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Everything posted by Zyner

  1. Should probably re-color the logo, looks like a sticker.
  2. -1 Too much space for just skins. Just color/material them instead.
  3. What are they even supposed to look like?
  4. Here's the proposition: Remove Regular & Loose Wedge. Rename Tight Wedge into Regular Wedge, purpose is to have as minimal combat spacing as possible. Introduce Advanced Wedge which combines both regular & loose, giving 3-10 person gap per trooper based on how much space you are given. Essentially, an adapting wedge as it will adapt to the area you are using it on. For example: Regular Wedge will be used for tight corridors or hallways, small spaces in general. Advanced Wedge will be used anywhere else, big open areas or moderately sized rooms. Inside rooms, troopers take up 3 person gap. In a mountain range troopers will take a 10 person gap, etc. This could be further dictated by the CO saying "Advanced Wedge on me with a # person gap" or something similar. This is all an idea, I would like opinions on the matter or if to just leave all wedges as they are or going back to the old Loose Wedge with a 3-6 person gap
  5. Thank you for all the time you've invested into the server, it has not gone unnoticed and we sincerely are grateful for all of it. I hope that everything gets better for you and that it all works out well in the end.
  6. Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: DU & SO Deployment Summary of the story: A nearby planet that houses an atmosphere which renders the effect of combustion (Explosives, Rocket Launchers, Jetpacks, some vehicles) useless has been sought out to be in the current research of the CIS. DU & SO were deployed to investigate, alongside Jaing. It is believed the CIS plan to utilize & weaponize the chemicals that make up the atmosphere and use it against the Republic. What was the result of the event?: DU & SO fought through the harsh wildlife this planet holds, they managed to survive with no casualties & got their hands on the data and completed the mission. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up with a purpose, mini-event deployed under Moonpool with an immersive dupe, story, mission, etc.
  7. Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: 41st & CG Deployment Summary of the story: A nearby planet that houses an atmosphere which renders the effect of combustion (Explosives, Rocket Launchers, Jetpacks, some vehicles) useless has been sought out to be in the current research of the CIS. 41st & CG were deployed to investigate. What was the result of the event?: 41st & CG fought through the harsh wildlife this planet holds, many perished but the few that remained got their hands on the data and completed the mission. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up with a purpose, mini-event deployed under Moonpool with an immersive dupe, story, mission, etc.
  8. Neutral - make it Named Characters only and I'd vote.
  9. Zyner

    41st Deployment

    Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): Square Event Name: 501st Deployment Summary of the story: 41st was deployed to a nearby planet that showed severe changes in its atmosphere. Upon further scanning it was revealed the CIS had set up a base and planned to weaponize the crystals on this planet which could alter atmospheres to nullify all effects of combustion. They traversed the area until they discovered the CIS base, destroyed all droids and captured the data on the weapon. What was the result of the event?: Some 411st perished but a few survived along with capturing the data. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up with a purpose. This was done on main with a dupe so it was not a full fledged event, small event.
  10. Zyner

    501st Deployment

    Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: 501st Deployment Summary of the story: 501st was deployed to a nearby planet that showed severe changes in its atmosphere. Upon further scanning it was revealed the CIS had set up a base and planned to weaponize the crystals on this planet which could alter temperatures into the extreme cold. They traversed the area until they discovered the CIS base, destroyed all droids and captured the data on the weapon. What was the result of the event?: Some 501st perished but most survived along with capturing the data. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up with a purpose. This was done on main with a dupe so it was not a full fledged event, small event.
  11. Congratulations, you've passed the interview process! Welcome to the Staff Team!
  12. Zyner


    When Synergy first started it was mentioned that you can't simply introduce lore characters to the server without models/Director approval as that would basically be circumventing the system of adding things in. This may have changed, I've tried asking it several times to no reply. In addition, although you guys got TC Trooper back, it was also mentioned that subunits should only be made up for named characters, further pushing the idea that if you're not a named character (aka; a job you can choose) then you shouldn't be it. I have not voted on the suggestion, just putting in my opinion as things may be different - this way nothing is really impacted and if anything I will be corrected.
  13. Zyner


    Very convoluted. Getting such an amount of new models in will be a problem. You also can't have named characters without the models either. To be honest, I'd just say keep Hawk job and try to suggest for the 501st Pilot job back for unnamed and see how Zim will feel about it.
  14. Zyner


    Joah stated the change was final, it is what it is until custom map.
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