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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2018 in all areas

  1. Well I've been on this cancerous game for over a year now, feels shitty I've met some super epic gamers who are the only reason I played on this server for a year @Quill Khan Daddy i love you @Bbstine Ill never forget the time you called me instead of the pizza man @Derv ur gei @Fours I miss you father @Esitt yeeeaaaahhh @JorrdanI hope I tagged the right Jordan but your epic @woeny23 I still have a bunch of stickers of you on snap <3 @Freck wya fool @Prince "I shoot Koons with my 22" @Rush Cat RUSH B! @Ginyu Love you ❤️ @traditional Cancer @Bazoo Your welcome for giving you a spot in foxtrot xd There's so much more but tbh my hands are cold and i want sleep All of SOBDE And here is a couple moments that make synergy worth it (there's a lot more that i really wish i would had recorded)
    4 points
  2. I’m not going to bother quoting whoever said it but. if you -1 this application just because, “He’s Not Like Egg.” “He doesn’t lead the same as Egg.” Well guess what? He’s not Egg and you have to suck it up. Anyways onto my vote. Sanchez, you’ve done a lot for 41st and I believe you should recieve this position. I’ve witnessed your leadership capabilities when I was Barriss and well, you have what it takes. (TBFH you should’ve been XO like long ago but whatever lmao.) +1 from me chief.
    4 points
  3. Hi dudes, It's me Zim. I am lazy and not typing out a big thing here. But look, it's been about a year since I came to Synergy. So here is a VERY SLIM FEW things I happened to clip while here, minus some for privacy. So yeah. Thanks everyone for the cool year. See you again later. This video includes a bunch of people, but here are some tags for people I noticed in it. @Xaze @Zahariel @PunishedDrayyen @Spooky @Ryx @Bananaberry @Heroix @Mocaris @Baxter @Oxen @Washington @Comics @Koval @TR GM 4thHRHL CSM Smokes @SquirtleKitty @Bbstine @DangerRanger @Nyx @Jackson @Fours @Duck @Joah
    2 points
  4. I've been meaning to write this for a bit, anyway let's get it. Recently I've dropped everything on the server (basically.) After I dipped from SOBDE, (once again) I went to 501st to get into that RP again. I got Jesse, and that's when it just hit me. The server isn't fun for me anymore, don't get me wrong I'll still play GMOD, and hop on the forums now and then. I just want to thank everyone for the fun opportunity, and great experience I had with all of you. Eventually everyone will fine their place, but I wish you all good luck with whatever you're trying to achieve. Now time for them goodbyes, eh. @Korm I first met you back in that good ol' SOBDE. You're a great dude, sucks that you stepped from Kal'buir and became Niner. Have a good one, and take care of Omega Squad. Get off my shoulder. @Venom/TJ "Patty Cake." My second run for Null you and I passed together. You're a good guy as well. (I will probably say good guy like 100 times.) I'm glad you got Ordo after I stepped down from my second time. Take care of the Null Arcs. @Doc Good taste in music. You sound like JB Fox. @Derv First "shit lord" I met in SOBDE. You were the best Scorch I've ever seen. You were a retard, and loved them dets. You were a strict Boss though, and you did your job. I'll list them good quotes - Derv gets Boss and goes in the middle of DB "How do I change my name?" When Max was Chancellor, and I was Kal at the time. I can't remember, but Max said something my old face, and you go "Shut up, I'll suck your toes." *Derv gets AOSED for ERP, while hiding in a bush below the DB stand.* @Prince "Edge Lord." If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been in Null. You took an interest in me when no one else did, you went out of your way to un-blacklist me. I will never forget that. Probably one of the most abusive Kals, got many 10 across the ass. @Shakes. Good A'den. @Spooky Skyraider. @SOBDE Good guys. @Boutineer| Killian Tight wedge. @Carter Best Doom. @GhoulFps Best mingy Doom. @Rush Cat Sucks how you got removed from Niner for that little slip up mistake. @Genji the Asian Ehhhhhh. @Scribbles Lucario is the finest, ain't it Scribbles? @Red_Panda Fury @Medic Had a great time when you were Jaing. Watching you get arrested and breaking PTS in DB. @Bazoo Had a great time with you. @JBFox Between Derv and you, I probably pissed you more off when you were Boss. @Twrgy We shall clean the floors together. @Quill Khan Legend. @woeny23 You're fucking inactive. @meowthemeower Foxtrot was the best, well Null was. @Brak/Mainstay Have fun in 501st. @Buzz Most strict Gregor @woeny23 You're still inactive. @chhing Good Mereel. Had fun with you. @Fours Forgot the main Irish legend here. Funny as hell, had an amazing time with you, along with being in SOBDE. Sorry if I forgot anyone.
