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Juggernaut's Wolffe App

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Steam Name: Twistedcolt2


RP Name:Wildfire [lore], Juggernaut


RP Rank: Commander


SteamID: 76561198822955435   STEAM_0:1:431344853


Battalion you are applying for: 104th BCMD Wolffe




104th ARCL
104th REGL

104th Wildfire
Dire Squad XO
Dire Squad Lead




When I joined the 104th, the battalion was a small group of active people, with a lack of officers. I, along with a few others, jumped into action hoping to revitalize the battalion.The friends I made upon joining worked their way up through the ranks and branches. I started as a heavy and, after failing my first tryout of Selections, clawed my way back through to become the next ARCL of our battalion. After that I became Wildfire of the Dire Squad and eventually REGL. It was the belief of my superiors that I could help the battalion best in that role. My time as REGL has given a lot of time to think about what it is like in a commanding position. It also has given me plenty of insight on what it takes to juggle splitting my time up between other branches in-order to help keep this battalion running smoothly.

As Wildfire, I have devoted a lot of time keeping Dire Squad active, on the frontlines, and willing to bleed in the trenches with our fellow 104th. I went from being the crayon munching heavy who dives head first into the fray, to the level headed trooper who places an emphasis on keeping his medics safe, as the trooper I am today. As Wildfire, I have learned how to properly command and give orders while still being a friendly voice. This is a quality that is difficult to learn as a leader. I've treasured my time as Wildfire. It's been a riot to run this tenure as my first ever lore character. Now it's time for me to take the next step in my journey and step into the next role I want to play.



                      Why you should become a Battalion Commander?:

I am a 104th trooper at my core and it makes me smile when I see a legion of gray lined up in debrief, so I pledge to keep that going. 104th also has some of the best tank operators I've seen on this server, and I wish to push that even further. I truly believe that this battalion is a literal band of brothers, and the bonds we share are nigh unbreakable. Yes, we can have our spats or disagreements, but in the end there is still a brother on the other end of the table that shares the same end goal. The laughter I share in the Teamspeak with them is genuine, it honestly makes me feel like a father watching over them as they have a good time. We also (mostly, and that's something I plan to work on) know when it is time to get serious and kick some droid ass.


We have two CSRs, A citadel and a whole section of sector 2 now. I feel like these are all great places to devise an obstacle course to push our tank control beyond a slow beast of war, and into an agile machine of destruction. To help the boys, I plan to implement a few battle comms heavy sims. This would include hostage rescue, minesweeping, and tactical tank warfare. I also plan on making smooth segues into combat scenario mindsets from the bits of casual conversation we have in downtime. Finally, I want to work even closer with our mechanized brothers. We have strong bonds with them currently, and I want to keep making them stronger with more mech reg trainings. The next time a trooper sees a convoy of heavy metal death blitzing through battalions of droids, just remember it’s because the 104th are here to lead the charge!


Availability: Sunday-Thursday 10AM- 12PM Friday-Saturday 6PM-12PM  Discord availability is about the same


Estimate of how long you’ve played on Synergy roleplay: I started playing on synergy 10/24/2023


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:


I will be as active as possible as BCMD. Dire Squad will be synonymous with Wolfpack when mentioning the 104th. If Wolfpack is our fangs then Dire Squad is our claws. Time Zones can be a big issue, so I plan to find a proper middle ground of regular and sporadic activity.


The officers are in a healthy position of activity. From WO to CMD, the officers are available, active and doing their jobs. As BCMD I will continue to encourage this level of activity. I would like, however, to encourage them to continue scheduling training for the boys when we have down time, prioritizing those that need these training sessions to fulfill their weekly requirements.



  The NCO core is full of strong minded individuals who are just itching to move up in ranks. I want to keep that going by encouraging commitment from our new recruits so the numbers keep climbing. One method will be personally hosting training sessions and events to show them that their BCMD is dedicated and wants to keep them hungry for more in the 104th. I also plan to foster a drive for recruitment efforts, with a monthly reward for the most recruits!



