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 Steam Name: BROPDROP

RP Name: 41st BCMD Gree

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:580978412

Battalion you are applying for: 41st

How many terms you've held the position?: One

Why do you wish to maintain this position?:
I wish to maintain the position of BCMD Gree so I can continue working with the 41st and the people in the battalion. These guys are my family away from IRL and I want the opportunity to continue being their BCMD to lead them to greatness. Quite frankly I have more I want to do, I know for a fact I did not get to accomplish all of my goals and I want to maintain 41st BCMD so I can finish them as well as start on new ones. I would love to continue being Gree so the people on the server inside of the 41st and out know that they have me to go to, I am and always will be there for anyone in-game or out, it was one of the big reasons I became an admin. I love the 41st and it is where I belong, and I will do anything and everything required to continue bringing success to the 41st Elite Corps.

Current availability:
(Work Schedule Changes everyweek)
Monday: 12pm-2am
Tuesday: 12pm-2am
Wednesday: 12pm-2am
Thursday: 12pm-2am
Friday: 12pm-3am
Saturday: 12pm-3am
Sunday: 12pm-2am
(Also just a timeframe. These are times I know I will be awake. Could be earlier or later)

What have you achieved within your battalion during your past term?:

I want to touch on my main goal and the reason I went for BCMD originally and it was to turn the battalion back into the family it was when I first joined synergy, I truly believe that with the help of the other members we have achieved that goal. We are always talking in TS and Discord, always there for each other and we work really well together during trainings, events and deployments. I could not be prouder of the people in the 41st and I truly am happy I achieved this goal.

I feel that I have brought more life into this battalion by being active and I believe it translated in a good way. Although I could never take the credit, I do genuinely think that I have contributed heavily into increasing the numbers in 41st as well as the amount of consistent numbers for us during events and deployments. There were many times early in my term and right before it where I would be either the only one or one of few on, and I am proud to have achieved a more active battalion as a whole.

I have managed to fill up the regiments and sub-units with consistently active leads and officers. I have also achieved having all sub-unit lore positions filled as well as the interest in said positions which in turn has removed the need to fear if someone resigns because I know I have someone that is just as qualified ready to take the position. Luminara and Barriss roles have been occupied for quite some time now with some amazing people who have continued to impress me every day and grow this battalion. I will say that it has been hard to fill out the 41st Elite Corps base lore characters, but I do believe it can be done. It is just the drive for people to go for it is not there.

I revamped the wookies into having more ranks as well as being able to help out the battalion and do 41st tryouts as well as battalion trainings. The ranks (Wookie Chieftain(Lead) -> Wookie Battle Chief(Officer) -> Wookie Field Master(NCO) -> Wookie Warrior(enlisted).) act just as a battalion rank does, but this way the people who want to join the wookie militia have more available for them to do. Although this has not been utilized as much seeing it is a new change, I feel it was a big step towards making the wookie militia even more enjoyable.

I have led the battalion towards achieving some amazing stats. Even though we did not win BOTM during my term we made sure that the people in the server were getting AT-RT, BARC and Alien Translation training, managing 100+ battalion trainings every month. The month of August we tied the most number of recruits we’ve had in a month all year with 77 and we also achieved the most amount of battalion trainings in a single month all year with 128. I am proud of how hard my battalion has worked these past three months and I am looking forward to seeing them progress even more.

I made the Officer corps as well as the NCO corps more active and really pushed people into working towards climbing the ranks. I believe I have mentored my NCOs and Officers well into being the best versions of themselves and getting them to show more initiative when I am not around to get things done. I put my trust and encouragement into them, and I am very proud of how each and every one of them have gone through the ranks and achieved their own goals.

41st as a whole has worked on new documents and reworked old ones, we revamped the Green Company tryout as well as the battalion trainings making them more entertaining, which in turn made people want to do them for fun and not for requirements. We changed regiment documents and even made some new ones for the really outdated docs. Luminara and I have started reworking the Barriss Trial; we feel it is lackluster and could be more engaging.

