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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. Neutral, but from reading everything all I can say is that the community can agree he requires more activity.

    Members of the Jedi Council should know of a similar situation, where we asked a certain Jedi to keep up or increase activity when they returned in order for them to go up to Master/named Master. They did their part and we did ours. Now, it's Core's job to get some recognizable activity going before being handed a High Command rank based solely on experience.

  2. Name: Zyner | Plo Koon

    Who helped (If applicable): Mocaris

    Event Name: Captain Dilema

    Summary of the story: The Captain family was approached by some Deathwatch and one of their brothers held hostage, blackmailed to steal data from the Republic by somehow getting into the Venator. Debris from their ship was shot towards the Venator, impacting it and they said they were here to retrieve it. In the debris there was an EMP device and they had to get it to activate inside the ship to fully shut down the systems.. By just their luck, a random shirtless Fisto fell into space and the family arrived just in time to save him and get access into the ship. The family members got into an argument before even attempting to retrieve the device and spilled the beans on the Deathwatch coming. One of them decided to leave due to the brothers fighting, but was seen escaping by the Deathwatch and shot down, luckily managing to fly back into the ship before blowing up. The EMP device went off, shutting down the lights and gates momentarily, the one family member who wanted to still save the brother took this moment to get to Command Deck and download the data. Deathwatch arrived and retrieved the data. The other two brothers surrendered to the Republic and told them everything. The Sister is out there somewhere with their brother.

    What was the result of the event?: After a family dilemma, Deathwatch got the data.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Started as a roleplay event leading into a shoot 'em up.

    • Agree 2
  3. All I've ever seen in the last few months from you is minging and nothing else. That may have been different in the past but you've sold yourself as a minge ultimately. Let alone you literally go to debriefs and build up the biggest burp you can for no other reason than to mess around. While I don't agree on a permaban for dropping money whilst you didn't know it could crash the server, it has been made clear you have no intention to make roleplay your primary concern with the server.


    • Agree 1
    • Disagree 1
  4. Name: Zyner

    Length of LOA: 11/17 - 12/01

    Reason: I first joined IFN in February and have been playing ever since with little to no breaks, just wanna take a break now and play some other games and etc. I'll still be in TS and maybe occasionally get on the server. I'm taking the full two weeks where I can still return to my Jedi General/TRO/Staff positions when my LOA is over.

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Ye

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Ye

  5. Name: Zyner

    Event Name: Lakore's Bar & Grill

    Summary of the story: Naval were contacted by a restaurant chain and they set up in the Mess Hall, offering fresh meals & extravagant drinks. Turns out the manage has a live alien in the back which they used for fresh eggs and additions for food but it managed to escape and bite the Owner. It ran into the ventilation system and laid an egg and began to spread. Two nests were found and eventually destroyed while the infestation receded from the fumes filling the ventilation system. Some of the restaurant staff was detained in the IR and questioned, then taken to Coruscant after for further questioning.

    What was the result of the event?: Infestation under control and surviving staff apprehended.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Began with roleplay and lead up to a shoot 'em up.

  6. Just now, Rexko said:

    why did you even have a racist bind in the first place?

    DarkRP most likely. I know they happen every once in a while, just that with this particular one he didn't apologize for it after so I took it as a minge newcomer.

  7. If the bind is removed and it was a honest mistake, I personally take the ban back. There was no sign of apology or something that made it seem like it was a mistake as you pressed the bind and didn't retort back to it as a mistake.

    Now, what I do find interesting is why did I see another trooper named N3P after this incident? Do you family share or have an alternate account you used to hop back on and join 501st?

  8. 1 minute ago, aStonedSparks said:


    I wouldn't want to get on either if my whole battalion did nothing but report me every week.

    That would only add fuel to the fire.

    If that were the case, the person being reported should communicate and settle the argument to the interest of both parties; Not just walk away and think it'll blow over.

    Otherwise then it's justified that they be removed from their position because they decided not to take action and stand back, rather than take responsibility and address the issue. It is the Leader of the Battalion's job to seek the best in the interest of the Battalion, even if it means to think of himself in retrospect if his own troops are making such a deal out of him.

    Yes, those bringing up the problem have the choice to just leave and move on but it is their dedication to the Battalion for which these issues are brought up.

    Now, all this is not pertaining to Halpert, only specifically to what you've said and I quoted.

