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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2018 in all areas

  1. +1 👍 Im glad you tryed out for delta cause i needed to take care of my grandpa for quite a while but at the same time i was playing which didnt really help at all... i went on loa and put commander in ur hands because i trust you and i still do now, do the squad a good deed and fix mistakes that previous bosses have made and for the ones that didnt make mistakes make them proud. Sorry for leaving without saying anything I was in a tight spot and so much shit was pileing on top of me like it was nothing. Make Delta great :).
    4 points
  2. Name: TRM 4th GM BCMD Bacara / Matra Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48608699 Date: 5/13/2018 Reason for leaving: I have been contemplating this for a while, it has been hard for me to make this decision, this place has been like a home to me, and I have seen it rise from nothing, to what it is now. And it makes me proud to be a member of it. But, life has been getting in the way slowly, I am in medical school right now studying to become an anesthesiologist, I have a girlfriend, and I have a job, all these things I feel are making me do an inadequate job in my position. I feel I shouldn't be in this position, I feel it just slows the progression of the server that we have all worked very hard for, when someone in my position is doing inadequate work. I am not permanently leaving the community, just until everything settles down in my life. I love you all like a family. Farwells: @Oxen I'm sorry I have failed you in the Bacara position, my next pick for Bacara should be a nice one. @Joah You have given me a home, and I thank you for that. @Jackson Thank you for dealing with all the questions I have ever asked you, you are an amazing staff member, and you deserve where you are. @Prince I have seen you grow into a new person ever since I trained you as a TR. Keep up the good work. @Gene_Starwind You have been my first Bacara, and I thank you for that. @Qal Keep up the work. @TR GM 4thHRHL CSM Smokes You have always been a close friend to me, you were an advisor, and a 2nd up, shoot for something greater, your too damn humble. @Rasputin I think this is you buzz, not sure, but you have always been a close friend to me ever since you were Neyo, god speed. @Medic I can't believe you skinned me that one time.... @Freck You spoke what was on your mind, I like that. @Square I hope you continue to do amazing things for the staff team, keep it up! @Zyner Keep doing plo koon things. @Lighig You were an amazing Ki-adi mundi, and I love your personality. @Fizzik I remember training you as a CC 2 years ago, on your first Star wars server. You have done me proud with what all you have accomplished. If I didn't mention you, it doesn't mean you don't matter to me. There are just so many people I wanted to @, it would be impossible for me to @ everyone.
    3 points
  3. Steam Name: Shift Shadows (Jacien) RP Name: GMML XO Jacien Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:110895184 Battalion or squad you are applying for: Galactic Marines Experience: I have been in the Galactic Marines for a long ass time and have even ran the battalion when other higher ups aren't around. I have previously been the battalion commander on previous servers (if you want the whole list you can ask me yourself or else this would be a whole story and a half). Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: Seeing as though I am one of if not the most active officer in the Galactic Marines, and I already know this battalion really well, I think that I can run the battalion as smoothly as it has been run before. Granted things have changed but I will overall have the attitude I have always had and will continue to do my best. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Of course! The republic comics give most if not all the lore in the galactic marines. They were even put in several different encyclopedias for Star Wars itself. I can tell you really anything that you may need to know about the battalion. Not saying I'm an expert or anything but I know a great bit of the lore pertaining to the battalion. Availability: Really whenever I have free time. I am usually seen around the hours of three or four pm EST to ten or twelve pm EST. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Months, unsure how long exactly but as a overall estimation I joined approximately some time in November last year, went on a hiatus due to personal reasons and then rejoined early this year. Hopefully I will be around for many more. Do you have a microphone?: Yep. Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want the Galactic Marines to be at the top of their game at the end of my term whenever that may be. I expect another player to be ready to take over whenever I leave the position. I want the Galactic Marines to be one of if not the most respected battalions on the server and treated as such, I know that seems like a tall order. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Absolutely, wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for your time of reading this over and considering me as the role of Bacara. Sincerely: JACIEN
    2 points
  4. Good luck Matra and have fun, I wish you the best. Sad to see Oxen and you go so soon one after the other. I will try to make you proud. I will always know you as a MARINE!