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion?:

I will always focus on getting more recruits and making sure the 41st is a fun and enjoyable battalion for new and old players for years to come. I am not trying to do this for myself. I want to work towards making the 41st consistently active and engaged in RP long after I am gone. I feel I can achieve this by the end of a second term.

I want to work/rework a lot of the jedi side of 41st. It has been brought to my attention that being a Jedi in 41st has no benefit over other battalions. Hearing this really hit me hard and I realized soon after they are right and noticed my consistently active jedi numbers are low and Jedi numbers are low as a whole. I want to work closely with my Jedi to re-work the tryout as well as come up with some ideas that we can put out to incentivize and make people want to join and stay as a 41st jedi.

I have been really impressed by the number of battalion trainings we have been doing these past three months, but I would like to make sure we are getting regular trainings done to increase our skills such as breaching, CQC and reconnaissance. I will also be putting a big focus on branching out and working more with other battalions inside mech reg and out, although the joint training amount has increased over the past three months it hasn’t been enough and I feel we can do better.

I want to implement more lore characters. I have a few names and ideas for lore characters within the standard 41st elite corps. I believe if we continue the growth of the battalion like we have been then we can have the opportunity to implement more lore characters for people to become.

I will continue to push towards getting Improcco reasonable kit changes to make them feel like more of an elite sub-unit, because honestly it does not feel like it. I am not going to try and get them to have OP kits turning them into a type of SOBDE squad, but I do believe there are some changes that could be made. I first want to focus on giving Gett the full arc kit and making him a jobbed ARC character.

I want to continue working towards a goal from before I was even Gree and was a Green Company Officer, and that being implementing the Rangers. It would work much like how 2ndAC has Parjai, with it being Ranger 1-5 and Cooker would become Ranger 1. The other rangers 2-5 would have a name correlating to a type of tree on Kashyyyk. I believe if we can continue to increase Green Company’s numbers like we have been we can get this implemented. The rangers would all have the Scout model that cooker has and one or two of them would be a medic and have the Green Company medic model


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


Edited by BROPDROP
Accidentally wrote Application lol
  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1

Current: BCMD Gree

Former: GCO SUPL Fireball, Improcco REGL Nye

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Veteran Admin


The battalion came back because of this guy and he has been cooking. Good luck on your re-app.

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+1 Keep the party going

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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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I was initially skeptical that a LT with little experience was waiving to become the next Gree, but he's blown me away at how well he's done in bringing back that energy into a battalion that needed it. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: DSXO CPT Jek 
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn | 332ndO Jesse | 332nd Vyse | TC Kano | 501st ARCO | Omega 22 Atin


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+1 EZ


Brop is the goat and has phenomenal plans for his subunits and battalion as a whole.  Was very welcoming to me when I made the transition to 41st, and was very clear on the expectations of me.  Will do awesome during his 2nd term and I’m excited for it

  • Friendly 1

Current: Green Company Deputy MEDO LT Nemec

Former: 212th Ghost Company ARFL Trapper | Senator Aang | 212th Ghost Company Lead CMD Boil | Green Company Officer SUPO Fireball


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Veteran Admin
1 hour ago, BROPDROP said:

 Steam Name: BROPDROP

RP Name: 41st BCMD Gree

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:580978412

Battalion you are applying for: 41st

How many terms you've held the position?: One

Why do you wish to maintain this position?:
I wish to maintain the position of BCMD Gree so I can continue working with the 41st and the people in the battalion. These guys are my family away from IRL and I want the opportunity to continue being their BCMD to lead them to greatness. Quite frankly I have more I want to do, I know for a fact I did not get to accomplish all of my goals and I want to maintain 41st BCMD so I can finish them as well as start on new ones. I would love to continue being Gree so the people on the server inside of the 41st and out know that they have me to go to, I am and always will be there for anyone in-game or out, it was one of the big reasons I became an admin. I love the 41st and it is where I belong, and I will do anything and everything required to continue bringing success to the 41st Elite Corps.

