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Aberration's Yularen Application

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Steam Name:



RP Name:


Aberration (I am currently Tarkin)

RP Rank:


Vice Admiral  

Steam ID:


Why should you become Admiral?:


This has been a long time coming. I have slowly risen through the ranks of Naval during my time as part of it. I first joined Naval because I loved the roleplay and the idea of leading my fellow troopers into the heat of battle. But as time went on, I grew a better appreciation of not only my fellow Naval members at my side but Naval as a whole. As I was promoted and got new responsibilities I did my utmost to make sure that I would fulfill these responsibilities to the best of my ability, and when I attained the rank of commander I saw that I could do so much more to help my fellow Naval members by my side, and Naval as a whole. When I saw Docs that were out of date, I fixed them. When there was a dispute between my fellow Naval personnel I would do the best I could to solve it. When someone had trouble with something I would do all I could to help them, no matter the rank. When someone had complaints about certain aspects of Naval or of myself I would take that criticism in and use it to not only better myself but Naval as a whole. I slowly grew to become a leader to my fellow naval members, And in this position, I saw what needed to be done in order to fix the Faction which I had grown to care for, which I fully intend to do.

Naval Needs a Yularen to function properly because Yularen has the ability to make faction-changing decisions for Naval in its entirety. These decisions are needed now more than ever. I have the most experience with leading Naval out of any of the current officers. I understand what needs to be done to Naval in order to fix the many problems that the faction is facing. I can take criticism of not only the faction but of myself, which I have used to improve both myself and the faction. But most importantly I understand when someone needs to step up to a position. At the end of the day Naval needs a Yularen and I know I am the one best suited for this role.

Do you understand the purpose of Naval on the server?:


I indeed do understand the Purpose of Naval on the server and the many responsibilities that we have. Naval is the backbone of all of the Branches on the server. It is Naval’s job to manage, edit, and change many of the training documents the server has to keep them up to date. As well as make sure that they are effective and easy to understand. Naval is also the one leading the management of the base. It is Naval's job to manage base passes, PTL, PTE, ATC, the current DEFCON number, debrief, and the overall operations of the base. This includes many RP scenarios such as running the Medbay, maintaining the Reactor/Engine, and other scenarios where Naval would RP with other battalions. Naval is the one rallying the troopers in combat. It is Naval's job to Rally and inspire the troopers to keep moving forward toward the enemy while keeping Morale up. 



I should be available most days of the week after 430 pm EST except Wednesdays and Sundays which I am free at later times around 7 pm EST and I should be free on Discord basically whenever 

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:


on the server, I have been or I am currently

  • A MEDL for the 212th

  • A REGL for the 212th

  • A major within the 212th

  • A MEDM (sadly the position no longer exists) in Naval 

  • the Intelligence Captain in Naval

  • the Vice Admiral of Naval (currently for a month) 

  • the senior Naval representative in the Senate (currently for around 4 months)

All of these positions have taught me a lot during my time on the server. From my time as a Major of the 212th and the current Vice Admiral of Naval, I learned how to properly lead and manage a battalion. From my time as a MEDM and the REGL of 212th, I learned how to connect to my fellow troopers by my side. From my time as the Intelligence Captain of Naval, I learned how to be a good Naval command member to those Naval members by my side. But most importantly from all these experiences I learned how to step up and lead when it is needed.

Do you have a microphone?:


Yes, I do indeed have a microphone.

Where do you want the Naval to be at the end of your term?:


I want Navel to be a lot stronger at the end of my term than where it is now and I want to improve many things. By the end of my term, I want Naval to  

  • Be better organized and informed  (the locations docs, handbooks, Naval information, etc.)

  • Be more cohesive as a unit (more meetings for officers and announcements to make sure everyone is informed of what is happening in Naval.)

  • Have more accessible information for Naval HC (currently there is no info doc for Naval HC which has left confusion on many things for both me and other Naval HC members.)

  • Be more active than it is currently in its current state 

  • Be better Fitting into the role of what Naval is supposed to do in combat (helping command combat engagements and coordinating the battalions in events and deployments)

  • Be doing more RP on the server 

There is no way I can know what the future holds but this is what I hope I can achieve for Naval by the end of my term as Yularen. 