The enlisted are in good positions at the moment and we have a healthy influx of them. As CMD I have made it a goal to introduce myself to each new recruit and get to know them on a personal level, welcoming them into the battalion and making it a second home for them. As stated above I plan to be a BCMD that hosts mini events for newcomers to show them what we are made of and what kind of battalion the 104th is.



Wolfpack is in a great spot; Comet has continued to be a stalwart anchor who has done a fantastic job running it. Whenever we get an opening, he is right there running tryouts so we almost always have a full unit. All in all, Wolfpack is in healthy condition and I feel I can trust Comet to keep it running smoothly. I would like to implement more aggressive tactics with Wolfpack. I am happy with the current usage of jetpacks in the unit to provide overwatch, but I would like to diversify their role in the event that jetpacks are not usable.


Dire Squad

Dire Squad is also in a great spot, however, should I be promoted they will be looking for a new Wildfire. Having said that, I have laid the groundwork for them to become an artillery squad capable of scouting ahead and shitting fury on the clankers. I will continue to assist them as much as I can, especially in finding a new Wildfire, and striving to get models for the unit and their lore Jedi. Dire Squad may not be as fancy as the jetpack wielding Wolfpack but that doesn't keep us from being important to the battalion. We strive to fight alongside our brothers on the frontlines everyday. 




HVY: Heavy is in a good spot, heavy ordnance is full and the heavy leadership is only missing a HVYO. We pride ourselves in having accurate and well disciplined heavies. Like with all the regiments I expect to have common training sessions and encounters to build up their identity. Examples being B & C, King of the Hill style defenses, and tactical demolitions. 


ARF: ARF could use a little more love server-wide in terms of letting them actually recon in events and deployments. That said, I intend to work with the REGMs and ARFL/Os to bolster their numbers as well as build some ARF specific entertainments and training. My current ARFL is doing a great job hosting specialized training to keep ARF going strong. Trainings right in ARF’s wheelhouse would be assassination, stake-outs and stealth infiltrations


SUP: Support is still struggling, but with our current SUPL and SUPO, we have gained a few new ideas to possibly bolster that. As such, I intend to ensure a final SUPO is named. I will also work with the Naval Officers to ensure our SUP hopefuls are being given the opportunity to get the training they need. I have a few ideas that might bring RP back to the SUP branch such as hot-zone repairs and dogfight tactics.


MED: Medical is small in numbers but strong in quality. I intend to work with the REGM and current MEDL/O to build up more numbers for the branch. Let's be honest it's hard to find people who are enthusiastic about being medical, and when you do you want to make sure they are having fun doing what they love. I would like to play off of some previous suggestions such as hot-zone training, hostage rescue  and cybernetic implementation roleplay.


ARC: ARC has been at a healthy level since my time in the battalion. We have only 2 openings, 3 on my promotion out of our total 6 so I will work with my ARCL/ARCO to find new candidates as soon as I can and continue the timed combat training to push our troopers past their limits. Citadel runs, B & C and just for fun bomb defusal on hostages are some of the training I wish to implement.


Jedi: Jedi has been in a revival thanks to our previous Plo Koon, Cor. We have several very strong bonds with our Jedi and a fantastic Sha Koon, Toga, as well. I plan to keep the ball rolling with proper incentives to draw more saber-wielders into our armored shells. A few things I would like to improve upon are our Jedi’s feeling of integration. I plan to strengthen the bond between our battalion Jedi, and make them feel welcome in the Teamspeak channel. I would also like to devise training that helps my Jedi learn battle placements in a combat zone.

    In closing, I feel that we can rework our Intel work in order to streamline things. I feel that we have issues keeping it running smoothly, and I would like to iron out those kinks in the months to come. I believe we have every opportunity to build ourselves up to be one of the greatest battalions on the server, and I appreciate the opportunity to apply.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

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During my time on base Jug has been nothing but an Anchor and mentor for every single person in the 104th always making sure every NCO is getting through there requirements to rank up as well as checking in on all the Sub units making sure we are doing trainings or requirements. along with being one of the best if not the best the batt. has to offer. along with that Jug is on almost everyday ALL Day and is never hard to contact. i could think of no one better to be commander than Jug.