Current availability:
(Work Schedule Changes everyweek)
Monday: 12pm-2am
Tuesday: 12pm-2am
Wednesday: 12pm-2am
Thursday: 12pm-2am
Friday: 12pm-3am
Saturday: 12pm-3am
Sunday: 12pm-2am
(Also just a timeframe. These are times I know I will be awake. Could be earlier or later)

What have you achieved within your battalion during your past term?:

I want to touch on my main goal and the reason I went for BCMD originally and it was to turn the battalion back into the family it was when I first joined synergy, I truly believe that with the help of the other members we have achieved that goal. We are always talking in TS and Discord, always there for each other and we work really well together during trainings, events and deployments. I could not be prouder of the people in the 41st and I truly am happy I achieved this goal.

I feel that I have brought more life into this battalion by being active and I believe it translated in a good way. Although I could never take the credit, I do genuinely think that I have contributed heavily into increasing the numbers in 41st as well as the amount of consistent numbers for us during events and deployments. There were many times early in my term and right before it where I would be either the only one or one of few on, and I am proud to have achieved a more active battalion as a whole.

I have managed to fill up the regiments and sub-units with consistently active leads and officers. I have also achieved having all sub-unit lore positions filled as well as the interest in said positions which in turn has removed the need to fear if someone resigns because I know I have someone that is just as qualified ready to take the position. Luminara and Barriss roles have been occupied for quite some time now with some amazing people who have continued to impress me every day and grow this battalion. I will say that it has been hard to fill out the 41st Elite Corps base lore characters, but I do believe it can be done. It is just the drive for people to go for it is not there.

I revamped the wookies into having more ranks as well as being able to help out the battalion and do 41st tryouts as well as battalion trainings. The ranks (Wookie Chieftain(Lead) -> Wookie Battle Chief(Officer) -> Wookie Field Master(NCO) -> Wookie Warrior(enlisted).) act just as a battalion rank does, but this way the people who want to join the wookie militia have more available for them to do. Although this has not been utilized as much seeing it is a new change, I feel it was a big step towards making the wookie militia even more enjoyable.

I have led the battalion towards achieving some amazing stats. Even though we did not win BOTM during my term we made sure that the people in the server were getting AT-RT, BARC and Alien Translation training, managing 100+ battalion trainings every month. The month of August we tied the most number of recruits we’ve had in a month all year with 77 and we also achieved the most amount of battalion trainings in a single month all year with 128. I am proud of how hard my battalion has worked these past three months and I am looking forward to seeing them progress even more.

I made the Officer corps as well as the NCO corps more active and really pushed people into working towards climbing the ranks. I believe I have mentored my NCOs and Officers well into being the best versions of themselves and getting them to show more initiative when I am not around to get things done. I put my trust and encouragement into them, and I am very proud of how each and every one of them have gone through the ranks and achieved their own goals.

41st as a whole has worked on new documents and reworked old ones, we revamped the Green Company tryout as well as the battalion trainings making them more entertaining, which in turn made people want to do them for fun and not for requirements. We changed regiment documents and even made some new ones for the really outdated docs. Luminara and I have started reworking the Barriss Trial; we feel it is lackluster and could be more engaging.

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion?:

I will always focus on getting more recruits and making sure the 41st is a fun and enjoyable battalion for new and old players for years to come. I am not trying to do this for myself. I want to work towards making the 41st consistently active and engaged in RP long after I am gone. I feel I can achieve this by the end of a second term.

I want to work/rework a lot of the jedi side of 41st. It has been brought to my attention that being a Jedi in 41st has no benefit over other battalions. Hearing this really hit me hard and I realized soon after they are right and noticed my consistently active jedi numbers are low and Jedi numbers are low as a whole. I want to work closely with my Jedi to re-work the tryout as well as come up with some ideas that we can put out to incentivize and make people want to join and stay as a 41st jedi.

