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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. +1 but edit them to be less OP, maybe like 25-100 HP. Somewhere in line where a person can survive a few punches but should quickly realize he is better of running than fighting fist fighting it.

    • Agree 2
  2. Don't understand how feelings have changed when we still treat each other the same so perhaps we can talk about that later one on one, I also haven't talked to you in a few days so I'm not aware if anything happened in between. I can think of some stuff that we should talk about but wouldn't see it as serious to feel the need to resign.

  3. Name:


    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible):

    2/12/18 - 2/26/18


    My 1 year anniversary of being in this community is coming up and I want to celebrate it by taking the maximum allowed break [without punishment] of 2 weeks.

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position:


    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?:


  4. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    Zyner, Square, Deadly, Lix, Mercy, Mech

    Event Name:

    Senator Meeting

    Summary of the story:

    The Resolute Venator is picked to host a meeting between Republic & CIS Senators in an attempt to resolve the war peacefully.

    As the meeting took place, Deathwatch were hired by the CIS to kill the traitor Senators who seek peace and also sought to kill the Republic Senators.

    What was the result of the event?:

    The Republic fended off the multiple waves of Deathwatch.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

    Shoot 'em up with a purpose.

  5. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    More Republic Droids

    Event Name:

    Square, Gene

    Summary of the story:

    The Republic gave the Venator some more droids to be assigned to Battalions and do as they wished with them.

    What was the result of the event?:

    Some Battalions got some droids to do as they wished with them. A few ended up malfunctioning and broke down or destroyed, others deterred from their battalions due to being abused or given wrongful treatment. So began the tragic story of a small Pit droid...

    Taken by the Republic out of the scrapyard in Tatooine he was fixed up and reassigned to the Republic as a vehicle technician. Happy to be away from the life of a slave droid on the dunes of Tatooine and the harsh reality it is to live in waking fear of the Tusken Raiders, the Pit droid took every opportunity to help the Republic to show his gratitude. He was clumsy at times, often remarked about how he had rather large feet and troops would step on them but he gladly assured it was no problem. With his helping attitude, he took the first chance he had to volunteer on a Venator, classified as the Resolute, and was deployed to assist the troops.

    A wonderful time was to be had, the pit droid booped every trooper he came in contact with and showed nothing but a cheerful attitude. He was assigned to a Battalion that quickly to a liking to his small size and cuteness but did not have any actual use for him, rather they just sat down and stared at it, commenting how adorable he was. It all changed when one of the troops began scratching and harming the unit as it fled in despair through the Main Hangar Bay, shrieking for help away from his assailant. He met a Protocole Droid, 0GR3, who helped hide him away until it was safe and bond was made between the two. The Battalion who claimed 0GR3 took the small pit droid to their bunks in order to be safe... But nowhere was safe for him..

    Quickly as all finally seemed safe and well, with a glimmer of hope for the droid to still have a purpose on this vessel.. A Jedi came in and shanked the droid to death.

    The rest of the droids fled for their lives as the Marshal gave the order to scrap all droids, they had no choice but to leap out the airlock and hope for the best.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


    • Agree 2
  6. +1

    One of the best Troops we've had in 104th, whilst sad to see him move onto NULL we always look for the best interest in our troops - including if they wish to transfer somewhere else and we always encourage them to go after what they desire. He will be a great Kal.

  7. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    Square, Ginyu (MVP)

    Event Name:


    Summary of the story:

    The Jedi Council Approved Primary Care Licenses Doctor Ginyu diagnosed a trooper with depression as well as noticing he had been taking the wrong medication which equaled to horse tranquilizers. Upon giving him new medication and signing the trooper out, he mistakenly took some of the old medication  with the new one and had to be rushed for surgery. His heart failed and immediate heart surgery must be performed but in the midst of it a Jedi walked into the surgery without having been cleansed and infected the trooper. The infection spread to everyone in the room and they began to rush out for help, spreading the infection. They eventually made their way back to the Medbay to be treated but other troopers began to be wary of their actions and proceeded with caution, leading up to a shoot-to-kill order to cleanse the infection.

