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Everything posted by Zyner

  1. Your return has been logged, welcome back.
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  3. Your LOA has been logged, please reply to this post announcing your LOA is over so we may update it on your return.
  4. Zyner

    Lix's Reapp v.3

    Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  5. It boilds down to this: Population over 100 - maybe 1 or 2 ships depending on what else is happening on the server (How many droids, jedis, flashlights, dupes, etc) and no ships ever if 120+. The only exception is for the arrival & exit of the event jobs, they may arrive on a ship that will be despawned immediately upon landing and the same with exiting. This is because not much at all will be happening and the lag won't be as bad. As for ships in the middle of the event, it's up to the discretion of the Game Master to take into accounts everything that is happening. The main thing that could be done is do space battles were it's just ships fighting and no boarding - but it has a major drawback. If two ships crash, they have a chance to instantly crash the server and there is no preventing it - so that discourages Game Masters a lot as it is completely out of their control. Overall, ships need to be looked after the entire time they're spawned and held accountable for what else is happening on the server. So, it is up to the discretion of the Game Master as long as population is below 100. Above that ships can only be used for a few seconds at most when not much else is happening. This may change when we swap maps or when the lag is decreased further.
  6. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  7. After some researching and thinking these are the two options I see. Kal was given the rank of Advisor within the SOBDE after the Clone Wars started and the Cuy'val Dar disbanded. Yes, Kal was close with NULL whilst Ordo was the true leader - same as other RCs he trained but they as well had their own leaders. Other RC squads were trained by other Bounty Hunters, making Kal not the sole lead of SOBDE training - even if he did train most the RCs that are on the server. Due to this, he can not be the lead of SOBDE as he is clearly stated as not in lore. That role was held by General Arligan Zey, Director of Special Forces - who granted Kal the continuation of his Advisor role after gaining the Director possition from Iri Camas. So, this is where the choices come: Kal cannot be SOBDE Lead as he is held at the rank of Advisor. or Due to the fact that the in-lore SOBDE lead is a Jedi General, and in our server we make Regimentals be Clones - the excetion could be made to make Kal such a role. It could even be bumped up to that the Grand Army trusts RCs to be well off on their own, and it is also widely known SOBDE Reg barely does anything because the squads are so thight-nit, that perhaps the title of SOBDE REG CMD could be changed to SOBDE REG Advisor Kal/SOBDE Advisor Kal. The squads would run themselves, Kal would just keep up with them to make sure all is well and should things go wrong he would go to the Marshal and inform them.
  8. Zyner


    Update the post with the proper format first for suggestions.
  9. Zyner


    Then you need to put this under Server Suggestions.
  10. Zyner


    Is this a discussion or a Server Suggestion?
  11. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  12. Zyner

    Staff applications

    Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  13. Zyner

    IKE's game maker app

    Wat. Battalion goes rogue, threatens to infect ship if they're not stationed in it again or another ship then later realize they fucked up and sacrifice themselves. Comitt a crime against the Republic with the condition they're stationed somewhere and only realize what they did after they did it even though they know the circumstances from experience. The idea would be fine if it were a different organization and demands but as it is now it severely lacks logic, almost rather insulting to RM's memory to represent them like that.
  14. Unless Zim can make it where every toolgun option but NPC Notarget is disabled for the VIP rank they will be able to abuse other features such as spawn weapons or potentially crash the server by spawning ropes or abusing any other feature. I know things such as prop limit, balloon limit, etc can be edited but unless everything can be disabled then this will eventually go bad. If everything but NoTarget can be disabled I +1, otherwise this is probably an auto-denial.
  15. What's going to happen with Client Icons?
  16. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  17. Congratulations, your Staff Application has been accepted for interview. Please contact a Head Admin+ for your interview. Failure to do so within one weeks time (6/5/18) will result in an automatic denial.
  18. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  19. Zyner

    Zyner's Lavapalooza

    The Sith had fallen into the Lava but asked if last second he could do a /me where he puts a forcefield around him to live. I told him if he rolls a 90+ sure, but he would still be heavily wounded (have hp set to 1000) and he got a 93. He was put back on the rocks and told if he fell again he'd die.
  20. Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): Avavel, Prince Event Name: Lavapalooza Summary of the story: A weak signal was received by the Venator, a faint S.O.S. that could hardly be read coming from a nearby planet. The Venator dispatched some troops to investigate, meeting with some local farmers who expressed their dislike for the recent move by the CIS to work on the planet. The signal grew stronger to the troops on the planet, a scientist hostage held against his will working for the CIS. What was the result of the event?: Troops were deployed to scout out the area, faced hostile wildlife and some CIS resistance causing them to pull back. Reinforcements were sent and the Republic pushed into ther Enemy Base, unveiling a Sith protecting a station. They discovered a hidden hatch leading to a cave system where a scientist was being held captive to study the planet, the atmosphere of it as it nullified combustion effects and the Stih was tasked to this mission in order to weaponize it. The Republic fought for long but eventually managed to rescue the Scientist and the data and return to ship. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both
  21. -1 Speak to Gideon or Kyle whenever one of them get to your Battalion and let them know what you'd like to add to your ARF.
  22. Congratulations, you have been accepted to be part of the Synergy Staff.
  23. Zyner


    -1 Has not gone through Council.
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