I have been really impressed by the number of battalion trainings we have been doing these past three months, but I would like to make sure we are getting regular trainings done to increase our skills such as breaching, CQC and reconnaissance. I will also be putting a big focus on branching out and working more with other battalions inside mech reg and out, although the joint training amount has increased over the past three months it hasn’t been enough and I feel we can do better.

I want to implement more lore characters. I have a few names and ideas for lore characters within the standard 41st elite corps. I believe if we continue the growth of the battalion like we have been then we can have the opportunity to implement more lore characters for people to become.

I will continue to push towards getting Improcco reasonable kit changes to make them feel like more of an elite sub-unit, because honestly it does not feel like it. I am not going to try and get them to have OP kits turning them into a type of SOBDE squad, but I do believe there are some changes that could be made. I first want to focus on giving Gett the full arc kit and making him a jobbed ARC character.

I want to continue working towards a goal from before I was even Gree and was a Green Company Officer, and that being implementing the Rangers. It would work much like how 2ndAC has Parjai, with it being Ranger 1-5 and Cooker would become Ranger 1. The other rangers 2-5 would have a name correlating to a type of tree on Kashyyyk. I believe if we can continue to increase Green Company’s numbers like we have been we can get this implemented. The rangers would all have the Scout model that cooker has and one or two of them would be a medic and have the Green Company medic model


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes



Man this guys a W but dont tell I said that cause he will bully me

Yes +1 Bropdrop is number 1! Easy to work with!

  • Friendly 1

Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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Veteran Admin


The battalion came back because of this guy and he has been cooking. Good luck on your re-app.

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If i could I would +1 this application a million times over. Not to yap too much, but Bropdrop is legitimately an amazing BCMD and my favorite that I've had. He is so easy to go to when there are problems or questions, he's constantly available, he's welcoming and accepting, he's literally everything a BCMD should be and more. If I ever rise to a BCMD position or something similar then I would aspire to be like Brop.
Sorry for glazing so much, I just don't think I could leave my compliments unsaid lol.

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+1 got 41st out of being the minge battalion 

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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I've got pretty different timezones from you, 

but if your battalion sees you, and is happy with you. big +1. 

I also am a big BropDrop fan.

  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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Veteran Admin

+1 this guy has brought 41st to the highest ive seen in my 6 months on the server.

  • Friendly 1

Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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+1 SlopDrop is a great commander and actually understands gmod isnt a life he is a very understanding person who you can just chill with and has done great work as commander since ive been in the batt I look forward to what else he has planned

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Since I am biased and been a 41st since May. Give this man a second term, bro turned the 41st into one of the fastest and growing Battalion doing a lot of good impactful changes. Seeing more active members on both the 41st Troopers AND the Jedi 41st logging in for all sorts of activities. GIVE HIM HIS SECOND TERM!

Current: Green Company Officer Punisher | CG WS Padawan ManeMan | Senator Bail Organa | Navy ENG PO3 Dindi

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this is kind of a based application i can't lie. This man has done so much for the 41st in the past 3 months and I dont think anyone could have done it better then him. Even then, there is still work to do, and he wants to push to do it, very sigma hawk tua on joesph

  • Friendly 1


Current: 41st Major Faie | Green Company Lead | ARF Officer

Former: Sentinel Manager | 41st ARF Lead

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I do not need to look at the application. He elevated his battalion to the stars and then continued to develop them. And 41st has received a lot of love from the BCMD.

SLOPDROP is goated.

  • Friendly 1

BIG DICK ENERGY | Look for stars and believe in what you can become.

Current: Rancor | BobbyBiceps


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Veteran Admin

+1 Bropdrop is by far the best choice I ever made. He took a battalion which was circling the drain and breathed life into it. While I was RCMD I watched this man work tirelessly to ensure the 41st was able to improve. He is without a doubt what the 41st needs. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Bad Batch Echo

Former: WAC-47 Battalion Commander Wolffe Mechanized Regimental Commander Clorox


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  • Coordinator

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a ME to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Edited by Woeny
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Head Admin

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


Current: Palpatine

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze | Walon Vau Yoda x2

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