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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2017 in all areas

  1. Dude, you got banned from the TS but you keep coming back for some reason, thats why you keep getting permed. You come in and complaining and sometimes micspamming. I think this is a spicy meme tbh but I'm just gonna @Llama/Yoda and @Koval
    3 points
  2. RP Name: TR SC MED WO Lily Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:237208209 Age: 16 Gender: Female Timezone: Eastern Time (ET) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be an administrator on the server to be able to help out as much as I can. I am very active on the server, and witness a large amount of things that go wrong. If someone isn't there to respond I want to be able to be there and help out. I want to make sure that the server doesn't possess any people breaking the rules. or being rude to others. I personally have received some harassment due to my voice, and I don't want other people to have to deal with others being mean! Everyone on the server deserves to have a great time and get along with others. There shouldn't be any causing trouble or hurting others. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Lily, I enjoy watching anime and playing video games. When I'm not on Synergy Roleplay, I enjoy playing other games such as osu! and League of Legends. I like listening to Korean pop and Japanese pop, and I enjoy meeting new people and becoming friends. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, I have been staff on a few Dark RP servers in the past.
    2 points
  3. The Manson squad are you retarded fizzik
    2 points
  4. Yes, that's what it's meant for. I was talking to someone about the ARC incident last night and figured I'd throw that in there just in case some shit like that happened and they claimed it "wasn't against the rules".
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Names: Steam: SparklingChicken | Dead Naval: TR MD IT LCDR Chicken | Ingame Name: Chicken | Clone Cadet Name: CC 2947 Chicken Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:159170272 Reason of Leaving: First of all I know nothing about Star wars and I realize that due to people yelling it to me and how I don't deserve my rank if Baller/Admiral Yularen didn't make a rule against it I would still be getting complaints about it. Second its not fun anymore for me I loved doing naval work and staff work but with some of the people I start to get less and less excited cause what is the point of getting on just to get roasted I love everyone on the server even if they hate me for being young and annoying. Don't take this the wrong way that I'm sensitive or that the naval suck. The Naval don't suck and being roasted is not really a reason of me leaving its just a little part, the main part is I don't know anything about Star Wars and I'm COMPLETELY BURNED OUT of my work and the jokes. Farewells - Really Special People: @Baller You were the best Admiral I know and you are the only admiral I know but I know you really deserve that position you do so much work with everything I think you should be made into a director thanks for teaching me so much @Freck You were my Favorite Naval and favorite person on the server all I want to say you were probably the only person that didn't say one bad thing about me and I appreciate that. I WILL MISS YOU THE MOST @traditional You make the funniest jokes but even when you do you can go right back to being serious and you can do your job I wish you the best of luck as vice admiral @TTRaven So active and so good at being a naval I am so glad that you are apart of the naval you worked up the ranks so fast!! @Koval BEST STAFF EVER I remember when I joined and you were just a new admin or admin idk that was a long time ago @GinyuI think it was you that kept shouting me out when you were skywalker and it made me happy and encouraged me to buy vip @yatebe I remember training you back in the 212th and you straight climbed the ranks way past and I'm glad you are a naval and I think you will do well as it @Jagger When I joined the 212th you held a training right after I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO but you helped me I thought you were so cool and I still think you are. @BlackMamba I loved you as a 212th you were always supportive when I joined and you always lead so well you still are supportive even though I became a perma Naval @Matt You are a great 212th really loyal to the battalion more than I have been. I love how you always were training with your lightsaber whenever you got on after doing your 212th work though #MattTheTrainingGod @Nicros I was mad at first when you got smo but I realized afterwards how much you deserve it and I loved how you rp. @MarX hi RandyButterNubs you are a great person that always knew what he was doing you tried me out for arf and I passed back in the 212th and I was happy about it. @Karma You were a great Sharp Shooter Leader back in the 212th and I thank you for letting me in the Sharpshooter Regiment way back then @Comics (Insert Edgy Farewell) @Illium Your high voice just lights up everyones day and you are good at medical. @Kyle Vanhorn You Helped me to be a good naval and helped me in the medical area I really enjoyed being a medical thank you for helping me. @Zahariel You were a big part of me on this server you lit up my day with your stories and cartoonish voice you even taught me some stuff (like masturbation for some reason WHICH I STILL WONT DO) @Bazoo You did my staff interview and passed me? You made a really big mistake just saying. @Jackson GREATEST GAME MAKER EVER you know what your doing and I love that but you also have fun with it. Its always fun when I get to participate in a event of yours I might still but not as much(like not a lot and I mean a lot) @AnyoneIMissed - its not because I don't like you well maybe but it may be because I didn't remember you I AM TERRIBLY SORRY _____________________________The annoying PTS line in the staff meetings________________________________(its useful though) P.S.- will not be on the server almost at all I will still be on it though I will be on the teamspeak to talk to the naval guys a lot and I hope that you understand why I'm leaving and that this isn't coming out of no where. Thank you to you synergy you taught me a lot of how to work with documents a little bit about some irl medical crap and a lot about star wars. BEFORE I LEAVE I WILL LEAVE ME SIGNATURE FACE------ =^-^= (no one knows it because of the fact that I never use it ingame) Roblox Account= https://www.roblox.com/users/55960367/profile (please don't remove it its a masterpiece) Goodbye
    1 point
  7. Hit the nail on the head.
    1 point
  8. It'd be well deserved, honestly.
    1 point
  9. +1 I wasn't even there and it was awesome.