How do you plan to change the Naval under your command?:


There are many ways I want Naval to be changed under my command, but there are many things I have already changed as the acting Naval lead which I wish to make permanent by becoming Yularen. I have removed officer merits and changed the promo system for them to activity and dedication based as we had had problems with the merits for officers many times in the past. I have added new channels on the Naval discord like the Naval officer info channels and added new link embeds to documents that officers need to prevent future confusion as we had no info repository for Naval officers Prior. On top of that, I have started creating a Naval command doc that will contain all the info Naval command needs to function effectively as having no document like this has led to a lot of confusion. I've also added new links embeds to the medical info, engineering info, and Ri info channels as well as removing any and all out-of-date links. 

But I have more plans of what I want to change with Naval in the future than what I have currently done which I shall list down below. 


Cleaning up the discord.

There are many things on the Naval discord that need to be updated. A lot of roles don't have access to channels that they should have access to, Many of the channels can be better organized and there are no roles for some ranks such as Intel manager. Overall the Naval Discord can use polishing which is what I plan to do. I have already started this process by cleaning up old links in info channels and adding new embeds to info channels that were not there before. I've also added some new channels which were needed such as a Naval Officer Info channel as well as a channel for Naval Commanders to talk about future up-and-coming officers. In total, I plan to polish the Naval Discord as much as I can while fixing the many errors that exist inside of it and adding the roles for ranks that did not exist prior. This change will ultimately lead to a cleaner and more concise discord server which will be easier to navigate. This will allow recruits and Naval members to be less confused about the placement of documents and overall information. Also, it will just look nicer. 


Changing Merits.

The Merits of the Navy need a lot of work. Before I say the Issue I will describe them as naval merits work a bit differently from the battalions that I know use Merits. Naval merits work as a bypass system, If an NCO or enlisted meets their merits they can skip the TIG requirement for promotion. This system was created to reward naval personnel who were more active than Normal. Naval officers also had merits but unlike the NCOs and enlisted they were required for promotion. Overall there are some problems with this system which I have already started fixing. As stated before I have already removed the merit requirements for officers and changed it to an activity and dedication-based system.  The Old Officer Merit system had problems with officers who wouldn't do more than the bare minimum who got promoted for doing the bare minimum over time and Officers who felt pressured as Officer merits were ridiculously High. I also plan to lower some of the NCO merits as many of them are also a bit unreasonably high which has made some people just wait for the TIG requirement to be over instead of logging stuff. This change will ultimately make it a bit easier for very active Naval members to shine through and get the promotions that they deserve. As Well as having more competent Naval officers in the future who are no longer pressured by the overwhelming Merits they had. I also plan to work more with my fellow Naval officers in the future to perfect our Merit system.


Weekly quotas. 

Naval had weekly Quotas but they have faded and are no longer used. I plan to bring them back but a little bit easier than how they were before. I plan for the NCO quota to keep the old Quota they had which is 1 entertainment per week or 1 recruitment per week. It may not be a lot but it's a start and it should make Naval NCOs more active than they currently are as well as adding new Naval personnel to the Faction. For Officers I plan to keep the old quota they had but with a slight difference. The old officer quota used to be either 2 recruitments or 2 “unique” entertainments (these were interchangeable so you could do 1 recruitment or 1 “unique” entertainment)  or 3 training sessions (they could be ATC, pilot, med, eng, etc). I just plan to remove the “unique” part of the entertainment as well as the recruitment part of it. A “unique” entertainment was an entertainment that wasn't done on the server a lot, and while this doesn't sound bad it led to a lot of confusion for the Officers and it was so bad that multiple documents were made just to find entertainments that were “unique”. This led to a lot of confusion and officers just not doing their quota because they couldn't find a “unique” entertainment to do. Overall this change will increase Naval's overall activity, recruitments, and the training that will be happening on the server. 


Reintroduction of the Medal system.

