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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. Steam Name:

    [SR] Zyner [VA]

    RP Name:

    TRM CT PVT Zyner | 104th High Jedi General Plo Koon

    Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


    Regiment you are applying for:

    Specialized Regiment


    While most will know me as a Jedi, I spent my fair share of time coming up as a Trooper. Although I have been Plo Koon for quite a while now, I never stepped down from leading 104th as I worked together with both the previous BCMDs in order to continue moving 104th forward. Aiding with training, decision making and leading - all roles that you'd expect from a Commanding Officer clone and more.


    104th PVT to 104th XO
    5th Fleet PVT to SGT (when two clone jobs were allowed)
    Jedi Youngling to Jedi Knight
    Trial Mod to Moderator (for 5 months because they mistakenly removed me off the Staff Roster, big meme)
    TRR to TRO

    My time spent in 5th fleet was short but I was always under the wing of BCMD Joe (who became a Regimental here). My goal was simple, uphold the rules and I did this to the best of my ability.


    104th XO to BCMD Wolffe
    Jedi Knight to High Jedi General (Plo Koon)
    Admin to Overseer, then back to Vet Admin (6 time back-to-back champion)
    Game Master
    Trainer Officer to Trainer Manager

    A big note on how dedicated I became to the 104th, or proof of how dedicated I can be to what I set my mind on, I risked and lost my Jedi Master rank due to my inactivity in Jedi as I put all my focus on 104th during the time it was on the list of Battalions to be removed. It is with content that I, alongside my Officers, succeeded in granting 104th its stay on the server and was brought back into the Council after speaking of my situation. There was only one thing left to do for the 104th and that was give them a Plo Koon they could be proud of, previously we had countless amounts of Plo Koon and all would become bored or inactive of the role and leave. I gave up the role of BCMD Wolffe in order to become Plo Koon for my Battalion but I never left the actual duties of Wolffe and alongside the future BCMDs we ran the Battalion together.

    I do not feel my experience as a Staff member should be a pointer on me applying for a Regimental position, so I will leave it to your interpretation on whether you've seen my work as a Staff member or not dictate if you feel this is required.

    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

    I have done most of what I can for the 104th, they are now going to be in good hands with future BCMD Chop and I will continue to assist them if I do obtain Regimental - but this way will further allow me to give my help to the rest of the regiment. I want to see more Battalions flourish and push their boundaries, be more than what they are accustomed and become better - not just settle for good but be great. Be exceptional, unique, an example. There is potential in everyone and I want to bring it out. One of my main goals is to promote SeriousRP or at least roleplay in general. I will treat the REG CMD job the same way the Clone General job is and promote roleplay as much as I can. I will teach them if I have to and spend the time to help them see what good things could come from promoting roleplay on the server. Some day, yes, but not a day goes by that it seems meme'ing around overtakes roleplay. I will dedicate my time to each individual Battalion, with the respect they deserve and the co-operation required for improvements to be made; I will not be a dictator to them and will push for a successful Democratic decision making process as much as possible. Should my actions be required do to the bad doing of individuals, I will step in for the better of the Battalion or Regiment as a whole. Apart of what I can do as a single person, I will have the backing of previous Specialized REG CMD and now current S&S REG CMD @Square to oversee me with his own experience of the Specialize Regiment and help me further my leadership skills over it. Square and myself have worked together very well for a long time and I seek to continue it through the Regimental process. I have also taken notes from other previous SPEC REGs such as @Jax and Joe in order to widen my skills and my way of thinking to further be more open minded and understanding of everyone's individual situations.

    Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

    Yes, I have studied the lore of 104th, Coruscant Guards, Doom's Unit and Republic Med- oh wait...


