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Everything posted by Egg

  1. First of all, id like to say that much of the things that you are saying is either blatantly untrue or heavily imbellished and I really do not appreciate you trying to mislead everyone in this thread for no reason at all, other than to seemingly jerk off your 41st hate boner. You personally have been a very toxic member towards myself and the members of my battalion since you joined the server I believe. My removal was done with information that Hudson got from Sanchez in a rant, who then proceeded to take it and run to high command and provide out of context information with nothing as a single talk to myself. Yes the battalion had issues, I've admitted that many times. There were minges that got into the battalion after passing the tryout, but every battalion has that, and to say that they would go unpunished is just a blatant lie and a very very big accusation that you have absolutely no real proof of, because you just hate 41st so much. If a new pvt gets arrested for trespassing in an area because he didn't see a sign or didn't fully understand the rules of the server, I would give them the benefit of the doubt and talk to them and tell them to be more careful and to watch where they're going, because as a leader, you are meant to guide and help new players to the server and battalion. If someone did rdm or get arrested for an actual serious crime, they were dealt with very quickly, we just didn't feel a need to go and publicly shame people because thats just unnecessarily cruel because it's just a game and it drives people away from the server. In terms of battalion leadership, xeight did try to have as much fun in the night time hours because its just a game and if he was ever arrested, he was dealt with accordingly, such as his breaking pts in debrief, he was demoted from major to cpt out of my senior officers and stayed at cpt for several months. The other is pythin, who caused more headaches for me than anyone else in the battalion and you've got me there ngl, if I could go back, I wouldn't have put him past 1st LT and im sorry for unleashing that evil upon the server. In regards to me putting only my friends and "odinsons" is honestly just a brainless comment. Like actually, did you even think about what you were saying before you said it? Most of them were not odinsons actually and yes they were my friends, because generally when you spend several months with people in a battalion, you generate friendships and trust between each other, or at least you should, idk about 91st because once you took over, first thing you did was cut all ties that doc and I built. In addition OF COURSE I am going to put people I trust to do the jobs that I need them to do in positions that I know that I can handle to make my life as a bcmd easier. If I don't trust someone, why would I put them in a position of power that can actively be detrimental to those in the battalion? Many of the things that youre trying to bring up and mud youre trying to sling is entirely irrelevant to this appeal, so I dont know why you thought to post it, but I believe it is entirely just to once again fuel your 41st hate boner, or just to see how much drama you can try to stir up or what, but at least try to stay on topic for once. To everyone else reading this, I apologize for the lengthy post, but in regards to my -1 this is the kind of stuff that I was talking about. Opinions and hate from other battalions based off of very little other than embellishments, out of context situations, personal hatred for the battalion, lies, and rumors. Before I get clapped for multiple posts, count this as pt 2 of my -1
  2. I have been taking some time to think about how to properly word my feelings about this. You said quite a few slanderous things about myself and those that I care about, so I am having a hard time with this. Yes, people can change, but they also don't. The things that I am talking about are not reasons why you were originally banned, but they are reasons why I believe that you should stay banned. Yes, those people proceeded to harass you after things that you said because some of those things that were said may have not been entirely true. What I am trying to say is, you have a very difficult and complicated history with a lot of people on this server. Both good and bad. I believe that I am one of those people who had bad experiences and still have to deal with things that were said to this day. My reputation as a commander and a person in this community was directly damaged because of the things that you and your officers said. You even stuck chambers on me and I was threatened with punishments for deleting docs without so much as a message from you regarding these documents. I will give this appeal a -1 because of all the bad blood between us that I don't think is so easily buried. However, I do wish you luck on this appeal and if you truly have changed, and if not, then good luck in life fellow gamer
  3. It was actually one of the more enjoyable events I have taken part in in a while. solid 7/10
  4. at least 8/10 very fun and exciting late night event
  5. The mighty youngling rapist departs once again. May I see you again someday.
  6. Good thing suicide jokes are still ok
  7. Can I get a throwback to no logs and wall banging please? Naavi and her 101st post event debriefs didn't stand a chance for my 41st RC sniper trigger discipline sessions
  8. I was never too great with words to be honest and especially in times like these, so I will try my best. Korm was what every leader aspired to be. He was calm, kind, compassionate, collected, and inspiring. He was an amazing person that has been taken from us all far too soon and I am deeply saddened by this news. Korm was a friend to many and went out of his way to help people feel welcomed and encouraged people to do their best every day. If there is an afterlife out there, he better be at the top of the list of good lads in there. Thank you for all the laughs, advice, and great times korm. Rest well and may the gates of Valhalla swing wide for you.
