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Everything posted by Arroyo

  1. The knife is 1 hit. It’s only suppose to be used for stealth kills. If you remove that rule al you going to have is people running to event jobs and knifing then
  2. @Dragon @silvers He posted it in pending lmao
  3. You see when people actually play people will love. #NoMinge
  4. o7 R.I.P Slate you will be forever missed
  5. I have asked in a staff meeting before they said it’ll need development and they don’t know. So I’ll dont think thy want one
  6. -1 Cloud I’m sorry but in my opinion you didn’t do anything to help Sith. Juggernauts are completely dead, you were inactive for a lot of time, you just grinded to get wrath. Sith aren’t getting removed... I hope but I don’t see you running it. Also of what Poe said
  7. Neutral - I’m starting to see problems.
  8. +1 Now we can fight the masters who spam force reflect >:)
  9. Lmao I remember that. I was staff during those times and that drama
  10. Persuaded by my Sith buddies... only if it goes the same for Sith. +1
  11. o7 How is jaystation still even mentioned ffs
  12. +1 No wonder why I was getting so much dumb reactions it was auto corrected to -1 lmao
  13. Bruh, Dark Council are suppose to be more powerful than masters
  14. Found a bug? Let's squash it. Bug Type (Server:): CWRP Severity level (1-3): 2 Evidence (if you can): https://gyazo.com/efb010ada5beeed9fe67e059215193f1 Description of the bug: If you get on the Jedi Padawan you get a total of 200% force powers. And when asked if it was suppose to happen people said no, and masters only get 150% so i don't know. How can we recreate it: Get on the Jedi Padawan Job and hold your lightsaber.
  15. Arroyo

    Hazmat Suit

    Legit 1 orange model for the jobs +1
  16. Here’s a big one *CIS Warps In* *Bombs the shields* *Bombs skygate* SKYGATE AHHHHHH
  17. And this is when high command should get involved because of retards making people want to leave the server
  18. Arroyo

    187th Revamping

    -1 To give the heavy and medic a jetpack +1 to everything else but didnt joah say that 187th will be getting 1 job with the parachute? With this update it sounds you trying to make it a 2ndAC battalion at this point.
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