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Kaiser's BCMD Fox Resignation

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Head Admin

Battalion: CG

RP Name: Fox

Date: 6/4/2024

Reason: I'm about to take a week or so LOA and Fox apps are open, absolutely no purpose for me to stay on the character during that time. Batt is super comfortable rn and I hope all the haters that bailed on CG when I got BCMD don't return and ruin the hard work that a lot of us put in.

Goodbyes: I'm not leaving the server. Honorable mentions to hard workers in CG.

@Danny1next Fox I hope.

@Arizona Stoked to have worked with you in your home battalion, was a very good experience and I hope you stick with it. 

@Moose_Wundo glad you dipped after getting denied MECH REG just to join the best battalion at the time, get a lore character, get a CMD, and cook. Your foundation is strong and will get better with the longer you spend in CG. 

@warmasterelite7 Elite CG member, competing for next CMD with Arizona I bet, keep up the push. 

@WideTurtle Please stay in the battalion and don't find something else, you're just tapping into your potential now and you can easily continue to grow and cook more than you could've previously. 

@CommunistBeaver this is a late ping but one of the best Jedi within the Order rn. Loved every minute working with you and if you keep with it, you have some insane potential. Extremely blessed and honored that you took the mantle of your former lore Jedi just to engage with myself and the battalion. This felt so huge to have you working with me again when it happened.

@Rohanamazing REG, best I have ever had as a BCMD. Looking forward to Marshal CMD for you.

At the end of the day, I've made mistakes, but I always tried to make CG better than what it was when I assumed the role of BCMD. I think I have done that. No matter the controversy, no matter the issues, no matter anything negative, my shining light was my effort and attempts to improve something on the server. I hope I served this battalion well, and hope I served the community well as this position. o7

Danny and Moose please please please please please do not let the battalion die I will NEVER beat the allegations if CG crumbles or people flock away.

Edited by KaiserNeiner
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       Zeros          Clutch



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Veteran Admin

What the fuck...  you weren't actually supposed to leave man it was a long con PsyOp for your haters.


Go to a relaxing spot and take a nice deep breath. You killed it, and finished strong.

Current: SPEC Regimental Commander Danny
Former: Walon Vau, CG Commander Danny, Battalion Commander Fox

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Veteran Admin


Its been a pleasure I dont regret following you and I believe that denial needed me to make my foundation stronger, I really do appreciate you and everything you've shown me, and listened! 

I honestly hope you just hop on and have fun from now on! Youve done your time, BCMD for a solid year? Thats got to be a record!

Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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You did absolutely fantastic and everyone knows it; they can see it every day when they press the tab menu. You're a great role-player, creative GM, and overall, just a pleasure to be around. Coming back as Sussy to work with you and CG has been an absolute blast. Fighting alongside you was one of my favorite parts of joining CG, it always felt like an authentic Jedi-Clone Commander combo with you always pushing in with me. Hopefully you can still enjoy the server, and I hope to see you around.

Edited by CommunistBeaver
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Veteran Admin

o7 kaiser you've helped me a lot in my time on synergy i don't think i could have asked for a better BCMD i better still see you around. I hope this break gives you some time to come back just as strong!

Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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Good run brother

Current: Bad Batch Crosshair


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On 6/3/2024 at 11:04 PM, KaiserNeiner said:

Danny and Moose please please please please please do not let the battalion die I will NEVER beat the allegations if CG crumbles or people flock away.


1 hour ago, Arizona said:

Man i miss kaiser already Fox changed danny :PepeHands:

you know what to do mass leave so kaiser looks worse

Edited by Bacta
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Dude just now seeing this, honestly coming with you was a gamble but you have been the biggest mentor to me (whether that be good or bad).


I promise I am cooking.

Current:  Rancor WO Wide

 Previously: 2ndAC [S] Oddball | Rys | DSXO Thorn | CG CPT | GM Major 



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