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Change Venator Map


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Name: Jorrdan

Suggestion: Change the Venator from the extensive one we have once we get the planetside map

Implementation: I strongly believe that our current map has gotten many people bored. Yes some might say "It has hyperspace, It has turbolasers" Etc. Etc. But what else really. What has happened is the hype has died. People we're hyped for a new map, I am not going to lie I was too. But after a month or two it just got boring. The old Venator we had never got really boring. There was always fun things to do and there was great aspects on that map. BUT, there was no uniqueness to that map. That's the problem. Our current map is no longer unique to synergy. Almost ever server has this map. (https://gyazo.com/51d478dba61345d3b167976003a90f94) So what I am suggesting is that we go back to the old one but put our own touch to it and make it U N I Q U E. Our last map we had on the old venator was just Venator v2 but with different med bay and bridges. So this time I think we need to go all out. If our planetside map is going to be great then our Venator has to be great. Look at this map for example. (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1264807470) This is a Venator that no other server has. This Venator has a whole new node for a Jedi temple, a senate room and a clone bar. Everything is different on this map. I say we use this map for inspiration when building our custom map. We need a Venator that no body has seen before. We need a Venator that pleases everyone and doesn't cram the Jedi on 1 floor with 3 rooms. We need a Venator that isn't boring and over hyped. We are a big server, I would say, we need something that stands us out from other big servers.


Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Venator-class_Star_Destroyer

Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1264807470)
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

Edited by Jorrdan
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+1 - The current Venator is great and all with hyperspace and large MHB but its sometimes laggy and unstable. In addition, it's overused by other servers. 


This map that is suggested would require some development tho, it needs some updating. 

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Just went on the map. It is vastly different than the version we are used to, plenty of new rooms to do new things yet similar enough to bring back some memories. It is quite dark though. Looking over a comment it does seem that the mapper stole different ides from other maps and compiled them into this, for example this map has Superior's stairs system. The elevator is just as cancerous as we remember it to be.

Apart from being incredibly dark in areas, there are some that just seem to conflict with the map's shadow rendering or where the light point is and there are rooms that are half lit up and half dark. I also don't know if it's just me but there is a texture missing over the ceilings and doors; but it's a reflective texture, not the actual texture it self.

  • Very nice pre-build DB and specious.
  • Has hyperspace although shittier looking, has one button to stat another to end.
  • HUGE Citadel.
  • Very dark, some areas are even half lit and half dark.
  • Vastly different from our previous map, a ton of new areas, rooms & pathways.
  • There is a Senate room as well as small city area and a large Jedi Temple, although don't know how to access them.
  • CC Room is large, can do two training groups going opposite ways.
  • Original shooting range + Rishi moon shooting range.
  • Small Medbay where brig was. Brig moved up to 2nd floor section of ER Lobby with multiple cells.
  • Pre-built mess hall where Naval bunks used to be.
  • Doesn't seem to have the secret buttons room
  • The 1x1 error texture block on the outside of the ship is no longer here.
  • Button to turn off ALL lights, as well as the old school alarm.

Overall, it is quite different but the visual bugs will not sit well to represent the server. If maybe the map could be updated to have the light rendering fixed, be brighter and fix the texture error (still don't know if it's just me) and then it would be a great map.

As stated on the first post, this is an excellent map to take inspiration from and build our own. It would be a great Venator map were it not for some of the visual bugs. There's plenty of new rooms and areas (Senate Hall, Jedi Temple) but some of the rooms feel unnecessary so they could be put somewhere else or made into new sections.

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Id say let's use the map that was in the second link would be quicker to use keep moral high would need to work on spawns and let people build their bunks we can use that map while we wait for the new map

Edited by Ragen
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-1 Because if you have been on this map you can see many problems with it like the hyperspace is terrible and also if you goto were the temple is you still see the hyperspace and also the skygate can't even have a LAAT fit through the top of it and overall it's not that good of a map and are current one is better

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Okay so I just checked the map and it dosen't look good! here is why:

* There is not enough bunks
* Skygate is very small
* It's to dark and looks shitty in general

So my thought are that I would proberly getting depression if we changed to that.

I will suggest you to change it to the Synergy Venator that we had before then. It's a lot better than the one that you suggested. 

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From testing it single player and comparing it to stats from the current map on single player, theres areas which it'll need a some optimization done.

Although this it would need more research done into on the venator extensive I achieve ~250 FPS in most areas. On the map suggested it remains somewhat similar with 20-30 fps less. However there are areas that stand out as problematic, for example the engine room in which my FPS dips below 100.

Edited by Jax
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4 hours ago, IKE said:

-1 I went on it and it has so many bad things, you cant fly out of MHB with LAAT and just a series of long corridors, they just posted screenshots of good places


Idk if you read the post but I am not suggesting for that map. I’m suggesting our own. You act like I don’t know these problems. I checked it out. Simple solution to the sky gate, use moon pool. And for the long corridors we have that with the extensive map as well. 

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1 hour ago, Jorrdan said:

Idk if you read the post but I am not suggesting for that map. I’m suggesting our own. You act like I don’t know these problems. I checked it out. Simple solution to the sky gate, use moon pool. And for the long corridors we have that with the extensive map as well. 

Sorry, got confused on it, my bad 

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