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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. 8 minutes ago, Mr.Acorn said:

    It's not all battalion medics it's the named battalion medic Kix

    I understand that, but then that would put him above other named medics. What I simply suggest is updating it so it's all named character medics.

  2. Trauma being dead is not a valid point against this, quite a bit of troopers we use now are dead but we shrug and keep going forward.


    What if instead of making it an entire new Battalion why not make it a unit off RANCOR similar to Keller's Unit (RIP) where they train out of Battalion troopers and Trauma has full authority over them as Commander while Blitz/Havoc/Hammer just make sure nothing goes crazy. The unit wouldn't have to interact with RANCOR unless beneficial, otherwise they do their ow thing.

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  3. All I gotta say on the matter is are SO & 41st gonna need Overseer+ permission to spawn? It was clearly stated you require Overseer permission to use these items so I don't understand how it seems feasible to let people spawn with them.

    I'm neutral, will just let things run their course, but definitely not copying 41st considering Egg himself said other people are free to suggested for themselves. Knives are not a specialization.

  4. +1

    Looks even better than the new Black/Yellow armor and has a ton of bodygroupers, even some no one else has.

    Only the most special of specialist boys deserve this special armor. Plus it's already on the server, if anything remove one of the less-liked skins.

  5. If it's true a member has been "Boomer" in-game for a while, that is not allowed. You cannot be a "Named" character if there isn't a job for it, Joah stated so because it dives into you doing things by going around the Directors/Founders.

  6. 7 minutes ago, woeny23 said:

    You may be equal but its postitions you apply for bcmd reg senior marshal yoda admiral etc 

    We talked it over in staff discord, im voiding any attempt. It just kept being brought up how I menioned my equal ranking but my main point was I just wanted to help my Battalion; not that I want in because im equal rank, that was just somethibg I said to lead into how involved I am still with the 104th. We settled it though, everythings fine.

    • Agree 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Core said:

    Only BCMD+ Zyner


    Talked over it in the staff Discord, I'll be bringing it up during Commander Meeting.

    As Doc said, while i am equal to BCMD I fully carry out the same duties and act as such in the batt - with that being said I have the best interest in mind for the 104th so I am under the impression the Discord is for BCMDs to dicuss Battalion matters in which i would want to be involved.

    • Agree 1
  8. I'd like to +1 this for particular reasons, even though it has negative results.

    By doing this, we will certainly take a hit on GameTracker.

    But, we will be able to filter out those that are AFK - lowering lag on the server and give Game Masters an accurate representation of active members.

    Countless time I'd do an Event and see 70 or so people on, but only 20-30 are actually playing - in which I can't really go all out for them on the fun because I still have to account for 70 people worth of lag with spawning, etc.

    This would also periodically reset the cache the server is holding over the hours (maybe? I don't know, I just know I've seen Joah force restart the server a few times in the past to clear cache).

    So, I do +1 it for some of the benefits but it's up to Founders if not only this is possible but is the hit on GameTracker worth taking.

    • Agree 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Mr.Acorn said:

    Other: If anyone says "you're an attack battalion you don't need ARF" I will remind you the 104th a specialized battalion not used for recon has ARF so there's that. To continue it's also so that because we need a new job because infantry is becoming overflowed and the battalion multiple times has asked me if we can get ARF.

    We Recon. We were even in the Recon Regiment previously, thing is we Recon with [large] vehicles. 41st does the sneaky Recon, 91st can do sneaky, aerial or BARC recon. SO does super sneaky Recon.

    So, if the area is completely unknown, you'd send 41st/91st. If the area is proven hostile and we are doing Recon on an area we aren't completely sure of hostiles you could send 104th (prepared for assault) or Shadow Company (no chance for hostiles to know we're scouting).

    All depends on the situation.

  10. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    Square, Deadly, Cabrera

    Event Name:

    Droids Because Why Not

    Summary of the story:

    Some Battalions got some Republic droids to roleplay with.

    What was the result of the event?:

    Some Battalions got some droids to roleplay with.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


  11. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    Fours, Ri, Lighig

    Event Name:

    Fore Droids

    Summary of the story:

    Republic dispatched some more droids for each Battalion to do as they wished with them but things turned bad soon after a poorly trained TECH transmitted a virus from his datapad to one of the droids and are well seen as hostile. As one fled for his life when they were being shut down one by one he managed to find help. All droids were tended again and were all cleared.

    What was the result of the event?:

    In an unexpected turn of events, RC was the hero these droids needed and they took them in when most others sought to scrap them. All seemed well until NULL unveiled their plan and began hunting down each droid.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:



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