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Posts posted by Zyner




    Who helped (If applicable):


    Event Name:

    501st Deployment

    Summary of the story:

    501st was deployed to a nearby planet that showed severe changes in its atmosphere. Upon further scanning it was revealed the CIS had set up a base and planned to weaponize the crystals on this planet which could alter temperatures into the extreme cold. They traversed the area until they discovered the CIS base, destroyed all droids and captured the data on the weapon.

    What was the result of the event?:

    Some 501st perished but most survived along with capturing the data.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

    Shoot 'em up with a purpose. This was done on main with a dupe so it was not a full fledged event, small event.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Mr.Acorn said:

    @Zyner wait TC have always picked a lore name as their character. Is that not allowed cause it’s a tradition we’ve always done sense I was TCL on IFN

    When Synergy first started it was mentioned that you can't simply introduce lore characters to the server without models/Director approval as that would basically be circumventing the system of adding things in. This may have changed, I've tried asking it several times to no reply. In addition, although you guys got TC Trooper back, it was also mentioned that subunits should only be made up for named characters, further pushing the idea that if you're not a named character (aka; a job you can choose) then you shouldn't be it.

    I have not voted on the suggestion, just putting in my opinion as things may be different - this way nothing is really impacted and if anything I will be corrected.

  3. Very convoluted.

    Getting such an amount of new models in will be a problem. You also can't have named characters without the models either. To be honest, I'd just say keep Hawk job and try to suggest for the 501st Pilot job back for unnamed and see how Zim will feel about it.

  4. -1

    There's no shadowing on the map, looks like we're playing Minecraft.

    Plus, if editing it is part of why we should get it then that's a huge negative. Why bother editing the map if it'll be used for just under two months. May as well get a map that's stable, looks good, decent FPS & optimization already on it then spend time editing one - which would have to be accepted by the original map maker.

    I revert my -1, apparently my settings somehow remove the shadows on this map only so to me it looks bad. Don't know how to fix it.

  5. 19 hours ago, Korm said:

    -1/0 - It's a nice place, a ton of empty rooms and an outskirts to explore but other than that it's just a city. Wouldn't make much sense for us to be here other than to literally do an occupation where we live here while we get a new ship/FOB, which in on itself could be interesting. Each Batt would have to pick a house and live in it, roleplay around the city or do some training, etc. To be honest, it's so different from the usual that the experience and outcome could be interesting but I'd doubt it would go that way.

    +1 - Ground FOB with Brig, DB, rooms in the main base for Senators/Base Ops/Naval, some bunks, two large sim rooms and some landing pads. This map will excel at finally making sense why we're attacked so often as we're ground based and easy to target. Plus, the map is bf_arid so it includes everything the current Event Server map has, giving us a lot of opportunities to go out and do training, exploring, passiveRP or events on main.

    +1 - Vastly different than anything we've had. There is one area that can be turned into a Jedi Temple with prop building. Downside is no engine room and no outter space to fly in or be boarded from. Quite funny that the bunks are looks like a prison cell block though lol. This is definitely a bit unique, specially with the training course in the CC room.

    -1/0 - I loaded in and had error textures everywhere, tried downloading it twice and still had them so there might be content missing with it.


  6. 1 hour ago, Fours said:

    Honestly I'd prefer these maps as event server maps. We currently don't have a venator map on the event server.

    I had asked Joah to include the Redeemer in the event server and he did for some time but then it got removed.

  7. Name:



    Some maps to switch to before planetside map


    Switching the main server map to another map


    The Republic had Venators

    Workshop content if applicable:
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

    Can't find it in the Workshop. Maybe Modz or someone else still has it up. I have it downloaded as well.
    The classic, already optimized from our previous use. Not much needs to be said about this map.

    A map once considered to be the main map when Synergy first started, apart from Rishi Moon. This map has plenty to offer as well as a brief snow planetary biome before it all melts away. Tying it into a story, we may as well say that our Venator crashed and we are stranded here until re-deployed to an FOB (the new map). Could give in-character explanation to new players as to we are here.