    2 points
  5. RP Name: CT SGT Voight / C3PO Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:52465724 Age: 18 Gender: Male Timezone: CT (Central Standard Time) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): It is time for me to return. Well, I want to continue what I was doing before I resigned, continuing to help others and encourage role play. Over the past month or so especially since I started to play C3-PO I have been interacting with the players, which has brought me to come back. I would like to continue my journey through staff and maybe someday get into a high staff rank (dream come true?) I have a few ideas to possibly use but those are for me only for now. For me staff can be fun and be somewhat frustrating, but I think my break is complete and I can continue and work my way up. So basically I just want to do what almost every staff does, monitor the server and encourage rp to keep the server going. Am I TR trained: yes, will I need to be retrained? Probably, its the rules. Was I a gamemaster? Yes, a good one? To some, I mainly did event server events before the regulations. But that isn't an issue for me as I can think of new things, so expect some scenarios from Buzz/Voight. So basically I'd like to return because I'd like to help the server like I did before whether it be claiming every ticket, to training, and hosting events that are unique. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): A senior for not very long as I graduate on the 20th. Love playing video games, its all I have ever done as I am a no life. <- You're not living life if you don't make fun of yourself. I have always had an interest in video games and computers. One of the very first few games I played was GTA 2, you know, the 2d one where the game play was from the top of the screen. Looking into colleges that are in my budget and interests. Why waste money for something you don't want am I right? Do you have any previous staff experience? GMOD: Synergy RP - NA - SA ArmA 2/3: Milsim Unit: 173rd Airborne to be exact (ArmA 2 and ArmA 3) ArmA 3 Big City Life Head Admin Stratosphere Gaming ArmA 3 Life, Exile, and ArmA 3 Life Revive Head Admin-Community Manager (Yes I dealt with the advertisement)
    1 point
  6. Battalion: Galactic Marines RP Name: TRM 4th GM BCMD Bacara Date: 5/13/2018 Reason: I have been contemplating this for a long time. And let me tell you, it was not an easy decision. But I have so many things going on in my life at the moment, such as medical school, a girlfriend, as well as my job. It just overwhelmed me, I hate this word, but it burnt me out. I feel like I have failed Galactic Marines, so I will be recommending another Bacara that can do better than me. That's what Galactic Marines deserve, a leader. I also feel I shouldn't be in this position because of my activity as of late on Bacara, I have made a promise, that if I ever went inactive or anything close to that; I would resign. The Galactic Marines deserve an active leader. Its been so much fun, and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to run these fine men. And as always, " IM A MARINE". Goodbyes: @TR GM 4thHRHL CSM Smokes Please come back, help Jacien run the battalion like how you helped me run the battalion. @conillim Keep up the good work as regimental. @Oxen Thank you for everything, thank you for being the best Bacara, and thank you for training me to be Bacara. @Jacien I am expecting you to take the mantle, I will be on to help you whenever you need it, just let me know. @Wynter You are a Warrant officer for a reason. Good job. @Jeice I honestly have no idea if you are in the battalion anymore or not. @Raids You are the cheekiest cunt in Galactic Marines. @Woods Try not to explode anything while I am gone.... @Gene_Starwind First Bacara I had experienced, you are one of the best as well. @Gallen I hope to see you rise through the ranks. If I didn't mention you, i'm sorry, but there are so many of you, and I cannot @ everyone. This is Matra, signing off
    1 point
  7. although you did just come back if u plan to be active. +1
    1 point
  8. +1 He is the marine for the job currently. Full backing for as long as I have the time left on the server. p.s. I have no idea what the B#@#@#P is being spouted about us (GM) being fucked!.... We have always been a smaller battalion, but we are well trained, well disciplined, well maintained and ready for anything that comes our way!.
