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    • On the new map i went to log onto my jedi Padawan and it went to a black screen that i had to restart gmod to fix. After that my jedi does show up anymore to select and i don't want to lose the rainbow crystal i bought from someone for 15 mil lol idc about anything else i had tbh  
    • My immediate concern and big agenda is fixing the civilian faction as a whole, referencing the walking back of policies and ensuring a comprehensive leadership team is in place. I dont have any GRAND changes planned at the moment but would like to establish a command team and work with them to do big changes. I gather ill have my hands full with my currently set objectives as is. Im not aware of all the details, nor was i aware it was specifically that individual who did it. Under normal circumstances, any marshal hosting raids without permission will be subject to immediate demotion/removal pending the circumstances. I wasn't told if this marshal had gotten permission from others or not. I can assure you moving forward, any marshal doing this will face immediate removal. Rule breakers in general will receive strikes/temp bans from the faction which can of course be appealed. I thank you for that, balancing the workload between the 2 of them is not an issue, i have a very comprehensive command team in naval, specifically the captains who keep me constantly informed and they are constantly doing their work. I trust them implicitly. That frees me up to deal with civilian. Although it may not be needed, I think its time to give others the opportunity to rise to vice admiral and allow them to take the reigns. They can message me anytime for advice. I plan to raise the prices of all whitelists by double but make discounts much more frequent. Its important to fix the renown issue but its also important to consider the new hunters who are starting out. We could if we really wanted to apply discounts to new hunters based on time of how long they have been a hunter for and set eligible status for discount but i feel that would be unfair to the rest of the hunters so itll take a bit to figure out the most fair item. I want to say that clans in first month or twice will not be a primary focus in terms of making changes to how they operate and their structure. This really is more of a "id like to see what i can do about this but i need to look a lot more closer before i can fully do anything" Its only ever been my opinion that clans need to feel more repercussions for their recent actions especially from a hostile nature towards the GAR, that includes losing the clan itself either by clan lead of 33% loss of members.(this is already a thing mind you, but i think it could be expanded on more) I cant really say more beyond that at this time.   Walking back policies, Changing a few rules to include the economy stuff and finding a balance for purchases between new and old hunters, leadership changes within senate and guild as whole, revamping all the rewards for the currently active cabinet bounties(Especially if im raising the prices of the whitelists) Enforcing, encouraging and leading by example in the engagement of the roleplay currently happening on the server. Hunters are barely ever roleplaying except when it comes to raids or doing bounties. Once again the incentive to roleplay doesn't typically bear any reward. I cant give players credits for roleplaying. I feel like the contracts will HELP this along Point 2 from my side notes ties in with the last question of the application. The only thing i can think of to better relations from all the factions to work in symmetry is to change the negative aspects of the guild itself and somehow find a positive. I will do everyone in my power to work with all of high command to find better alternatives to the system we have now. As far as i know, none of the current RCMDs+(palpatine excluded) make any effort to establish relationships with the hunters. BCMDs, i think i saw 1 contract. Again i cant force the contracts on people, I can only give the incentives.  I hope these answers are good enough, I cant expand better than i have here.   I really cant give you a better answer than what i have given. Its important to establish incentives and i have clearly done so. The only other generic response is constantly ping the discord, offer up constant impromptu bounties*which i already do*, and do periodic raids which people do enjoy doing. What am i looking for? More guild and hunter representation on the battlefield, whether its a reliance on them or engaging in combat with them, and im talking about giving them bonuses for what they do out there. Clones get promoted for being out of the field and leading and fighting. whats the reward for hunters getting out there and doing the same? aside from contracts, nothing. So bonuses to make it worth the effort. Contract system is in place yes, but no actual incentives to use it, its just there. Backup plan not needed, its just an added bonus what i am thinking of doing. These plans may seem limited but they will undoubtedly take time to implement and the more important thing to me is fixing the faction. You are right i don't have much for senate because senate doesn't really need more than what i am saying here already.
    • Name:JustJack Staff Rank: Admin Are you VIP?: Yes Date:6/4/2024 Reason for leaving:I stayed for Reasons that are no longer here. I genuinely enjoyed my time but Garry's Mod RP Is a time sink and a Addiction I want to rid of myself. I'm clearly not putting enough time into my work and personal life and that is something I want to work on. Farewells: SteamID:76561198118840687  
    • Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
    • 3/5/5 Was a little confusing, but he did put time and effort into this deployment (I have seen him at 3 am on the event server thinking.) But was a little confusing but great still none the less
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