    2 points
  5. 10/10 Final video meme
    2 points
  6. I'm finished boys. It's over. I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner, but here I go. Egg, you have been Gree ever since I joined the battalion from 104th, recruited by Wolf, Woody and Jefferson inside the Green boy hanger dupe. I'm gonna miss you, and I feel as though we may not play again, due to the timezone difference, so this may be a final goodbye. I remember the time you gave me a home, even after I left, you let me come back. I remember the countless hours you spent on this battalion, and the memes on the roster. I remember the home you gave us, a home of memery and trickery. I remember you as an overseer, and Jefferson, being a "role model". I remember the events we did together, with the help of Jek on Mustafar (that was fun). I remember peacock, and how he always came back because of YOU. I remember your words of wisdom in DB, while it was being shot up. I remember you coming to talk to us about people making people cry, and how you always helped them afterward. I remember when you were actually a Jedi. I remember all the drama you and the goon squad created, oh how that was fun. I remember being able to talk to you, no matter the circumstance or problem, you would always have an answer. I remember my resignation, and how you brought me back in after I didn't want to let go. I remember your one year anniversary of being Commander Egg, and how I thought we would get to 3. For the Year + 3 months I've been here, it's been fun. I'll always be remembered for losing the war against birds, but you will always be Gree in my heart, and any 41st's Heart. I am not an odinson, but I do believe the gates to valhalla are open. Goodbye my non-bioligical-not-in-a-weird-way-father-of-41st. There is so many more moments I cannot recount, as this is just a reply. But I hope your visit in valhalla is not too long. Farewell. " You will not be forgotten boyo. You did a lot for this battalion and for the server. You always have a seat in my battalion as long as I am Gree. Don't be a stranger my young Australian friend. " - Humble and Noble Commander Egg You might remember this next one.
    2 points
  7. Fucking summoned skeletons are useless
    1 point
  8. Too much Skyrim Nade while in teamspeak with you all I hear is you yelling that you want to be sucked by a vampire then next minute your screaming because a skeleton died
    1 point
  9. Oh alright I see how it is
    1 point
  10. Honestly the single most active and constant presence I’ve seen from any battalion or server what so ever. +1 best of luck.
    1 point
  11. He is the only choice, he has been been XO for a long time now and i know that he will manage as Cody. +1 Striker is big gay tho 😎
    1 point
  12. I've watches climb the ranks from a nco up to Xo. You have matured a bit since February. Perri stepping from cody and you are the xo. so i guess its time for you take the leap and become the battalion command. +1 o7
    1 point
  13. +1 I haven’t seen a Cody for a while and I don’t know anyone else who could fill this large of a role in 212th best of luck to you
    1 point
  14. But like... nobody said that? Not unless the post was deleted. Edit: I stand corrected
    1 point
  15. Farewell friend, the times we had whether in seriousness or fun, it was a blast and a pleasure to be able to play with you. You knew when to be serious and when to be chill. Trust me, you'll come back.
    1 point
  16. Bro I remember that too, we were kinda scared xD. Then Joah connected
    1 point
  17. Nothing as gay as me leading you in rancor o7 if you race with speeders and escape pods it crashes the server
    1 point
  18. @Faded I see how it is... ill just go fuck myself
    1 point
  19. Hey, just a quick message to state that at one point we did have this but it kept fucking breaking so we got rid of it when Ron came in. So, Imma -1 this one chief, just follow the suggestions other people are telling you or simply bookmark this link to find out how many players are on CWRP. https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
    1 point
  20. Okay the critism involving the event is valid but don’t call out someone for not speaking perfect English. English isn’t his first language and that’s kind of dumb to call someone out on.
    1 point
  21. +1 Time to threaten you with a bigger knife
    1 point
  22. Well, it's definitely the end of an era for 41st whether for good or bad remains to be seen. Many act like its the end for Egg or 41st, but it is just another page in the history of his time at Synergy and another experience he has under his belt. The work he put in shows, the family he created is still there. He can still advise and work within his battalion, help it grow and thrive, but unfortunately, his time at the reins have come to an end for now. Synergy is the place for second chances and while Egg has made some missteps and I am sure he has learned from them. Perhaps when he has more time so he can properly keep an eye on things we could see a return from him to the mantle of Gree. Now, this is my actual message to Egg. Egg my guy, you and I have never really gotten along that well. I had to fight for every square inch when I came to talk to you about an issue and doing my damnedest to get you to do some things a different way. But I knew you gave a damn for the 41st and tried to do right by your battalion to make sure they could have a safe fun place to call home. You are one stubborn son of a bitch who defended his guys to the death (Even if they didn't deserve it) and didn't give a damn about who you pissed off in the process. I think your biggest flaw was the fact you saw the good in everyone but sometimes ignored the bad (which some might argue is a good thing but even family needs a good smack upside the head sometimes) and that is ultimately lead to your downfall. We might have had a rocky relationship and I have no idea where I would land on the scale of people you like/hate but I will say this. I never thought you were a bad person and even though you frustrated the hell out of me a lot of the time I think in the end you thought you did the right thing and I respect that. Safe travels on your journey through life.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. o7. Thank you egg, I will always remember the times I had with the 41st All my other screenshots are on my old computer
    1 point
  25. The court does not recognize Medic
    1 point
  26. +1 Good event idea. Thanks Tessa. You're welcome, Tessa. No problem Tessa. Nice retarded trader voice btw, Tessa. Oh thx Tessa! I appreciate the good feedback, Tessa! Great Tessa! Awesome, Tessa.
    1 point
  27. yo how did I not realize he resigned, so that CT was max... and not some random guy, well have fun... 91st forever, 91st MAJ Max
    1 point
  28. Neutral, You don't have the Leadership and trust that Egg had. You understand how the 41st operates but you don't know how to properly lead it like Egg.
    -2 points
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