    1 point
  9. @JBFox, It has been a long time coming to see you get back to where you were before you had a sudden leave. You were a great staff member, good to see you get back up to Vet Admin again. You were a fantastic leader, brother & friend through our times in the 104th, including being a solid Wolffe. You are the third Ex-104th whom I feel proudest, after Korm & Square as they took their leaves from the Battalion and progressed further on the server. Knowing that being a current Battalion member brings limitations to what one can do, I always left the door unlocked for anyone to exit and pursue their own goals. Korm has become [probably] Synergy's greatest Kal. Square has achieved almost all that one could, he is a Director now. You, you've had the RC dream for a long time and I still remember hearing you talk about it - just like Korm & Square it hurt me to see all of you go from the Battalion and do your own thing but I can not do anything but encourage for you to chase after what you want most. The Battalion has and will survive by everything you and the others have done for it, it's certainly time for you to get what you deserve for the inconceivable amount of time you've spent getting to where you are now and it has been well earned - as plenty more there is to be. Just like Kal has become Korm's role, and Plo Koon my own, I feel you will in time make this your role as well and others will have to try very hard to do better. I hope the best for you. +1
    1 point
  10. +1 Perfectly written application, you seem to know what you are doing
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. It is the first time coming back on the server in months, I would say wait a bit then go nuts. -1
    1 point
  13. -1 So ima say this as the regimental of this and the MAIN person running this I dont believe you are at all suited for this job, When i was Gregor i was going to remove you for inactvity but u resigned before I could aswell as no where the srs person im needing to help run Co with me For all those thinking its a mess around batt your wrong
    1 point
  14. For everyone saying Skeeti went inactive, he didn't. His monitor literally exploded. I'm keeping away from this as Papa Kal because whoever gets captain is just another person I'm going to have to baby sit.
    1 point
  15. -1 Im not going to lie. At this current state the ONLY WAY that GM gets saved is if someone from the outside comes in, someone experienced enough to SAVE GM. Its just a continued cycle of everything staying the same and nothing is being changed and fixed. GM if im being honest is fucked. And on top of all this your application is pretty short. I'm sorry but I had to be the one to say it. Nothing against you as a person but I don't think GM will be any different w/ you in command when it needs to be different in a lot of aspects.
    1 point
  16. NEUTRAL. you say you are active which is a good thing but you didn't put your name and you didn't even say something about yourself you just told us you will be on all summer and when you cant be active
    1 point
  17. Man at some points in GM you surely did get on my nerves but looking past that you did well. I hope you take what you've learned over time and make Covert Ops a thing of beauty. Please do well or else I will be very disappointed. +1 Jacien.
    1 point
  18. +1 Your time to shine son, I remember when you first joined RC as a wee lil' boy. You have since then grown, do us proud young man! CT SGT Voight / C3PO / Buzz / Ex-Gregor/Ex-Neyo
    1 point
  19. +1 i know you you're competent i think
    1 point
  20. +1 that was the most passionate speech (application) ever. I’m not crying, YOUR CRYING
    1 point
  21. +1 I believe your the right person for this job I wish you luck
    1 point
  22. Hey so you forgot the name part idk who you are no one will unless you tell them so can you fix that?
    1 point
  23. im gonna say +0, be more descriptive
    1 point
  24. This is Torrent Company 3234 Mixer, Signing On! I'm Nico too btw.
    1 point
  25. Congratulations! your application has been accepted after I conducted your Interview! Welcome to the staff team!
    1 point
  26. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! You have until 5/21/18 to contact a Head Administrator for your interview. Good Luck!
    1 point
  27. Very good application overall and good detailing there buddy +1 Good Luck
    1 point
  28. +1 put effort into the app
    1 point
  29. It was fun while it lasted. Good on you to realize you need to get your life in order and to not fall behind on what really matters. Real Life Comes First. ALWAYS.. If you ever need a ear to bend or advice to ask of, look for me in TS, Discord, Steam or Email me day or night! /r Oxen
    1 point
  30. @Oxen Well, it was one hell of a ride my dude. We have worked with each other for many months now and its sad to see ya go. With that being said, you were a great director and I want to thank you for your service in staff, but most importantly, your service for our country. Take care my friend
    1 point
  31. +1 your a good guy from what I hear which is a lot the minimum you should be on the server 20 hours a day don’t burn yourself out -Meow|TECH
    1 point
  32. I'd say +1 just bring up the activity by a qupple of hours
    1 point
  33. Last night memed with @Dargon@Tyzen. @Hawkeye @Jorrdan And others
    1 point
  34. Yo CG this “INC” guy got AOSed. Get on it
    1 point
  35. o7 Good luck with the rest of your life
    1 point
  36. One of my biggest mentors while being a part of Synergy and a large influence when I was in GM. Thank you for your amazing work and dedication to Synergy and the individuals as a whole in it. You made Synergy Staff shine and it is gonna be a dark day once you're gone. You are also a very brave man for going out and fighting for the thing we all take for granted, Freedom. With this all being said it's been very good knowing you Commander Keller sir. Stay safe and get back in one piece. o7 ARC-2442 Over-And-Out
    1 point
    1 point
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