

    • Agree 1
  5. Name:

    Zyner, Lighig & Esitt

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Square, Maymays, Meow, Deadly

    Event Name:

    Endor Diplomacy

    Summary of the story:

    Meow wanted to do a Defcon 1 event so this is what we came up with. Lighig & Esitt oversaw the Main Server portion while Zyner oversaw the Event Server portion.

    A CIS Senator sought to make peace with a treaty and the Venator traveled to Endor where the Senator awaited. Once arrived, the Senator came on board and began a meeting with Republic Senators. After some time, two CIS Frigates warped out of hyperspace and announced they would not let a traitor live and the CIS would never seek to end this war through peace. A conflict ensued as the Venator took heavy fire from all Frigates which caused catastrophic damage as it began to be boarded and droids spread through the ship. The damage became too much as things escalated to a Defcon 1 where all troops were advised to get on escape pods and flee to Endor.

    Upon arrival to Endor, troops were met by heavy fire from the Frigates above and needed to find safe place to regroup. the CIS Senator informed them there was a nearby bunker and all troops headed for it. The CIS' strength continued to grow as ground troops were deployed, the Republic had no choice but retreat into the bunker and asses their situation. Upon reaching the bunker, they find an old console which they work on & power on and find schematics for a communications relay so they could contact the Republic. It required a few pieces that were scattered through the battlefield, they would have to fight through waves of droids and retreat the items to build it. Once built, they contacted the Republic to ask for aid & EVAC, holding out in the bunker until they arrived.

    After their arrival, an Acclamator & Republic ships fought the Frigates as the ground troops pushed against the droids. Once cleared, an EVAC proceeded to return all troops to Coruscant and on board a new Venator.

    What was the result of the event?:

    The Republic managed to survive against the odds.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:



    • Agree 3
  6. What also need to be addressed is that troopers wouldn't hear enemy comms unless naval routed it. Troopers have comms to each other/within the ship while naval has that and incoming/outgoing ship comms. If someone outside the shipp comms something troopers shouldnt hear it nor reply, only naval has access to hear it.

  7. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    Square, Deadly, Mark

    Event Name:

    Royal Penguin

    Summary of the story:

    The Venator encountered a static signal and upon investigating they stumbled upon a private club called "The Royal Penguin" which is an invite-only club that locates itself on a random planet every event.

    What was the result of the event?:

    Troops came in an enjoyed various different activities such as: Gambling, drinking, dancing, music, relaxing and etc.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


  8. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    Square, Buzz, Jinks, Scribbles

    Event Name:

    After LOA Droid Package

    Summary of the story:

    Plo Koon returned from a long mission and ironically at the same time the Republic dispatched a new set of droids for our Venator to use on-ship. Curiously, Plo Koon was missing the entire time the droids were on board... Hmm...

    What was the result of the event?:

    Droids were given out to Battalions to do whatever the wished with them. A few were scrapped while others lived long lives with their newfound owners. Others had their lives cut short as were scanned to be possible hostiles and/or were scrapped.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


    • Agree 2
    • Disagree 1
  9. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    BCNS, Scribbles, Deadly, Buzz

    Event Name:

    Military Aid

    Summary of the story:

    The Republic contacted the Venator about an incoming vessel carrying personnel from a planet that did not have many Republic troops on it. The planet did not require immediate assistance but in an effort to put this civilization in a better spot they have picked up a few persons and taken them to our Venator for us to teach them some of our ways; such as Engineering, Medical, Piloting, etc.

    What was the result of the event?:

    Some of the Civilians were taken by clones and trained them in what they came to learn. Some others, particularly the research droid, were hassled by some of the troops for wandering around the ship although they were escorted. During the visit, the ship seemed to be attacked by something that sneaked into the ship, killing a few clones and deploying explosives so the Civilians were escorted to the brig for safety. After all the commotion was handled, the Civilians were escorted off the ship but the Republic kept & scrapped their valued research droid.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


  10. 12 hours ago, Rush Cat said:

    +1 Since our RC medics have it I don't see why the named medic from 501st can't have it. I am fine with it.

    Wait, why do RC Medics get RM's Medkits? Was that an oversight or on purpose?

    Also, people are bringing up how Kix is a battalion Medic, which is true, but he is also a named character. That's 1 Medkit vs. Unlimited (Whatever their Medic slot is). Since named characters that are medics specialized in being a medic it makes partial sense to give only those specific characters RM's Medkits - and seeing how RC already has them then why not.

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