  9. I feel that the focus of the report should have been on what he does when he is active, rather than his inactivity.

    If when he is active he is mostly on other classes than Fox, that is fine as long as responsibilities are met.

    If responsibilities aren't met, that should be what the report should be based on. Yeah, some people have proven you can be an inactive BCMD (or even be active and do nothing) but these traits require dedicated Officers and if those Officers saw fit to vote their BCMD out because they feel someone else can bring in more to offer than that should be the point.

  10. Name: Zyner

    Event Name: Distress Signal

    Summary of the story: A Distress signal was received by a nearby Venator to Specialized Battalions (91st, GM, RANCOR & 104th as well as Zomb). Acclamator arrived to an infection-ridden ship, power was out and minimal visibility. The troopers managed to rescue the Naval from the ATC & Medbay areas, as well as the Engineers hiding in IR, the crazed trooper in the secret room and a Jedi who was inside brig. Turns out the Jedi had found an artifact that caused this infestation and he struggled with his mentality to be in the light or dark side. While the Engineers were attempting to fix the power, the grey jedi mind controlled an Engineer and turned on the self destruct button. The troopers managed to destroy the artifact before getting back on the Acclamator and escaping successfully.

    What was the result of the event?: Troops managed to save most of the survivors, destroy the Sith artifact and escape.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Heavy roleplay with 1-life survivalist shoot 'em up aspects.

  11. Name: Zyner

    Event Name: Nephess' Return

    Summary of the story: After having been captured, Nephess (Newt) was brainwashed by Dooku and used as a weapon. He attacked the ship with an army of droids, eventually fighting against Mace Windu & being subdued by Jocasta and an exorcism was performed to bring him back. The CIS tried contacting Nephess but to no response they sent in Sith Acolytes to retrieve him and failed.

    What was the result of the event?: Newt is back with us.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Roleplay start with roleplay mid battle in a shoot 'em up.

  12. Name: Zyner

    Event Name: Umbaran Pods

    Summary of the story: Umbaran mistook our ship for a hostile ship and sent in forces, resulting in power & comms to go down so we could not inform them we were friendly. Leading up to shooting pods with infected animals, a hive began to grow and infected animals spread throughout the entire ship. The hives were destroyed and the Queen killed.

    What was the result of the event?: Victory for the Republic

    Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Minimal RP, mostly shoot 'em up.

  13. Name: Zyner

    Event Name: Salved Droids

    Summary of the story: The Trandoshan that previously escaped sent Cargo to the Venator with stolen droids and one reprogrammed droid that was to cause havoc but it was quickly tended to. The Trandoshan then hired a Mercenary team to track the droid and once a signal was received from the Venator they attacked.

    What was the result of the event?: Mercenaries died.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Beginning with RP then leading into a shoot 'em up.

  14. Name: Zyner

    Event Name: Murder Mystery

    Summary of the story: A few refugees were brought on board and one turned out to be an assassin, to the surprise of many it wasn't the Bounty Hunter. Lights went out due to a power surge, after impersonating different troopers he stole a comms device and contacted a hostile force to come rescue him.

    What was the result of the event?: The assassin managed to escape, barely.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Both.

  15. Name:

    104th Mechanized Assault Battalion Commander Wolffe / Zyner

    Reason for Stepping Down:

    I had never planned to be Wolffe, in all my time in 104th I had always been more of a right hand man, being an officer and helping my Commanders or lead my troops. The time came when action needed to be taken, someone to take the mantle of Wolffe and continue leading 104th. Not many else stood up to the responsibility and whilst I didn't see myself as someone worthy of Wolffe I did see it as a necessary step to make sure 104th would continue moving forward, strive, adapt, overcome and survive.

    It has been a long ride, at least for me, as it had its up and downs. Specially when we were on the list of Battalions to be possibly removed, I put in all my time & dedication to the Battalion and did everything I could and hoped it would be enough for our survival. Now that threat has passed, I've looked into going back into what I spent most my time on previously and return to my Jedi.

    I will be the new Plo Koon and continue helping out the 104th when in need but now I must work on finding my place outside of the Battalion as a named General.

    I thank all those who gave their blessings in my application to become Wolffe and all those who have been kind to the 104th in these past months.

    For the next part to take on the responsibility of Wolffe I leave my recommendation to JBFox, he has shown clear skills in leadership and dedication to the Battalion.

    Date of Full Resignation:

    10/26/17 - 12:00 AM EST

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