In the past Naval had a medal system to reward Naval NCOs who were exceeding in their job but sadly this was shut down almost a year ago. I plan to bring back this system to reward very active Naval personnel who excel. But I also plan to change some parts of this system. The old system would give them a very large sum of credits depending on the medal the Naval member got as well as a role in discord for the corresponding medals. This system was not sustainable as it would be bleeding naval command of so many credits until they had nothing to give. I plan to lower this amount of credits given by a bit to make the system more sustainable as well as adding more medals in total. On Top of that, I also plan to change it so all Naval members below the rank of Commander can obtain these medals so that we can reward our excelling officers as well as our excelling NCOs and enlisted. This change will ultimately increase the incentive for Naval Officers and NCOs to excel. Which will create more active and dedicated Naval members.  


Recruitment drive. 

I plan to make a recruitment drive in Naval. I plan to push Naval officers and NCOS to recruit more people. To facilitate this I plan to increase the amount of merits that are given by recruiting a Member to Naval. This will let players who want to skip their TIG gravitate towards recruiting other players due to the large sum of merits they will receive by doing so. Also as we don't have a lot of NCOs I will for a bit reward any Naval officers who I see are recruiting more Naval personnel as a way to boost Naval recruitment before the NCOs fully take over. Overall this change will cause more Naval personnel to be recruited into Naval which will snowball off of itself.


Push of branch activity. 

I plan to increase branch activity overall through RP and entertainment. I will push the Branches to host more entertainments which are part of their branch. (Medbay RP for MED, Equipment checks for ENG, etc) I will incentivize this activity by using the previously mentioned Medal system and the reintroduction of the Quota. I will use the medal system by giving out Medals and rewards to Naval personnel who host entertainments based on their branch. As Well as pushing Naval members to do branch-specific entertainments for their quota. This change will ultimately create more interest in the Naval Branches as well as creating more RP events on the server which will then also increase interest in Naval.


Reintroduction of Officer meetings.

This is honestly one of the most important changes. Naval officer meetings slowly stopped overtime which is a shame as they were very important to make sure that Naval Officers knew what was happening. I will bring back naval officer meetings to make sure no officer has to go through what I had to and to make sure they are all up to date on the management of Naval. This change will make Naval officers more coordinated on what is happening in Naval as well as make Naval more aware of its issues. This will also make Naval be able to notice its issues sooner stopping them before they become massive problems. 


Pushing Naval RP and Naval of the week. 

Naval is a very RP-focused faction, it always has been. But we have strayed from that Path a bit. I plan to push Naval members to do more RP through medals, rewards, and the reintroduction of Naval of the Week. Naval of the Week used to exist and was for NCOs only but suffered the same problem that the Medals had which was bleeding too many credits. I plan to fix this by making it a merit-based rewards system instead which would grant a significant sum of merits to the naval members who received it. Naval of the Week would remain an only NCO reward with the officers voting on which Naval NCO they thought had the best RP. This change will overall reward the RP-focused Naval and cause more Naval NCOs to RP as well.


Fixing Naval's Reputation.

Naval doesn't have the best reputation. AFK members, non-active NCOs, etc. I plan to fix that by using all of the systems described above to boost Naval's activity overall and increase the amount of RP that Naval will be doing on the server. This will show Naval in a new light and hopefully pull Naval out of what it is known for. This change will happen over time from the success of the prior changes. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Yes, I fully understand that If I go inactive I will be removed from the position.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Admiral rank?:


yes, I fully understand that the position's term limit is 3 months and that If I do not reapply I will no longer have the rank of Admiral.

Naval Fleet Admiral Yularen | 212th MED SGT Enigma | non lore Naval character:  Aberration 

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Veteran Admin

Oui +1

Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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Veteran Admin

+1 W mans, Great guy only had positive interactions with him, not to mention he is insanely active. Best of luck!

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+1 I believe both applicants deserve an interview and equally have the experience and dedication for this position.

Current: DSXO CPT Jek 
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn | 332ndO Jesse | 332nd Vyse | TC Kano | 501st ARCO | Omega 22 Atin


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You may be the longest recurring Naval on server as i remember you from almost 2 years ago. Its about time you applied.

You were also my favorite 212th Medic.

Edited by Mystic

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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  • Coordinator
Posted (edited)

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a ME to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Edited by Woeny
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  • Coordinator

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


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