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About flavoredcement

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Forum Onion

Forum Onion (1/6)



  1. 4/3/4 + Love zombie events always a good time + Music choice and theme choice was awesome - Music was inconsistent in volume and could be too loud where players couldn't talk to each other - Server didn't like the dupe with the amount of props there Overall very good event just needs a few adjustments, but good mini event.
  2. Gameplay: 4/5 Care and Effort: 4/5 Server Performance: 4/5 Really good deployment. Can't wait to see where this story line actually goes
  3. 5/5/5 took what was going on the server and continued it to an event. Server handled everything well and finally just nice way to get us ready for deployments.
  4. 5/5/5 This is Rich great event great opportunity for RP and got to be around my favorite 104th brothers
  5. 5/5/5 Great event as always! Didn't notice any server hiccups, there was plenty of RP, and just overall a great event.
  6. 3/4/5 I think a bit more care in keeping the main force together would be nice. I think the Rakghoul mechanic is nice but better understanding of infected troopers is needed. The deployment felt very rushed and then the end was a slow crawl for anyone not involved in the immediate RP. Other than that you're doing really well and I expect great things from more events/deployments
  7. +1 Honestly lots of great ideas coming in and I think you're the man to put them in place as Wolffe
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