    1 point
  10. +1 *Intesifies*. Amazing event. All the events led by Max are always 10/10. Hope we get more of these events in the future!
    1 point
  11. GIANT +1 OMG This event was fan-fucking-tastic and OMG im still dead after. Great story. Great RP. Great set-up. Great Directing. Amazing.
    1 point
  12. +1 Fun event liked the fact that there was actually a backstory to it rather than spamming droid NPCs like most other events.
    1 point
  13. +1 Friendly to talk and overall is awesome
    1 point
  14. u dont sound like a girl (No offense) but +1
    1 point
  15. +1 - So kind and friendly, also gives me money for no reason
    1 point
  16. Chicken For Dayz, totally crazy.
    1 point
  17. You put in hella work my dude. You were a buddy of mine. Good luck chicken, aka, SIRI
    1 point
  18. +1 Will do well as a staff member.
    1 point
  19. holy hell, that sounds like a fun and worthwhile event! +support
    1 point
  20. ill make a /me salute faces bind in memeory
    1 point
  21. So max gave u +1. Now i know something about u. +1
    1 point
  22. I give +1 to this application. The applicant has previous staff experience on another server, she is well dedicated to her current roles and I think we could always do with new Staff members who are ready to put in the effort for their community. Again + 1
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. @Freck thanks for subbing heres your meme ooga booga,ooga booga...
    1 point
  25. Will miss you Chicken, always.
    1 point
  26. +1 jayarr says good things about her which i trust and we need more girls on the server (becuase really at this point its just a bunch of guys and it can get kinda weird when ashoka or barris is a man) realy the only promblem i see is we are making another ANIME STAFF MEMBER!!!!!!! (jk +1 still ;))
    1 point
  27. Big +1 As a LTC in SC, I can assure she is a hard worker. Shes is our all time top recruiter so far which means she can do great in staff. Good luck, lily.
    1 point
    1 point
  29. Even though we kinda already had an event like this form Zyner (don't know if he used your idea or not) still a +1 A lot of effort put into the app and I can tell you're going to be a kick ass Gamemaker -TayTay
    1 point
  30. THIS DISRESPECTFUL STAFF SERGEANT, CALLED ME, STONED AS FUC-Ron OH NO DONT YOU START PUTTING MOUTH WORDS IN MY MOUTH- Camilo Ive known this dude forever, and let me say Camilo is funny, but serious, and knows right from wrong +1 Also, if you want the video link in which Camilo got chewed out by Ron, HMU
    1 point
  31. Also +1. Well written application, and it seems you have some experience with staff. Max I swear to fucking god I'm using that gif every time someone says grill now
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. "Salute face" Never forget.
    1 point
  34. You have been previously permanently banned from both the server and teamspeak. Any ban following these bans is done as a result for "ban evasion". A staff member performing a ban on a user that is otherwise already intended to be banned is correct. //Locked //Moved to Staff Abuse Reports - Completed Reports
    1 point
  35. IDK if your a squeaker or not but if so your considered one of my squeaker brothers like all are, even tho I never met you, but yeah im a fellow one
    1 point
  36. I'll never forget Anakin/Ginyu going up to the stand and yelling "I'D LIKE TO SHOUTOUT 212TH TR2 CHICKEN, PROMOTE THIS MAN" or whatever. Never knew your personally but you always seemed like a good guy. */me salutefaces*
    1 point
  37. so help me god if people are harassing others i'm coming back to kill a bitch. Hold my beer.
    1 point
  38. Chicken is a fuckin legend.
    1 point
  39. I'm gonna miss you man, you were always my favorite lil chicken.
    1 point
  40. Chicken If possible please come on ts so I can say goodbye my friend I'm going to miss you and please if you you can stop by ts once in a while so we can speak again I'll miss my dude
    1 point
  41. +1 all the way always wanted a murder mystery
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. After reading PM's from you on TS, I have shortened your ban it has been reduced to 12 hours, take that time to take a walk and get out of your own head bud, I fully understand life gets shitty sometimes, just think before you speak. Accepted.
    1 point
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