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Everything posted by Arroyo

  1. New suggestion, let shock leave base by themselves
  2. Neutral - I have never met you
  3. I don’t know who you are, but I hate you
  4. Then what’s the point of adding it if he going to be removed Joah isn’t going to add it if that happens lol
  5. Do combined trainings with all battalions ❤️
  6. Arroyo

    Base Systems

    Why give it to BO they don’t even do it the BCC most of the time Give it to shock.
  7. As for the Shock, no we don’t anymore. We have been told by BO to back off and protect the senators because BO can protect themselves now. <—- Told by my colleagues. As for the application -1 I agree that you have been jumping the ranks. Take some time and get to know the server a little but more. Also BO have been declining and it needs to be fixed before high staff gets involved again, and I hope you know it won’t be pretty. Damn like I said on Carvis app, I waited 1 WHOLE WEEK on everyday to get bmed trained and bro I still never got it. I had to go to a MEDL in order to get the training.
  8. Ain’t going to lie I waited 1 week to get bmed from BO but instead I got one from a MEDL Updating to -1 Carvis Base Ops need to be fixed first. Defcons rule need to be removed or the rank needs to be dropped to Senior NCO OR even regular NCO. Like others said BO is in seriousness decline and it needs to be fixed before we get a new Krennic
  9. Arroyo


    +1 Cutting numbers should only happen to make it even for the other team. Not so you can choose your best PVPers if it’s true that rancor cut down their numbers then that should be a disqualification from BVB and just don’t give the prize to anyone. GL
  10. Just so you guys know nightmare is only into traps
  11. What Clank said 4head +1 just keep yularen and your new model
  12. -1 I want to keep yularen (JK obviously) Who is going to be doing your models If you find someone to do it +1
  13. +1 I know this just happened in an Event and they tried using loopholes Feetus deeletus
  14. @Esitt Staff are getting blinded by the minute m. Help them out
  15. This is bug report not server suggestion
  16. Arroyo

    VOID please

    -1 Cause we want clones going to each other and raping each other
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