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Everything posted by Keo

  1. Honestly it's gotten to the point where if you bullshit enough on an application then people just glance at it and assume more is better. Apps used to be much shorter a few years back but people are all trying to one up each other.
  2. I mean the name calling was immature but it was still a while ago. Docs are just docs. It's not the end of the world. Literally just don't let him have edit access to docs anymore, I do not see what is so hard. This whole omg he deleted docs bs is kind of ridiculous. If docs are so important then just have the directors own them all. The docs are not and never will be "synergy property". Noone signed a contract saying they would be. As far as I'm concerned if Dagger made them then he owns them. +1
  3. I am almost 100% sure he got muted early on in the ceremony and didn't stop on his own. While I do feel it was extremely disrespectful for what Incognito did I also do not see what this report will do besides help taint the ceremony. I understand what you are going for but I just don't know if this is right. You should just personally tell him how you feel I guess. I don't know. Rest in piece Indomitus, I will miss you.
  4. I sometimes hung out with Indomitus a few times back in around June or so of this year. I hadn't known him long but from the times I interacted with him you could just tell by his voice that he was a down to earth and kind guy. At least that's how I saw him. He was always a pleasure to be around and I hope he is at piece now. @Artemis - Phoenix I can't imagine what you are going through but I wish you the best. Thank you for letting us all know about what happened. If you ever want to talk or play on the server with anyone here then you should know that we would all welcome you with open arms.
  5. Lmao that's when you get the credit card refund for VIP and say it was a false charge XD
  6. Name: Keo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:98871144 Staff Rank: Veteran Admin Were you VIP: Yes, I am a VIP. Date: 8/23/2020 Reason for leaving: I am tired as hell with a bunch of stuff going on. I don't have time to be staff as well as handle everything else I am doing nor do I want the extra responsibility. I was going to just drop down to GH and ride easy but that still seems like too much. I will miss my physgun and prop spawning abilities :( Farewells: I am not leaving the server, yet..... We will see in about a week or so.
  7. Hi CG guy here. Being a CG trooper is horrible, I am surrounded by pigs and can't take bribes.
  8. This is going to cause major headaches for people -1
  9. 7/10 I personally like smaller deployments instead of having a full out war with 70+ people. Shoot em up wise it was good but I feel like the plot itself wasn't anything too interesting as well as there was little rp.
  10. I have a feint feeling like we did or thought about it years ago. It would be really fun to do if we got some higher ups on board. I might harass Woeny about it.
  11. I hope you have fun in life and things improve for you! :) I guess I'll see you around if I stop by your discord or if you ever visit while I am here.
  12. This is really random but I just had a pretty neat idea. What if our battalions had competitions with the same battalions from other servers? Like Synergy CG has a competition against Icefuse CG or something similar to that. I personally think it would be pretty fun and help out both servers with getting other people interested in it. Of course this would be with other servers who are on board too such as Superior and others. I was just wondering what you guys thought about it
  13. Accepted Welcome to the team!
  14. All I have to say is I am a firm believer in the idea "if you aren't growing you're dying". With this being said having more servers would not necessarily kill our CWRP but might actually help it. Look at businesses IRL that are always expanding and trying to do more like Amazon, Dunkin Donuts, and McDonalds. They are pushing over and over and succeed doing so. Other businesses that used to be super popular like Toys R Us and Blockbuster used to be powerhouses up until they stopped pushing themselves to improve and grow. Sure their time might have come but what about the ones who succeeded? Sure some aspects of them fell short in society but they could have pushed themselves like the others. Just think about that
  15. I'm really going to miss you. I usually say something along those lines everytime I see a farewell post of someone I know but this is different. I am genuinely going to deeply miss you. We had a lot of amazing times doing mingy stuff or actually playing the game the proper way but no matter how I look at it, some of my favorite memories on this server include you. I hope someday I will see you again. :')
  16. Keo

    In Memoriam board

    If people want to do a bunk thing or put it in their TS then fine but I don't want to see a textscreen with a bunch of people's names who have died. This sounds wrong but this idea is super cringy. If I died I would be happy if some people kept me in their thoughts but I would probably die a second time from embarrassment if this was done to me if a video game. -1
  17. Don't shid the interview this time +1
  18. Keo

    New main map!

    I have very conflicting opinions regarding this but let me just say this. For those of you saying this map we currently use (Felucia) is good for events then I want to tell you that you are pretty wrong. The main part of the map (clone base) is really nice and we do have multiple planets BUT the planets are very small and do not have good layouts. The maps are practically just small boxes with a few plants/structures. Not to mention the lighting is horrible and everything is hard to see. Ilum is the only exception as it has an interesting layout and is easy to see but is often super repetitive. TLDR: Won't give opinion, current map is too small outside and is not fun for events.
  19. Name: Keo Helpers: Apple, Legolas, WilliamC, Yuri Summary: Some Gotal merchants named, Poog, Moog, Zoog, Boog, and Scoog. These merchants came on base to sell many different products to the republic. All was well until the chancellor had them clean up his office and some clones started being mean. One escaped but was gunned down when he came back with the ship to pick up the others. The rest were humiliated as they played games hoping not to be executed. They all ended up dying.
  20. Nooooo you were the chosen one! Really though, I know the feeling of just not being able play Gmod because of course there are other things that are far more important. It's a shame you didn't finish your term but for what you did do, I think you did great. Good luck irl
  21. Keo

    Wrens GM App

    Accepted Welcome to the team!
  22. Accepted Welcome to the team!
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