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Oxen's Formal Request for ATK REG Commander


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Steam Name: [SR] Oxen [D]


RP Name: GM BCMD Bacara


Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:18216564


Regiment you are applying for: Attack Reg Commander


Too keep this short as possible: 

I started on Icefuse, moved over at launch, been in the Galactic Marines since day one.

I eventually went into staff and rose through the ranks to Director today.

I have trained and taught nearly every aspect of gameplay on his server many times over.

I am honest, hard working, forgiving (at times) but always fair.


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

My play time for the next few months is going to all I get until I deploy to Afghanistan, so the reduction of the daily grind of ensuring GM functions, to assisting the attack battalions as a whole succeed and mentor those BCMDs in their roles and responsibilities. Help them unlock their mentorship and leadership potential and harness it to make them better. The hope is that they then in turn teach and mentor those within their own battalions to succeed when they eventually move up and out of the BCMD position.


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

  Yes I understand the lore well enough to get by. 


Availability:  Between now and 1st of June, daily 7 days a week from 7pm to 2am weekdays, and 10am to 2am Saturday/Sunday.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Stated above for the most point.


Worked from no experience in ADMIN to New Admin all the way up to current Director for Synergy

Was Director for Training Department before becoming Director

Trained in all aspects of the game play, except an active Naval, however I used to be active Navy for over 14 years in REAL LIFE, so I think I can manage that as needed. ?


Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, but I was told it works better in TS than in game.


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I am looking to keep the Attack Battalions where they are, they are not broken or deficient so there is little I will need to do to keep them moving forward. 


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

Constant communications between the battalions BCMDs and their higher staff. Ensuring they are talking and encouraging coordinated operations between them as much as possible. Cross training and brotherhood sims are a great way to get them to work better together. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

 Yes, I would have it no other way, and we have removed some due to this clause.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

Yes I understand and after my time is up, I will be looking at stepping out for the need of deployment in real life to a hostile country.  I am hoping that I am able to mentor some great troopers to compete against me for my position as I step out.

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Massive +1

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+1 i know GM can do well without you but also a lot of people will miss u as Bacara, Hope you get it <3. Btw when i've been in game your mic is pretty much the same in ts just a little bit quieter, to me at least.

Edited by Apexx
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At this time, since we have a very good candidate and someone who is going to be on the server for the ENTIRE TERM of Attack Regimental. I here by remove my application for the position. 


GOOD LUCK TO YOU GINYU, if you fail the attack battalions, when I come back from Afghanistan, I will find you!

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