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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2024 in all areas

  1. The issues you outlined are issues that Naval has always suffered from. The problem now, I feel, is how naval is perceived. When I first joined the server, there was a sense of respect for Naval. People listened to Naval. Naval had some real pull and say in how things went. They hosted all the training, promoted and regularly did roleplay related to those trainings, and were always made important in events. Now, I feel like they are kind of menial. All the things that they do can be done by somebody else. Nobody wants to be it because there is no reason to be it. Anybody can open the doors, I don't even know what trainings they do anymore, and NavalRP has degraded to become door opening and light comms RP basically. I think to fix Naval there just has to be a shift in how they are viewed on the server. They need to be made important and into more than just button pushers.
    3 points
  2. I think the issue with naval and tbh this even extends to BHs and the whole clone side of the server when synergy decided to “not be either semi serious or serious RP” and kinda just became a “RP how u want” kinda server and in that regard people have just lost what it means to do fun interesting RP like in the good ole days. i also think the issue with naval could extend to the fact that our maps haven’t been helping to stimulate RP for anyone in some cases. If there was more content on maps that gave naval more control of the base. I’m not sure exactly how it would work to re-energize naval but it seems the issue isn’t with how naval is set up but more of a systemic synergy issue with how we do role play and how in game is set up. There’s little i think we can do as community players to make naval more appealing and fun but maybe a good chunk of the community trying to turn around how we RP in a meaningful way would be a good start because naval thrives off of real role play and not just the boring ATC and inspection stuff they do mostly
    2 points
  3. 5/5/5 Very Good use of objectives and loved the flow of it. Everything about this deployment felt super fresh and unique. Everyone felt included and like they had something to do. ARF was given the chance to scout at the start to help. Alphas had many spots to provide recon and overwatch from. The path was extremely clear and it was finally an event/deployment where i didn't get lost one time!
    1 point
  4. *Flashbacks to running into rocks for 3 hours looking for areas that could fall out of the map*
    1 point
  5. Navy has always been like one of my favorite things throughout my time in Synergy. Arizona has absolutely summed up what the current state of the server is HOWEVER literally anyone who plays Navy has the ability to change the feel of the server for a short while whilst they do RP. You can think of literally anything you want to do, no matter how small or large scale it is, it will always attract a larger group to participate in which will increase the RP output on the server. They manage the entire base, it's operations, system mechanics, deliveries, armory, ATC, vehicle storage etc. Do anything you want For instance, yesterday I randomly grabbed CG and started doing mandatory ID Checks across the base, small rp scenarios across the entire base involving literally everyone who I saw and approached. I know a lot of people just won't put in any effort into creating their own RP because they only wanna do stuff in events or lack initiative or creativity to do stuff during passive RP, but passive RP has the ability to lead you onto your best storylines which you can continue throughout the entire time you play
    1 point
  6. ^ Arizona hit it on the head, the server moved from RP to b hop until a scheduled deployment. Main server events are just shoot ‘em ups
    1 point
  7. Optimization is certainly not as bad as its being made out to be. The only thing I said was poorly optimized was the trees, because I didnt know how to make collision meshes too well at that time. Otherwise, the map uses practically every single trick in the book for optimizing a source map. Areaportals, visclusters, hints, farz plane, props fade, LODs, vision blockers, npc node paths/hints, etc etc etc. I assure you, the bug testing phase of the map was very thorough. There were things like docks and other areas that got cut because they just didnt meet the performance standards we were looking for. There is never a proper metric on what makes a map more optimized then another in a multiplayer server, and if I'm being completely honest with you, it all seems to come up to personal opinions and bias more then actual facts at the end of the day. There are certainly maps that run worse than others because of the techniques used to optimize (which I have mentioned), but almost every single map will run horribly on multiplayer. Even the people who made the engine, Valve, have terribly poor performing maps on multiplayer. Models, lua, player connections, PC hardware, server host, and so on will always drag down anything and everything to the point where it's easy to just point at something and say 'that's the source of the lag'. I personally can confidently say that Onderon, to me, runs the same as Corellia. Because I am confident that Bananakin took every optimization step that I did too. It runs the same as Anaxes, and Extensive, and Rishi Moon. So on, so forth. It all compares, in my eyes. And again, as I said earlier, that comes down to my experience and my bias. Now if you're talking optimization in terms of navigation and level design, then meh. Onderon was bad on that regard, I was a new level designer. It was a stepping stone in learning and becoming who I am now, and I continue to grow from it.
    1 point
  8. gm_flatgrass
    1 point
  9. Okay even as a member of server management if you say you want Anaxes I can no longer guarantee your safety on this server
    1 point
  10. Onderon or Corellia your going to get the same Cookie Cutter Events, The Issue isnt the Map. Different Map, Same GM Team.
    1 point
  11. until
    Join us @7pm EST on the Event Server to salute and send of Commander Bacara for his service to the 21st Galactic Marines!
    1 point
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