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Everything posted by MasonA

  1. Name: Mason Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Strange Signal Link to Event Document (optional): (No Link) Summary of Encounter: A mysterious signal popped up at Aurek, the clones deciphered it using a code and found that Commando droid squads we're preparing to invade the base. Their invasion was unsuccessful. Down time ting.
  2. +1 Would be a great staff member, good luck mate.
  3. +1 every interaction I have had with you has been positive, I think you’ve had a great term from what I can see and see no reason to why you shouldn’t have a second. Good luck.
  4. RP Name: Naval ENGM SPO Derel Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 18 Timezone: GMT What was your previous staff rank?: A Are you currently staff on a different server?: No. Why did you leave the staff team?: Resigned due to leaving the server shortly and having to deal with no longer present IRL issues. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I want to rejoin as I loved being a staff member and being part of the GM team making events and helping others who are new and want the help. I find myself increasingly becoming more active and I feel I can further my enjoyment here a lot more with being a staff member. I also would love to help anyone new nowadays with any events or building they have, so I can share my experience and improve everyones enjoyment. Alongside all this, I really want to get back into making events and encounters for people as that's what I loved most about the staff team. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): Admittedly, towards the end of my time on staff, I was not as active as I should've been and I did speak to HS about this. However, I feel before that, my time was amazing, I feel I produced fantastic events for people as shown in the feedback I was given and the documents I made and as a staff member I was respectful, reliable and overall a great asset to the team. Some of my more memorable times came from my time as GM/GMO making event server / main server events that people reminisce to this day. But, there is always room for improvement and I will be better in every regard. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes.
  5. 7/10 Simple, easy and v nice for a downtime shoot-em-up. Liked how the lander direct hit me and i ate it like a champ.
  6. MasonA

    Re: Parjai Models

    What 2ndAC does to a mf +1 Looks nice asf Bring back pumpkin models for GC
  7. +1 Great app, I like how you contacted the HC of the battalions, I think you'd be great. Best of luck
  8. +1 have spoken many times about event ideas and his plans, he is a creative guy and has a v nice future ahead of him in the game master program. Oh and yeah he can play every instrument under the sun which is pretty snazzy. Good luck mate
  9. The recreation was nice, and I'm sure that the EJ's and CIS who were marines had a lot of fun. But from a naval point of view: - I had no idea and instruction to what I had to do apart from fire cannons and tell you the status of the shields which required a few /me's - Other than the /me's , myself and the other naval were clueless on what to do and really had no involvement with the event aside from comms RP. I think for naval, I cant speak for anyone else, it would have been better if we had been given more direction and if we also were marines, involved with the fight. Or alternatively, us being active Pilots dogfighting and that. Some of this may have been because I didn't watch the video, but I didn't want to spoil it as you recommended and that probably led to the naval being very confused and lost for the event. But I can see that people had a lot of fun with the rest which is good, your EJ's RP had me wanting to die or should I say bacta's lmfao, so good job, just for future reference, add some more direction. But the RP was nice. 6/10 (Good RP, Nice recreation, well planned, some minor flaws) Thanks bud.
  10. I think wren is capable and good enough to remain in this position and with a strong team I believe the 41st can have great activity and continue to be a great battalion. Best of luck. +1
  11. Battalion: 212th RP Name: Battalion Commander Cody Date: 16/01/2021 Reason: Term ended Goodbyes: Said them all. But i will still be around as i am stepping down. Thank you to everyone that assisted me and made my time as cody enjoyable.
  12. Right, this male specimen is a fantastic leader, person and worker. He has been a highly proficient XO and a commander for the time he has been in the position. He has been made XO for a reason, and i couldn't be more happier with how he has progressed and who i am leaving the battalion in the hands of. Ly man. good luck. +10
  13. Steam ID: On my phone rn RP Name: Battalion Commander Cody Battalion: 212th Who is in command until you return? Carson and Leche (CMD+) Length of Absence: 22/12/20-28/12/20
  14. Name: Mason Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 Staff Rank: A Are you VIP?: Yup. Date: 12/12/2020 Reason for leaving: I honestly don't really enjoy being a staff member or being part of the team as much as I used to and I feel that I will not be able to commit to the team a lot due to having more responsibilities IRL and more important focuses in-game and elsewhere. Alongside this, I don't have the drive to make the events I used to due to other reasons and will not have the time to put into the GM team in the near future. Farewells: Thank you to the staff team for the great opportunity and I appreciate the support and help I had before. And thank you to the GM team for allowing me to explore my creativity for the time I could in the past.
  15. +1 Good application, and I think you'd be a strong GM.
  16. So, I spoke via voice chat with Bud recently and just want to point out that he has some creative plans and interesting ideas that will improve social cohesion between attack and hopefully improve activity as a whole and especially with 501st. Some of these plans could have been put partially in place with 501st to see if they improved with the state that the battalion is in as sort of a tester I guess alongside your responsibilities as a CMD. So that you would of had some prior knowledge and understanding to what you can improve on and work with if you get RCMD. - The details and ideas you set out to me in VC should definitely have been in your application to begin with but oh well, no point dwelling. I would really like for us to have a RCMD, and I believe that your personal qualities will be fitting for that position, the only things in my opinion that is holding you back is the detail in the application (which you have expanded on in VC) and the state of the 501st. Whilst it is a joint effort to run a battalion, you play a large part, and the only fair thing to do IMO is to give you a shot at an interview to see if you are worthy/fitting for this position and see how you would do in the given role. There are a lot of valid +1's and -1's throughout this post like gears said, but I'd rather see you go to the interview stage instead of it stopping here. Good Luck. I'm gonna +1 based on our talk. Try and explain your ideas a little better in the post and in some of the questions asked.
  17. Honestly, you're a great guy, clearly fit for a leadership position as you wouldn't be commander, but I just got a few questions. You mentioned the 212th Officer Corps, and that you would be there with them and for questionable officers have a discussion of what standards do we want and where we should be to succeed. - This is good, but at the moment, throughout promotions, officer evaluations and other processes happening this may not be something to fix in the long run and it may be fixed even before your term, so could you give me a little more insight to how you will assist myself and the commanders in ensuring the officer corps remains at a high standard. And, you made a point about 212th RP, which, is lacking in certain areas undeniably, but the statement you made seems unclear to me what actions you are going to be taking with the 212th to improve THEIR RP. The statement to me seems you are going to talk to GM's about the issue and I would just like more clarity on how you would improve this. We spoke in DM's and I think you'd be a good candidate, just wanted some clarification. Good luck.
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