  9. 5 more than u xdddd On a more serious note, @Clutch, You and I DEFINITELY did not get off on good terms at all with the whole Brooklyn vs me gree apps, but you all departed very abruptly once I got it and it was expected. When you came back to the battalion near the end of my term, I was honestly concerned and confused because I thought y'all really didn't like me at all which was all good I guess. After seeing you grow and adapt and put all of our differences behind us to show real passion for the battalion and people in it that I deeply care for showed me your maturity and I really respect you. Its always a sad day to see another one of the green boys depart, no matter who they are. Thank you for all that you've done for everyone and more importantly the 41st. Enjoy yourself out there in the big bad world and stay safe my guy. -Egg
  10. wait wait wait a minute @Woody wuts gud my guy, if youre actually around, i guess i gotta come say whats up
  11. Egg

    21st Bacara BCMD

    Before you go slandering my name any further my guy, I'd like to correct you on a few things and also thank @Craigary for defending me and I will now defend myself. I know you really like stirring stuff up for no reason and I guess you decided to pick me this time. When I was removed the first time by Hudson and Sanchez took over, I was removed on false pretenses and my entire high command was gutted and so then Sanchez was left with nobody because Hudson resigned from regimental a few days later. Sanchez tried his best with what he had and I don't fault him for that because he essentially had to rebuild the entire battalion by himself. Next, we had Logic, and we all know how that turned out. Then Venom took over and he tried his best, but he isn't really the type to enjoy being bcmd. After that, we had Zeik who was also pretty solid and tried his best to continue cleaning up after Logic almost 6 months later. This is where things get spicy again. There was no bcmd for a while at this point. This is when I tried to come back but got denied and Brooklyn ended up being picked over me. Brooklyn essentially killed the battalion and then gutted it on his way out when I finally took back over and beat him when he tried to reapply. I have no idea what kind of drugs you were on but within a few weeks, 41st was pushing even DU in numbers who was the most active on the server at the time. Maybe you don't remember because you were too busy going around and complaining about how "toxic" you were or causing more drama on the forums, idk. The battalion was left in a good place when grief took over, who sadly lost the drive after about a month and a half and began to go inactive and then let the battalion die which led to him getting removed. Grief was unable to train up his next generation of officers because he was unable to really get on the server. The one reg that actually cared enough about the battalion (Cloud) and making sure the reg was well off was also removed, but I thought that reg removal was one of the most brainless decisions I've ever experienced. In conclusion, please check yourself and what you are saying before you go spouting nonsense and acting like a complete retard. Nobody will take you seriously anymore, not that they did in the first place, but it's all good. Onto my vote so I don't get my cheeks clapped. Oxen, you were Bacara a long time ago and I believe you did a pretty good job for a while, but you had to start multitasking things such as staff and BCMD and the battalion really began to suffer because I don't think it was really self sufficient and able to run properly without a guiding BCMD there 24/7. The battalion's self sufficiency has become more noticeable in the more recent times, at least last time I saw them, and I believe that would be a really big thing to focus on. After reading over your plans, they seem interesting to say the least, but that might just be my small brain not fully understanding how they work on paper so I assume they will work better in practice. You are experienced and you know what you are doing. As long as you have the full support of the rest of the 21st, you've got my +1 Edit: After further reading into your list, you have solid plans and you most definitely have the abilities and will to make those plans a reality. Good luck.
  12. I know we had our heavy disagreements and especially how things generally went down in the discord, especially in terms of legacy stuff and when you first took over Gree so I understand if you don't particularly enjoy me being around. You always tried your best especially with 41st and I appreciate that greatly and you have my respect for bringing things back from the absolute pits as best you could. I wish you luck in the future and I hope everything else turns out for the best.
  13. Now is my chance... #egg4founder
  14. If gamers out here make short and flamey posts, they get beaned for starting drama. It has to be a long and well put together post, not only to effectively get his point across and give background and context to the issues and how to solve these issues, but also to not get put in the dirt with the good old excommunication package. Overall, this is a very well put together post that very effectively outlines many of the secret thoughts, complaints, concerns, and criticisms that people have been having with the server for a very very long time. Sadly, just as in the past, making forum posts saying things really doesn't help actually improve any of these things. All it does is just point out what is wrong and how people feel, but identifying how things are going wrong or making a plan to fix things isn't really that effective of a method. I am all for speaking up and speaking out for things to change and be better, but I don't really think things are going to change all that much at least quickly unless there is a sudden major overhaul of the server, how the leadership of the community operates, and how the players of the community interact with each other and the servers itself. I wholeheartedly agree with what you are saying @Jayarr and I once again would like to applaud you of how well this is structured and put together for those who actually care enough to put forth the effort to read it, and hopefully there can be some significant changes and the server can once again become one of the big powerhouses that it used to be.
