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BigZach's BCMD Meds Application


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Steam Name: BigZach


RP Name: BigZach


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:19958681


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Republic Medic Battalion Commander Meds

Experience: I have spent my time on this server since early November of 2017. Through this time I have experienced:


I have spent a good portion of my time in Synergy in the 104th. Through my time in the 104th I learned a lot such as good roleplay etiquette which I was taught through their Hostage Negotiation RP. I also learned all of my NCO experience there with the tryout grind and trying to suss out the best troops for the battalion. In 104th I had also progressed to the Elite squad of it know as Wolfpack in which I learned some lore and some more roleplay etiquette. In 104th I also started my journey into MED RP when i got trained and became a battalion medic. In 104th I had a great time and learned alot from the people there. Probably the best battalion I could have started off in.

Coruscant Guard

After I had decided to leave 104th I had set out to join the Coruscant Guard. Throughout my previous time on Synergy I had learned to admire the work and ethics of CG. After passing the Coruscant Guard tryouts I Learned that the CG had their BCMD and another Commander leave. So the I joined a lot was in the air. While serving in CG I had learned a lot about Discipline. Personally I believe discipline is a large part of running a Battalion as Xaze had shown to me in that time. In CG I also learned to take flak and learn from it and not be naive about what I do wrong. In CG we also done regular battalion training which really helped shape it and I believe to kinda input a formality on a battalion. Through CG I obviously learned to respect the rules and dos and don'ts of the server.

Republic Medics

After I had spent my time in CG I decided to move on to a new battalion on the server called the Republic Medics. When I had first joined the battalion was still in it's "youth" (for a lack of better a word.) Here I was promoted to the rank of 2nd LT where I could help the battalion more than I was. I was helping the battalion alot and still do. At this point a CMD had put me to Intel Deputy Director where I had to learn the ropes of Battalion Doc work myself. Through trial and error I tried to shape up the intel team with not much help. Also during this time I learned what bad leadership looked like which I have used to create a bad example of what I shouldn't be like. After a short amount of time due to lack of CMDs and I was put to the position of CMD along with Keo. Throughout my time as CMD it gave my insight to the more prominent leadership role in a battalion. During this time along with the BCMD at the time and another CMD we tried to shape the battalion to what we had in mind. During this time I was shown what good leadership was and learned how to be a good one myself. When the BCMD left, me and my other BCMD tried to hold the battalion together until a new BCMD was chosen. During this time is where I really found out what the running of a battalion felt like. After the new BCMD was chosen I have been complimented by many people saying that I have done a tonne of work for RM and still continue to.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I think I should be commander because I've been In RM for a long time I know where it has faults and where it can strive. I have been through the best and worst of the battalion. I have already put a tonne of work into RM. I have good relationships with the people in RM. I know the ins and outs of Medical RP. I am also currently Chief Medical Officer in Naval which helps take away the Communication dilemma between the two parties. I have also been shown by the community that RM is a good place for me to be and focus on.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: There is no lore for RM. But there is Lore medical equipment that I have looked into for medical docs as such.


Availability: I am available on Discord most times. I am also available during eastern player times and mostly all day GMT time.


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since November 2017


Do you have a microphone?: Yes.


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Hopefully by the end of my term as Meds I can give it a good structure for if I leave so it doesn't crumble at my absence. I also want to work on the Battalion Attachment system because RM have previously gotten a lot of flak for it. I also want to have a better relationship with all the medical personnel on the server like Jedi Healers, Naval, Battalion Medics etc.I also want to make Medical RP more prominent on the server because it should be important and thriving, with a lot of opportunities to get involved in it but it doesn't thrive. I'd really like to give more enrichment to RM's divisions (Surgeon and Hazard) so they can have a much better use and so they can actually look appealing and have something special about them. I also want to give a more positive image and make it live up to the battalion medics that had once occupied the space of Medical Troopers. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes.

Note: Oxen wavered my 30 day cool down as long as I applied for RM BCMD due to the amount of feedback saying I should stick with them.

Edited by BigZach


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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-1 you went for taggert and judging by that response and past Out of the 3 of you, you still fail to act like leaders and mostly -1 anyone you disagree with on the forums. RM needs to be rebuilt and I felt Keo was the only controlled person in the top branch of rm

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Just now, Arroyo said:

-1 I see how you are chief medic on naval and that is a big job. But I see you are good for the job but I think someone else should take it so you can focus on naval. We need a active chief medical 

It is a lot more easier to participate in both and communicate. I have also effectively split up my time recently between RM and Naval because I'm really trying to drive medical RP from both fronts. Thank you for your comment. 


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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It's just you tried to leave your battalion and now you go for the BCMD! I'm not saying, but it just seems like a power play kind of thing you're playing here. You go for Taggart and try to leave your guys behind, and now since you had some (-1) now you go for Commander Meds. Anyway man just make up your mind, leave or stay!