    What was the result of the event?:

    The infection was cleansed thoroughly with bullets, lots of bullets.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


  8. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    Square, Crumpet, JBFox, Moose

    Event Name:

    Base Invasion

    Summary of the story:

    Republic became wary about volcanic activity on a distant planet and sent out the DU & RC/NULL to explore it, they quickly found it to be a CIS facility. Inside, Scientists were being held captive to work on the weapon which used volcanic energy to power up a beam which destroyed the Acclamator they arrived in. They stormed the facility and took shelter in it as the CIS sent reinforcements and cornered them inside. The Frigates deployed forces to corner them as DU & RC/NULL investigated the facility and its purpose. They blew into the facility and held it down as the enemy forces swarmed inside until they blew the cavern shut. The Scientists suggested using the weapon to bring down one of the Frigates which caused the facility to begin overheating. Trace & Ordo got the coolant and replaced it to stabilize the facility. The CIS Forces bombed through the cave derbies and an assault for the facility began. DU secured the Scientists to escape through the water ventilation system as RC/NULL held the line. A Scientist suggested to blow the station up instead of leaving it for the CIS, they detonated explosions on the generators which caused the volcano to become active. The last of the CIS Frigates chased the troops back onto the land and the final assault began as all troops fended off against a wave of enemies and the frigate. After defeating the CIS, they called for EVAC and escaped.

    What was the result of the event?:

    DU & RC/NULL saved the Scientists and escaped.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


    • Agree 1
  9. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    Square, Riptide

    Event Name:

    Droid Giveaway

    Summary of the story:

    The Republic sent a few droids to the Venator for each Battalion to do as they pleased with them, some came with reprogrammed special functions.

    A Music Radio Droid
    A G0-T0 Droid
    An Astromech Unit
    A Protocol Droid Unit
    A reprogrammed Tactical Droid Unit
    And another droid

    Each was given away to Battalions to perform whatever was asked of them.

    What was the result of the event?:

    Everyone had fun with the droids; some got shot, others made full fledged battalion members. After some time the droids had a small malfunction and broke down.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:



    • Agree 2
  10. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    Square, Korm

    Event Name:

    Base Invasion

    Summary of the story:

    Republic became wary about volcanic activity on a distant planet and sent out the 212th & CG to explore it, they quickly found it to be a CIS facility. Inside, Scientists were being held captive to work on the weapon which used volcanic energy to power up a beam which destroyed the Acclamator they arrived in. They stormed the facility and took shelter in it as the CIS sent reinforcements and cornered them inside. The Frigates deployed forces to corner them as CG & 212th investigated the facility and its purpose. Some of the aliens being captive were released as a defensive measure, eventually the facility began to overheat so CG quickly began to work on replacing the coolants. The CIS breached the facility and while the troops held out as long as possible, it was futile against two Frigates worth of enemies. They eventually fired the lazer against one Frigate as the other began evasive maneuvers. With no other choice, CG secured the Scientists as 212th backed them up and they escaped through the water ventilation as they set the facility to self destruct. They held out at the old outpost until EVAC came for them as the last wave of enemies surrounded them.

    What was the result of the event?:

    CG & 212th destroyed the facility & saved the Scientists

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


  11. 18 minutes ago, Zim said:

         -Added grappling hook to 104th Trooper

    Just to clarify, is this grappling hook added to 104th ARC Trooper or base trooper? We want it removed from the base 104th Trooper, whilst the ARC Job is missing it.

    And just curious, were you able to edit the script in any way to allow momentum?

    Thank you tons for the Plo Koon skin.

  12. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    Mercy, Black

    Event Name:

    Base Invasion

    Summary of the story:

    Republic became wary about volcanic activity on a distant planet and sent out the 501st to explore it, they quickly found it to be a CIS facility. Inside, Scientists were being held captive to work on the weapon which used volcanic energy to power up a beam which destroyed the Acclamator they arrived in. They stormed the facility and took shelter in it as the CIS sent reinforcements and cornered them inside, one of the Scientists suggested using the weapon on the CIS & destroyed one of the Frigates. The coolants began to deplete of energy and had 501st not replaced them in time the facility would have exploded. After gathering data on the weapon they realized they could not let the CIS have the facility back and set it to self destruct as they found a secret path to escape as the CIS made a blockade at the main entrance. 501st stormed back into the beach, fighting through waves of CIS until they managed to call in EVAC to destroy the remaining Frigates and return to the Venator with the Scientists.

    What was the result of the event?:

    501st was victorious and rescued the Scientists

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


  13. 7 minutes ago, TR GM 4thHRHL CSM Smokes said:
    "Synergy Staff Meeting Leave of Absence Form

    The form Synergy Staff Meeting Leave of Absence Form is no longer accepting responses.
    Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake."


    That is what I see


    Will have to bring it up to someone, it's not supposed be like that.

    • Agree 1
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