    Venator AR
    Similar to our old map while having some differences as well. Nice pre-built DB. Old school citadel with NPC spawner & well as another large SIM room with kill houses and obstacle courses pre-built.  Brig with camera & multiple cells. A small Jedi temple. A large SIM room with pre-built obstacles and buildings. Pre-built mess half and small Medbay with some rooms. Some new rooms here and there. One of the complaints for it will be a rather awkward engine room, it's just a laser and a large fan, both which can be turned off.

    Kamino Extensive
    Some are already used to getting to be on Kamino whenever the Main Server goes down, may as well fully immerse ourselves going back to Kamino for some time. As some may know, this includes all of Kamino Standalone, as well as the old Jedi Temple we had plus the Acclamator is now in the air with an LAAT that can take you to and from it as well as escape pods.

    These are just some I had a look out and found justified to bring up as suggestions, there are plenty more I looked over that did not fit well.

    Please make sure to +1/-1 with a reason each specific map to pick a favorite. Feel free to download and try them out yourself.

  8. Just went on the map. It is vastly different than the version we are used to, plenty of new rooms to do new things yet similar enough to bring back some memories. It is quite dark though. Looking over a comment it does seem that the mapper stole different ides from other maps and compiled them into this, for example this map has Superior's stairs system. The elevator is just as cancerous as we remember it to be.

    Apart from being incredibly dark in areas, there are some that just seem to conflict with the map's shadow rendering or where the light point is and there are rooms that are half lit up and half dark. I also don't know if it's just me but there is a texture missing over the ceilings and doors; but it's a reflective texture, not the actual texture it self.

    • Very nice pre-build DB and specious.
    • Has hyperspace although shittier looking, has one button to stat another to end.
    • HUGE Citadel.
    • Very dark, some areas are even half lit and half dark.
    • Vastly different from our previous map, a ton of new areas, rooms & pathways.
    • There is a Senate room as well as small city area and a large Jedi Temple, although don't know how to access them.
    • CC Room is large, can do two training groups going opposite ways.
    • Original shooting range + Rishi moon shooting range.
    • Small Medbay where brig was. Brig moved up to 2nd floor section of ER Lobby with multiple cells.
    • Pre-built mess hall where Naval bunks used to be.
    • Doesn't seem to have the secret buttons room
    • The 1x1 error texture block on the outside of the ship is no longer here.
    • Button to turn off ALL lights, as well as the old school alarm.

    Overall, it is quite different but the visual bugs will not sit well to represent the server. If maybe the map could be updated to have the light rendering fixed, be brighter and fix the texture error (still don't know if it's just me) and then it would be a great map.

    As stated on the first post, this is an excellent map to take inspiration from and build our own. It would be a great Venator map were it not for some of the visual bugs. There's plenty of new rooms and areas (Senate Hall, Jedi Temple) but some of the rooms feel unnecessary so they could be put somewhere else or made into new sections.

  9. 1 minute ago, Bbstine said:

    Was extremely laggy, but I believe that was due to the mass effect props and such.


    But it was about as equal to what we have now on the ship currently.

    Could do an event server event with the map and as many people as possible and see how that goes.

    Plus, in some months we're bound to get the new map anyways so this won't be staying a while either.

    • Agree 1
  10. -1

    Rules on name state no numbers in it but you've ignored that since you've returned to the server.

    In the past you've taken plenty of second chances from your minging ways, not even gonna bring up the events.

    It just seems like it has been an on/off case. Perhaps you've improved in the last few months but the community feedback will reveal that.

  11. -1

    As you stated, he becomes an ARC at the end of the war. Our period is in the middle of it so wouldn't make sense for him to get a change due to future actions - would be like giving Anakin the Vader model.

    The description is technically correct, it describes the charavter to the latest content - but some of it is ahead of our time. 

    • Agree 3
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