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Black's 104th Battalion Commander Wolffe Capitulation


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==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========

Steam Name: [SR] Black [VA]


RP Name: Black


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):




Battalion or squad you are applying for 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion Battalion Commander Wolffe


Experience: Well My experience in the 104th has been growing ever since I was a private back 11 months ago. All my goals were really high even doe I got shot down most of the time but I have made my way through back when I was MEUX (Basically the attack squad of the 104th back in winkerz/Caboose time) From there I started to bring in more troops for the squad after A while I managed to make it to MEUL back on Kachiro on ICEFUSE when I received that position I was planning on revamping it up but than it got removed from the high command of the 104th at the time.


From there I went off to try to join Wolfpack I manage to make my Application and get over 3 BCMDs and 2 Jedi Master To recommend me for it. After completing it I tried to reach for Dash-44 A new character at the time that I wanted to get because he was a medic. I somehow managed to receive the position from my BCMD at the time which was Caboose. Once I was 44 I attempted to revive the medical aspect of the battalion which I went off to focus on the MEDL at the time which was Weiss.


I have been through the battalion ups and downs where I was the only one playing in the battalion for hours and when I was leading with my other fellow officers with a battalion of 15+ People I have the dedication to stay as long as the battalion keeps in steady numbers and continues to grow from the teachings that I took jayarr to always mass Recruit cause it always pays off at the end.


From there we tried to create documents due to the changeover to synergy. From there Rishi Moon was too laggy for the server so it changed then the naval destroyed all our progress in the medical docs. We decided to leave it alone a week later Weiss the MEDL resigned and gave his position to me that I was in command of the medical team. From there I moved on and gave it to Doc former Dash44 now. I went on to be myself when I finally Reached MAJ Than new ranks came in which set me at COL from there I got promoted to CMD by Zyner the BCMD at the time due to our former BCMD Caboose resigning.


When I reached CMD I want to be Comet a position passed down to me like MEDL and MEUL from there I ranked up Wolfpack to become Wolfpack Officer than Wolfpack Leader. Once I reached Wolfpack Leader and I was in charge I created many documents alongside my other Wolfpack Officers and made named character tryouts. Weeks later with my BCMD leading us and helping us, I decided to step down from WolfpackL and Comet and pass it down to Chop. I remained as JTL and CMD.. As if now I am being Recommended by all my officers to go to BCMD so it can be passed down through me.


I know how this battalion functions and operates and I know how to fix issues created. I know all the officers as friends and as battalion leaders/Officers that I can trust with Documents and real life stuff. I want to further that with my continuation with the 104th by ranking up to BCMD where I can finally watch over the entire battalion and keep it in line as it was always.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: The reason I want to become Battalion Commander is so I can lead my fellow officers to continue making the battalion bigger and stronger as a whole. I want to continue this pathway as I was recommended by Former BCMD JBFox and other Officers of the battalion that I should go for the position 11 Months past and its time for me to run things for the battalion and take charge. I can put all the time I need in the battalion to make the 104th a successful and striving battalion like all the former BCMDs have done that I have looked up to (Jayarr, JBFox, Zyner)


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: I understand all the lore of the 104th Battalion and Its main subunits.


Availability: I am always one 5 hours plus every day unless I have things planned which I will notify someone ahead of time


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since the creation which is possibly over 1000+ Hours now with past of Icefuse which was 2000+ hours


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want it to end with many successful and good working officers and another Officer that is ready to take the shoes of BCMD I also want to leave it where everything is set and we can fully grow to have numbers over 10 every day. I want it to be welcoming to others and non-mingy I will try to keep it straight and keep it how it is going with lots of minor changes if needed.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes, I do.

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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1 + 11 + 5 - 16 =

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+1 Black is the most dedicated person I have ever seen in terms of Star Wars RP, there has not been one day were he has not been on to either help someone else or improve something. Black would do an amazing job at Wolffe and thoroughly deserves it.  Though his spelling is awful :)

Edited by Chop
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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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+1 nee a better mic though :P

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1 minute ago, BlackiSblack said:

@woeny23 I do have a good mic 

i never hear u though :/ 

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+1 Since my time of joining the 104th Black has been one of the most dedicated and most hardworking within us, whether he is doing 104th tryouts or doing drilling, he always puts effort into it. He definitely deserves BCMD and I would be proud to serve under you.

(Please don't rape us with drilling lmao)

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