    Monday - Wednesday: All day
    Thursday - Sunday: Usually 7-8 PM EST until around 11-12PM EST

    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

    BCMD Wolffe
    General Plo Koon
    Game Master
    Trainer Manager

    Do you have a microphone?:


    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

    I want my Regiment to be proud as a whole. To never look at each other with dislike, jealousy, hatred or any negativity. I want them to be able to look at themselves and be proud of who they are in the Battalion they choose to be, for it to never be a thought that they wished they were in a different Battalion for something they didn't have. Be able to walk down the hallways and assimilate with others within the Regiment as their bonds grow closer through our training and time spent together. Co-operative and understanding of one-another, open minded to those outside of their Battalion and understanding to the issues within. Never backing down from a challenge and always keep their heads high and hope strong even if the worst of situations because they will always have each other. I will also seek for them to be better understanding of the rules, both following and enforcing them, while also promoting roleplay throughout the server.

    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

    Part of my planned training will involve people becoming unnamed and starting from scratch on getting to know each other, being tossed with members of other battalions within the Regiment and understand that those around you are now all you have and to make the best of it. Create bonds with every member from every Battalion and see the best in each other. I will also have them teach other members things their own Battalion specializes in order to have a better understanding of how they behave, helping in future situations where troopers will no longer stand dazed or question the actions of others but rather quickly adapt with their newfound knowledge. I will also have interactive training that is more so to have Troopers hang out together while being active, see how others behave and enlarge each person's circle of friends with new, like-minded individuals. It is the bond from Trooper to Trooper that I want to see strengthen. Should they ever leave the Regiment I want them to still go to each other when in need or always see each other as a true Brother.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:


    • Agree 1
  2. Here's the proposition:

    Remove Regular & Loose Wedge.
    Rename Tight Wedge into Regular Wedge, purpose is to have as minimal combat spacing as possible.
    Introduce Advanced Wedge which combines both regular & loose, giving 3-10 person gap per trooper based on how much space you are given. Essentially, an adapting wedge as it will adapt to the area you are using it on.

    For example:
    Regular Wedge will be used for tight corridors or hallways, small spaces in general.
    Advanced Wedge will be used anywhere else, big open areas or moderately sized rooms. Inside rooms, troopers take up 3 person gap. In a mountain range troopers will take a 10 person gap, etc.
    This could be further dictated by the CO saying "Advanced Wedge on me with a # person gap" or something similar.

    This is all an idea, I would like opinions on the matter or if to just leave all wedges as they are or going back to the old Loose Wedge with a 3-6 person gap

  3. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):


    Event Name:

    DU & SO Deployment

    Summary of the story:

    A nearby planet that houses an atmosphere which renders the effect of combustion (Explosives, Rocket Launchers, Jetpacks, some vehicles) useless has been sought out to be in the current research of the CIS. DU & SO were deployed to investigate, alongside Jaing. It is believed the CIS plan to utilize & weaponize the chemicals that make up the atmosphere and use it against the Republic.

    What was the result of the event?:

    DU & SO fought through the harsh wildlife this planet holds, they managed to survive with no casualties & got their hands on the data and completed the mission.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

    Shoot 'em up with a purpose, mini-event deployed under Moonpool with an immersive dupe, story, mission, etc.

  4. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):


    Event Name:

    41st & CG Deployment

    Summary of the story:

    A nearby planet that houses an atmosphere which renders the effect of combustion (Explosives, Rocket Launchers, Jetpacks, some vehicles) useless has been sought out to be in the current research of the CIS. 41st & CG were deployed to investigate.

    What was the result of the event?:

    41st & CG fought through the harsh wildlife this planet holds, many perished but the few that remained got their hands on the data and completed the mission.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

    Shoot 'em up with a purpose, mini-event deployed under Moonpool with an immersive dupe, story, mission, etc.




    Who helped (If applicable):


    Event Name:

    501st Deployment

    Summary of the story:

    41st was deployed to a nearby planet that showed severe changes in its atmosphere. Upon further scanning it was revealed the CIS had set up a base and planned to weaponize the crystals on this planet which could alter atmospheres to nullify all effects of combustion. They traversed the area until they discovered the CIS base, destroyed all droids and captured the data on the weapon.

    What was the result of the event?:

    Some 411st perished but a few survived along with capturing the data.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

    Shoot 'em up with a purpose. This was done on main with a dupe so it was not a full fledged event, small event.

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