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+1 he’s the most qualified for the job and will do great work for RM. he’s one a of the most active people, friendliest and best to be around. People are saying he’s coed of medical on naval but he balances all 3 really well. There lots of other people who balance between the 3 and do great and achieved high ranks even above this 

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8 minutes ago, Banjans said:

I would -1 this due to reasons stated above, but since no-one else can really go for Meds that is high up in RM I have to +1 (Don't make me regret this, revive RM)

Honestly if he doesn't deserve it, don't plus 1. I would just wait till the dust clears because since all 3 of them I disagree with, I'm not gonna support any of them at this point. I would just neutral.

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5 minutes ago, BigBurner said:

Honestly if he doesn't deserve it, don't plus 1. I would just wait till the dust clears because since all 3 of them I disagree with, I'm not gonna support any of them at this point. I would just neutral.

Its fixed, yeah I agree


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-1, You're a good Role-player but I your loyalty to a battalion in long term relations is blurry in my mind. +You just applied for for Taggart which strengthen my point 1 opinion of you.


Edited by Extinzion

| Another one of those pesky OGs |

| Forums residentsleeper |

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+1 Despite what some people have said, I know you Bigzach and I know that you can do this job. You may have screwed up by applying for Taggart, but everyone makes mistakes. It's kinda dumb hearing people "RM needs you" but now they also say "your loyalty to a battalion in long term relations is blurry" when speaking about your connection to RM. It's pretty hypocritical at least in my opinion. Nevertheless, good luck!

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+1. Zach is good boi and I think he'll be able to give attention to both his positions when the time comes for it. Who cares what he applied for before? I believe that he'll do good for RM.

Edited by Finnley
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Lets be real ladies,
He is basically BCMD as he is XO which means he's already running the place
also CMO in naval does shit its one of the most inactive branches unfortunately so it's not hard to run and even if it picks up having RM BCMD and CMO would be really helpful as it makes communication so much easier.


Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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10 minutes ago, Comics said:

Lets be real ladies,
He is basically BCMD as he is XO which means he's already running the place
also CMO in naval does shit its one of the most inactive branches unfortunately so it's not hard to run and even if it picks up having RM BCMD and CMO would be really helpful as it makes communication so much easier.

Ha, exactly. He needs to focus on his naval. We need CMO

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Just now, Arroyo said:

Ha, exactly. He needs to focus on his naval. We need CMO

Thats Not what I was saying at all are you OK in the head. No He I wasn't saying he needs to focus CMO he can do both easily because he already is Can you actually read

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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2 hours ago, Comics said:

Lets be real ladies,
He is basically BCMD as he is XO which means he's already running the place
also CMO in naval does shit its one of the most inactive branches unfortunately so it's not hard to run and even if it picks up having RM BCMD and CMO would be really helpful as it makes communication so much easier.


Hey comics, accomplishments don't make a BCMD, personality does.  From what I have seen from BigZach and necro -1ing and on top of his maturity and handling of the Taggert situation, IDC what position he has, I know he has done some pretty shitty stuff recently and I feel he isn't ready for BCMD from what we see from him.

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Are any of you listening as XO he is inplace of the BCMD until they get one.
I'm saying he basically already is BCMD and he runs RM quite well.
All this shit thats he's done doesn't make him worse at his job He is best fit for the position There's a reason Keo made Bigzach his XO.

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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I haven't exactly been around for a few months, but I still have something to add to this.

Back when Turbine was Meds in early February, I was a low-ranking officer in RM (2ndLT-CPT in that period), he very rarely did anything for the battalion despite being a similar rank as me, and Medic and myself (as well as a few other people) carried most of the brunt in regards to Medical RP for two weeks and whenever I asked him to do anything (not only as an officer, but as an equal), he very rarely put in the effort to manage it. I don't think you have the balance to do both staff and BCMD given your past, but feel free to disregard this if he's changed since February.

Edited by Faoeoa
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10 hours ago, Faoeoa said:

I haven't exactly been around for a few months, but I still have something to add to this.

Back when Turbine was Meds in early February, I was a low-ranking officer in RM (2ndLT-CPT in that period), he very rarely did anything for the battalion despite being a similar rank as me, and Medic and myself (as well as a few other people) carried most of the brunt in regards to Medical RP for two weeks and whenever I asked him to do anything (not only as an officer, but as an equal), he very rarely put in the effort to manage it. I don't think you have the balance to do both staff and BCMD given your past, but feel free to disregard this if he's changed since February.

Thanks for your comment. Just a few notes: During the time that you were thinking of I was in a bad spot with my mum. So that meant i shouldn't have been on but i still wanted to try and be active so I would come on and tried to help where I could.

I am no longer staff as I resigned from it.

Hopefully this clears things up.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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8 hours ago, BigZach said:

Thanks for your comment. Just a few notes: During the time that you were thinking of I was in a bad spot with my mum. So that meant i shouldn't have been on but i still wanted to try and be active so I would come on and tried to help where I could.

I am no longer staff as I resigned from it.

Hopefully this clears things up.

Understandable, if you have any personal issues you need to vent about I'm gucci to talk about them.
I'll probably keep my -1 there as a precursor but I'm not entirely opposed to you being Meds in the worst of times.


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  • Retired Founder

This application has been voided as per the request of the applicant.

This is your only void given for the next 30 days. If you void another application in the next

30 days you will be unable to apply for another commander position for 30 days.

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