  15. Really do be like that sometimes. Good luck out there and godspeed. Don't forget to have a little bit of fun out there because otherwise life will just pass on by
  16. To me, this is exactly why you should not be leaving to go for reg. I know you say "I can do the same things as reg as CMD, I just have to focus on another battalion too." This really couldn't be further from the truth. You cannot do the same things for the battalion as reg. Reg is supposed to act as more of an advisory role for the battalion, which is why I personally never went for it. Currently, there is nobody to really replace you if you're gone. You will not be able to effectively do the same job that you are doing currently, if at all. Personally, I do not feel comfortable for either you or bruise going for reg rn because a reg is not needed atm, a stable battalion high command structure is. -1
  17. I agree with the many people opposed the unprofessional manner that it was brought up and I am one of them, i thought just throwing a meme on the forums isn't really the way to go about that. I thought I touched on that, but im sorry if I didn't (im kind of at work and can't type the stuff in 1 go). I'm not saying no punishment was deserved at all (he's been banned for 6 months already), I am making my argument that his permanent ban was not entirely warranted. Maybe I am giving him some benefit of the doubt, but I had also talked to him before and after it had all happened as well, and spent quite a lot of time together discussing things while we were both bcmds of 91st and 41st. Maybe the intention was to kick up some dust, but I believe the intentions were not all bad and after talking to him much more recently about this appeal and his previous actions that led to this ban in question, I believe that he should be given another chance to be a contributing member of the community. At least in game and TeamSpeak. I dont really want to clog up this appeal more than we already have, so we can continue this discussion in another setting if you really want to.
  18. You are correct about there being a difference between the two things. But sometimes they can also be the same thing, and by making the claim that synergy had fallen into the same pitfalls as icefuse and become something that we never wanted to be was true for many people at the time. Nobody voiced out about it out of fear of it being 100% true, but many of us who had come from icefuse and been here since the beginning felt the same way. People have even been making the same meme for long before doc ever did. The banning of doc because of saying that synergy was icefuse v2 all but confirmed suspicions and fears that many people did not want to happen. Calling people retards and nwords and telling the founders to go die, is just someone trying to kick up dirt for the sake of it. Pointing out the flaws of the server that many people shared at the time (some even still today), while may not entirely be constructive criticism but it that doesn't mean it can't be. As I said before, people who make claims like this should not be forced away like some sort of leper, but instead talked to and listen to them and try to improve things from a foundational level by making that criticism into something constructive. In regards to pointing out how something had become the something that it fled from in the first place is one of the most important criticisms that can be made. From all of my experiences with doc, and many of the og 104th is that they are brutally honest and not afraid to stand up against something that they think is wrong and always wanted what was best for all the other gamers on the server, which is something that I personally really respect. This server was born out of the fires of icefuse but with the goal and some of those same values because getting gamered on for standing up for what you believed was right was one of the reasons we left that place, but here we are today. Making criticisms and claims, yes should be well thought out and put in the correct areas, but sometimes anger and strong feelings can cause people to act a bit without thinking.
  19. The reason for this is because a lot of the time, the criticism comes from a place of care for the server and a vision that things could be better or have declined in such a way that things are worse than previously or can be improved. The good times that were had or vision of the server had strayed from what had originally been set. Without criticism, things cannot improve and things get stagnant, which no offense, has happened quite a few times but to different things such as naval or jedi. And in this appeal and my own personal talks with him, he has realized the error of his ways and held no ill will towards the server. And in my opinion, i think the people who do end up leaving the server on not particularly great terms should be looked at and talked to as to why they think the things that they do. Instead of just casting them out and never hearing why they decided to leave or giving them a chance to possibly better themselves or the server with their ideas.
  20. Greasier than a 5 guys burger and fries @Smeck
  21. I have had my disagreements with doc over the time that we have both played on the server, but eventually grew to be friends and comrades leading the 41st and 91st together and trying to build a lasting bond between our two battalions. Some drama has been kicked up by him but, all things considered, I do not believe it is entirely deserving of a permanent ban from the server. Doc has for the most part been a very upstanding, but blunt and sometimes a bit controversial in terms of humor and memery on the server and forums, member of the community from leading a rather successful neyo term and actually doing the 91st justice to helping out in many other positions. I have talked with doc personally about his ban and in his time away genuinely has changed his attitude and I believe that he deserves this second chance. +1
  22. Military rp still a mistake :) Have a good life gamer and don't forget to enjoy yourself
  23. Since I'm on my phone and can't quite format things totally, this is adding onto my original -1. The dude should still fix the issues that he has created before moving onto an even higher position that oversees even more things and prove his ability to clean up and fix his jedi and follow through with his full term of yoda. Ps: not directed at you forseen, this is just in general and quoting you to add to my point because people will say that he can just fix stuff as palpatine. Which is something that he should not be doing.
  24. Wipe and bail Its big brain time Fix your council that you just wiped qnd then try again next time gaymer -1 I am also a firm believer of high staff not holding super high ranking positions especially such as palpatine because then there is 1 person holding a whole lot of high ranking positions and are either divided between those things unfairly or they go on doing things unchecked by others because they are holding all the positions that are able to challenge said bad ideas.
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