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Everything posted by MasonA

  1. +1 OG friend, but all that aside, great guy and has gone far and proved he has what it takes for everything. Best of luck.
  2. +1 Good luck my guy, you'll do great!
  3. +1 Very assertive, he gets shit done, as Cody he was brilliant for the 2 terms and i believe his characteristics are perfect to be ATK Reg.
  4. RP Name: GC 1SG Longshot / Mason Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 18 Timezone: GMT What was your previous staff rank?: Admin Are you currently staff on a server?: No Why did you leave the staff, team?: Was removed when i went on holiday 1st time (i know to contact HA now), and the second time i had to turn down the interview due to IRL issues hitting me really inconveniently. Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: I believe i did a great job before as admin, and due to lock down, not having any college work now and being back onto the server, i can get back on track, get involved with events and helping people around the server. I find playing on the server is very fun and i love it but i do like to help people for much of the time and get involved with the events also. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes
  5. Good event, very hectic and a lot to do, i think to improve, possibly add a slight RP element with like some vent jobs but it was very good and fun. 8/10 :)
  6. So, remaining objective. I haven't been here that much seeing you as XO so i cant comment on what ive heard from others so yeah, im going to comment on before hand and you when i first joined. Fyi, is an extremely dedicated guy who does care for the battalion and that is seen through many things, i saw you do a lot of things to revive certain regiments a while back and i believe this can be reciprocated with his time as BCMD. While i hear from others that you do not do much as XO, i cant comment as i haven't been here but i do see you constantly praise or scold the battalion's regiments as REGL and i see the regiments smash training some weeks and this is a good response do you being REGL. I know that as a person you are assertive, strong-willed and efficient and think you would be fitting for BCMD. If you do stick to your points that you make in your application, change things and fix this battalion then hats off. Good luck to both of youse. +1
  7. o7, great guy, will be missed <3
  8. All subjectivity aside, as comics is a good friend of mine.. I have never seen someone love and care for a battalion like comics has in my time on synergy and the dedication this twat has is very very appealing. This love and care has never died and will probably show through his time being in the BCMD position. I do have to say, a while ago, i didn't think comics had the mentality, maturity or attitude to make it into higher ranks of the 212th, but as comics suggests, he has changed tremendously. Someone should not be held back or judged for their past, some controversies were unfair and unjust and some were dealt with but i think some people are putting a '-1' for the reason that they simply don't get along or dislike comics. The points you make about the battalion are true with the state it is in, and i think you understand the pressure and role you will undergo to fix these issues, and make the battalion better. Your attitude and responses to situations has got better over the years and i think is in a good place for you to take this role. As long as you practice what you preach with the points you make and the fixes you will endure, i believe you will be a good fit to be Cody. You're hard-working, dedicated and i think you will create a great structure. Keep a good attitude, remain objective in ALL circumstances, and keep working. Good luck. - A hefty +1
  9. Good luck man <3 Ly, All the best.
  10. RP Name: GCXO ARFL 2ndLT Boil Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 17 Timezone: GMT What was your previous staff rank?: Admin Are you currently staff on a server?: No Why did you leave the staff, team?: Was removed when i went on holiday Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: I believe i did a great job before and i would like to be involved with story-line events for battalions aswell and regaining my staff experience Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes
  11. 9/10 Really good event, good mix of roleplay and combat which was very nice. The storyline is also becoming very intriguing and gets increasingly better. Only thing to add was maybe harder EVAC but we know the reason why, so really good job mate.
  12. +1 Done an amazing job in this battalion in every single position you have had, a brilliant XO and could not imagine anyone doing a better job as Cody as you will. Best of luck.
  13. MasonA

    A weird happening

    9/10 (I was a civilian event job) loved the RP involved with this event, the action was very high and well thought out also. Great story keep it up :)
  14. 8/10 Really interesting event, story was really cool, good mix of RP and shoot em up. Only thing was the lag, not your fault.
  15. 8/10 Decent, good role-play involved. GG
  16. 8/10 Really good event, loved it. At the end there was kinda not much to do when finding the intel but other than that great job.
  17. After two years of playing with this specimen, he finally plucked up the courage, stopped being a pussy and went for it. If anyone deserves it now its this man. +1
  18. 4/10 It was a good idea with the story and the RP, however it wasn't very well executed, when we tried to RP the ghosts attacked back or the undead idk, but yeah. Being thrown off the top floor was quite fun so i guess that gets a 9 but yeah, keep up the work your encounters and other events are good and have been better. ❤️
  19. 9/10 good event, lots of action, maybe more RP but overall good. :)
  20. RP Name: TR GC ARF CSM Trapper/Mason/ Jedi G Padawan Mason / Base Ops SSG Mason Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 17 Timezone: GMT Tell us why you wish to be an administrator : I would like to be an administrator as i believe i would be able to enforce the rules of the server very well whilst also managing tickets that are given to me. I also believe i will be a great asset to anyone requiring assistance in the server if they have a problem. I believe that by becoming an admin i will be able to further extend all of my experience and potentially help out with events and even manage them accordingly. Due to my timezone i will be able to be on when other admins aren't and this will mean more problems and tickets are dealt with. I do really enjoy being apart of the server and would like to make others experiences just as good as mine. With my admin powers i will assure that all sims can operate functionally and make sure encounters and events are accurate to how they are planned Tell us a little about yourself : My name is Mason and i'm from England and i'm currently doing A-levels and soon to join the British army, i love playing guitar and do enjoy playing Gmod when i can, especially RP. I am quite mad on star wars and i love playing this role play whenever i can as it is so enjoyable and always fun. I am extremely friendly and outgoing and willing to meet and talk with anyone out of my comfort zone which means i will be great with the community and talking to everyone when needed. Do you have any previous staff experience? I have been staff on a DarkRP server before, and have been a NA on synergy before but i was removed because i went on holiday. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 418:43:29. Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: No.
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