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Everything posted by Rizzo

  1. This is good asf. I’m definitely gonna build something like this and what @Rednecksuggested.
  2. Aight I’m loving this, prolly would swap the 2060 with a 3060 ti. But this is literally perfect.
  3. Hey guys, about 3 months ago I was hit by a tornado and my PC was destroyed. I just got the insurance money for it and have a budget of about $1,700 to build a new PC. I know I want to use AMD for my CPU and mostly Corsair parts but everything else is up in the air for the build. Other than gaming I also make music and need a PC that can handle that. Any suggestions are welcome, pls help.
  4. My first friend on the server. Our time in TC was unforgettable. You made it far man, always knew you would. Let’s definitely play some car ball when I get a new rig. o7
  5. o7 You’re a great guy and you’ll do great things in life. Thanks for being a good friend to me and the 501st.
  6. 8/10 all it was missing was event jobs
  7. Rizzo

    Im back i guess

    Didnt know this, updating to a 2/10.
  8. Rizzo

    Im back i guess

    3/10 The setup at Aurek was nice but it was just bombardment RP after that.
  9. Ill miss you man, you did great work here.
  10. 7/10 had fun but droid spawning was fucked
  11. +1 You helped pull the 501st out of a ditch. You have amazing leadership abilities, and can always analyze a situation completely to make sure things are handled as best as possible. You would make an amazing Marshal commander.
  12. Dude has drive and know what he’s doing. Look at what he has accomplished his first term. +1
  13. -1 Can’t look past the 41st situation.
  14. Damn dude. You put so much effort into the 501st. Everything you did for us won’t be for nothing. You’be taught me a lot on what it means to be a leader, I appreciate that. Our time working together has been nothing but a blast. Real life always comes first. Good luck with everything.
  15. +1 I have nothing but good things to say about you. Good luck my dude.
  16. When you roleplay, it draws people to you and they start roleplaying. Same thing goes with your leadership. You naturally have the ability to lead and ive seen it time and time again since we've started working together in the 501st. Since you got Warrant Officer and working with you on situations in the officer corps, your way of handling things is amazing. You know how to run things, plain and simple. And you have been nothing but a positive impact in the battalion. Working with you rebuilding Torrent Company is what truly showed me your potential for a position like this. All of your plans will immediately put us on the right track, and having you as Rex would keep is moving in the right direction. You're the man for the job. You have what it takes to jumpstart the 501st to glory. +1
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