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I will say this .  This guy is one of the hearts of  104th and wants the best for 104th this guy is the best fit for wolffe. he has the gameplans ready and has been putting things all togther even before is run for bcmd,Ge is on everyday very easy to talk to lets do this



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You have the experience, the management courage, and the respect to be BCMD. When I was 104th you were the one I would go to if I needed a question answered or help with something. I know you'll do 104th right as their new Wolffe



Current: Shiny NotRonald


Former: Ki-Adi-Mundi I Simms I Oz

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Where do i begin. This guy is a great leader always active and always there when you need him. he is friendly and always has his battalion in his mind. i couldn't see any one else as the next wolffie then him.



Current:  KU Keller 

Former: SO Spark | WP Mortar |  KU XO Charger


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+1. However 


what do you plan on doing to fix the mingy behavior and encouraging mingy behavior from people within your battalion. 


However you are really good and your application is pretty good. 

41st Jedi Commander Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master)
claire <3


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5 minutes ago, Claire said:

+1. However 


what do you plan on doing to fix the mingy behavior and encouraging mingy behavior from people within your battalion. 


However you are really good and your application is pretty good. 

I have already put things in motion to remove the minging. I'm all about having a good time but if you are ruining someone else's fun I don't approve of that.  I have enacted punishments on several people who have done just that and I will continue to nip it in the bud every time it happens.


  • Agree 1
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18 minutes ago, Juggernaut said:

I have already put things in motion to remove the minging. I'm all about having a good time but if you are ruining someone else's fun I don't approve of that.  I have enacted punishments on several people who have done just that and I will continue to nip it in the bud every time it happens.


Sounds good! Good luck on your application 

41st Jedi Commander Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master)
claire <3


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+1 I've been here for 6 months spent majority of my time in the 104th and even out of it this man was my Mentor to the point i wanna follow in his footsteps i'd love to see him as wolf and i think it's a great position to fullfill

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Just watched the Rebel episode with Wolffe in it, we need a Wolffe on server. You get Wolffe. +1 

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout x2, Jet x2, COE x2

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Veteran Admin

+1 I believe you can bring 104th back to where it should be

Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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+1 Good luck friend 

Current: BOOM
Former: 501st BCMD Rex 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | Veteran Admin Game Master Manager | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma GCO CPT Waxer | GCO SUPL Wooley 2ndAC Parjai

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+1 He has been working for this since day one and hopefully he gets the chance to see through with his ideas.

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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Let it be known, I rarely use the forums nowadays. Only if I feel it's for something important.

This is important to me. Juggernaut has been there with me and for me since I rejoined the Battalion on the first of the year. His dedication and support have meant the world to all of us in the 104th.

It's only natural he leads the pack.



  • Pay Respect 1

Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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Veteran Admin

+1. I've talked to Jugg a decent amount of times now and he is a solid guy. Cares about his battalion a lot one of the most dedicated 104th members I've ever seen.

Would be glad to see him as a BCMD

  • Pay Respect 1

Current: SPEC Regimental Commander Danny
Former: Walon Vau, CG Commander Danny, Battalion Commander Fox

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+1 No one would be more fitting

Guild Lieutenant Azkeel | Captain of the Guard Krampus | Jedi Padawan Krampus

Dire Squad Lead ARFL MAJ Sprint | 104th ARFO | 104th Jedi Padawan Debitor | Death Korps Leader Hunter Debitor/Krampus/Beelzebub | Guild Marshal Krampus/Loki | Navy RDC PO2 Krampus Navy MED CPO Debitor

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+1 This dude is committed. He has what it takes.


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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Huge +1 jugg always puts in the work for the battalion, people like that always make great wolffes, he is undoubtably the most deserving of the position

Edited by Ccmonty
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GM Leadership

+1 has great potential!

Current: Diplomatic Services | TGM III | Senior Admin | Game Master Officer

Former: 501st CMD 332nd Vaughn | 332nd Officer Sterling | TC Boomer | TC Hardcase 

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  • Director

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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  • Founder

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


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