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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. Didn't see this be noticed much anywhere, just wanted to point out that after being in 4th place for so long we actually achieve a milestone by surpassing HogwartsRP. Which, for obvious reasons, is a thought thing for any server to do considering their unique standing as the only (or best) HogwartsRP server and we managed that. You managed that.

    Or maybe it was earlier, I just remember looking at the stats and we were 4th just earlier this month and this week noticed we're 3rd. Either way a notable achievement nonetheless.

    • Agree 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, aStonedSparks said:

    Who the fuck is this Sparks kid.


    Been around for some weeks now, don't know why no one told him about his name yet - considering they even made Jek go to Yek cause Jek is a named character. I suggested the name change to one of his officers but they didn't listen. Only thing you can do now is make Sparks a 104th named character in reserve for you.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Billiam Clinton said:

    I do not have issues copy pasting from the document, I do it all the time. When you paste the text in just click "Remove formatting" at the bottom of the text box.

    He means that options to download, print, and copy have been disabled on the document. So whenever we have to bring up rules we have to write them down off the doc instead of copy/paste.

  4. I believe by "Command" they mean in times of war, that is the job of the BCMD. During times of war the Senate is commanded by CG/ST to safety.

    3.5.1.d refers to basically the Senate being able to test or see the performance of their investment, as Troopers are basically property of the Senate/Republic.

  5. Name: Zyner

    Event Name: CIS Wildlife Experiments

    Summary of the story: CIS forces were spotted going into an icy planet with hostile wildlife, it is assumed they plan to experiment on the animals and weaponize them.

    What was the result of the event?: 3 Deployments total. First one succeeded with only one survivor. Second succeeded with a decent amount of survivors. Third was a great success with the aid of Jedi, many survivors.

    Overall a mini-event with multiple deployments for everyone to get an attempt at it.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up with a roleplay environment that required Snowtrooper gear.

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