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Taur - BCMD Meds Application


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==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========

Steam Name:   [SR] Taur [A]


RP Name: RM Major Taur


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:75773542


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Republic Medics



How I started here and where I am now:

104th/Wolfpack.  PVT-> CSM

When I first started to play synergy roleplay I had no idea what I could expect from any StarwarsRP server as it was the first one that I joined. I saw a person named KJ do tryouts. I saw that the 104th got tanks and dealt with hostage negotiations so I really wanted to join. I had a lot of fun in the 104th. I played way too much when I first started playing, I wanted to rank up as fast as possible. But the higher rank I got the less I gave about my rank. I got my way up to ARFL (which was a lot of fun). At the end I was stuck at CSM for some time and I got a bit bored. (after a month or so) I had never been in any other battalion so I really wanted to try some other battalions (I even tried other servers).

Coruscant Guards.    SGM -> SGM

CG looked like a lot of fun to me, roam the ship, arrest some minges and it was a lot of fun. The one big problem that I had with CG was that they had a lot of active members when I was not online and I was almost always alone because of this. I know what you could think now, do some tryouts so you can make the battalion bigger in your time zone, but that is not as easy as you would think. Getting recruits for CG is not easy. And even if they get recruited you are never sure that they won’t be minges. So after a week or so I left to try out other battalion.

(Also tried other battalions like SO, but nothing too interesting happend)

104th/Wolfpack (again).    MSG -> CSM


I felt like I didn’t have enough fun in other battalions as I had in the 104th. So I went back and made my way back up to CSM. I was again stuck at CSM for a while and I wanted to be a medic.

Republic Medics.       CSM -> CMD

At first I followed Bigzach who was also in the 104th with me, he was a CMD when I joined. I put a lot of work in RM to become the Hazard Lead and a Commander. After a week as a CSM I got promoted to WO because of my work in the battalion. I hosted some NCO meetings and stuff and got later promoted to 2ndLT. This is when I went for HZ and later got Hazard Lead. Being HZL was a lot of fun because I could host a lot of Infection events for Hazard Troopers on the event server as a SA.

Intel Deputy Director in RM: This shows that I know how to do Intel work, I did a lot of Intel work to earn this position.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:


I know I left RM a couple of days ago. But you must understand, I worked my ass off for the battalion, I was PISSED when I heard it was getting removed. I care a lot for this battalion. I don’t play on my Jedi and I even resigned from naval (was LTJG) so I could put more time in RM. I’ve just put so much time and work in the battalion, I was too pissed to stay when I heard the “news”. The transfers got me from CMD to MAJ. The battalion needs a lot of work right now, even more with the recent hate against our battalion. I want to help our troopers, enforce more serious RP. Right now we are working a lot to get the outdated docs finished. I work a lot with other officers, for trainings, simple PT and mostly doc work. Recruiting right now in RM is very hard because of the well known recent events. I know there is a lot of hate towards RM right now and I want to fix this.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

I know everything there is to know




I will always answer on discord (unless I am asleep)

Playing on SR:

Weekdays: 17:00 CET -> 22:30 CET

  Weekends: All day long (8:00 CET -> 24:00 CET)

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

From when ULX got removed: 660 hours

 So Id say in total about 1000 hours


I joined for the first time on 11/10/17


Do you have a microphone?:  Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I hope we will still be there. We just had some hard times because of RUMORS. We lost a lot of active players. I am trying to improve this. For example: 1 million credits for the best recruiter of the month. Recently our numbers are improving a lot. I feel like it is going better now.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Of Course



Edited by Taur
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5 minutes ago, Taur said:

Can you explain?

Well you and fellow RM necro -1 today is a good start. Also you got kicked out of GM for rushing events and putting little effort into them. From a staff perspective it doesn't look good. Also my -1 just got a downvote lol while I was typing this. RM are mass necro -1ing me and fellow people who -1 the hazmat trooper stuff

Edited by Alexz
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I don't know Keo and somebody does need to replace the previous BCMD, so I say +1. Regardless of being rude to some people or not, they probably deserved it and hey -- Taur does make up for it when he's being nice. I haven't seen him be rude to anyone so far and I enjoy my time in RM whenever he's on.

So yes, +1.

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-1 - Taur you're a good person but the fact is I don't believe you're mature enough. First point being you tell RM not to heal 104th when I'm on due to my disagreements with you're battalion. Whether this a joke or not it shouldn't affect my battalions chances of getting healed. Secondly you ditched RM when it was not in a good state and could of been potentially removed but you later joined back when hearing it would stay. Personally I wouldn't want a Commander jumping ship when things are looking bad. And finally I know for a fact some of what you put in this application is false. You're already said to me you left Naval because of so called "favouritism" not because you wanted to help out you're battalion. And you did not leave 104th due to wanting to be a medic  but merely because you weren't chosen to be W.O.  I hope this does not cause a divide between us Taur but this is just my view on it.

Edited by Chop
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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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4 hours ago, Taur said:



RP Name: RM Major Taur

Republic Medics.       CSM -> CMD



Im so confused, you say you are currently a Commander but you're a Major? Huh? -1, im sorry, its just that there is a better candidate running at the moment.

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-1 Sorry Taur but if I was a CMD of a battalion that was about to be removed *Cough* 187th CMD *Cough* a truly dedicated CMD should stay till the VERY end then transfer out in my opinion. Like Chop said we believe that you left 104th because you were not chosen for WO (You left a day after, coincidence I think not, you never once mentioned that you wanted to be a medic, I would know I am technically the MEDL). No offense in my opinion you went up the ranks in RM VERY fast, Its been maybe 2 months since you joined and you went up from CSM to CMD in that short time, Normally you would maybe make it to 1st LT or a little higher, it should take at least 4-5 months to make it to CMD, I don't know what happens in RM you could have done incredible work that you deserved CMD but from an outsiders perspective I only go by what I see and I see mass promotions.

No hard feelings 

Edited by Banjans
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Neutral on this one. I like you, Taur, but that's not means to give you BCMD. I think you have kinda gone downhill recently to be honest. You were demoted from GM and then quit staff, you kinda just gave up. Maybe these weren't connected, but poor timing nevertheless. Anyways, you eventually came back so that's why my opinion on that issue is neutral.

As for the rest, I've seen you doing stuff on the server Taur, but I don't recall you actually being super active or focusing on RM as much as I believe a BCMD should be. No hard feelings, love ya buddy.

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