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Taco's Wolffe Application (Waived)

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Steam Name: Taco

RP Name: Dash-29 | Taco

RP Rank: LT

Steam ID: 76561198834561097

Battalion you are applying for: 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion 


Doom’s Unit:

x2  Commander 6 months total, x2  ARCL, x2  ARCO, x1  HVYL

Havoc Squad: Brimstone, Gambit, Lancer, and Crush 


x1ARCO and x1 Wolfpack XO

Wolfpack: Dash-29

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: 

Clorox has given the next BCMD an opportunity to bring this battalion to the top of the server. However, I feel there are some parts of the battalion that need work/revamps. In my personal opinion I feel as I would be the perfect choice to continue what Clorox has started. With the use of my past experience as a commander in Doom’s Unit, I will be able to push past any hurdles or obstacles that arise during my time as BCMD. I have been reaching out to other BCMDs building relations with other battalions in the server to help prevent any hurdles.



Mon-Fri: 4 pm - 12 am EST
Sun: 3 pm - 12 am EST

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I've been on the server since late 2019 on and off totaling around 2,861 hours.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:



Currently, I feel officers aren’t held to the standard that is expected. The quota of 4 large entertainments isn’t always filled and nothing comes of it. If I become Wolffe I will ensure that officers live up to the standard that is set for them by introducing a strike system if they do not fill the quota.

As of right now, there is no clear process in choosing a WO. We have a discord channel that has a “watchlist” but I feel it is ignored and not used 100%. I want to implement a system where before they become an officer they must go through an evaluation period where all officers will see how the NCO does. We will then discuss and decide during the bi-weekly meeting if they should be WO or not.

 Right now, we do not have set meetings for the officer core. I want to have bi-weekly meeting with the officer core. We will ensure we take accurate notes to look back on them. If someone can't make it they will have a chance before the meeting to write their personal notes This will help build communication between high command and the officer core. 

To ensure that the entire battalion is aware and updated on any monthly battalion info using the notes from the officer meetings there will be a Monthly State of the Battalion announcement that will include all of the monthly battalion stats, any open positions within the battalion, the trooper of the month, and more.


At this current moment, the NCOs have no reason in doing trainings or recruitments other than rank requirements. I want to implement a system to reward activity in the NCO core by introducing trooper of the week and trooper of the month, those who get trooper of the week can be nominated for trooper of the month and earn additional rewards.

Intel Revamp

Sadly, most intel members are actually afraid of touching anything on the roster as they fear they might break something on it. I would like to simplify the logging process and increase redundancy. I would like to introduce adding NCOs to the intel team as another way for them to show commitment to the battalion and bypass certain promotion requirements. Intel work could also factor into getting trooper of the week/month. I also feel that the current documents we use are outdated and one of the first things I will be working on is getting these updated.

Sub Units

Personally, I feel both Wolfpack and Dire Squad are kind of under utilized. I feel like Wolfpack is just guys with jetpacks! I want them to be an advanced insertions squad or something along the lines of being more of a HALO team that is dropped behind enemy lines. Dire Squad has a lot of potential and can become something very intriguing. I want them to be used as a shock squad, a team that hits enemies weak spots. Just like every other 104th, I want them to have their own models, making their kit more CQB based with a shotgun instead of the DP-20 and buff their armor.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1
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1 minute ago, JustTaco said:


Intel Revamp

Sadly, most intel members are actually afraid of touching anything on the roster as they fear they might break something on it. I would like to simplify the logging process and increase redundancy. I would like to introduce adding NCOs to the intel team as another way for them to show commitment to the battalion and bypass certain promotion requirements. Intel work could also factor into getting trooper of the week/month. I also feel that the current documents we use are outdated and one of the first things I will be working on is getting these updated.


I would like to touch on this bit. If documents are outdated you need to reach out to the proper people and get them updated.  Personally, You've never reached out to me about anything... the Intel Director. 

Nobody should be afraid of breaking a roster. That's my job to fix and the point of Intel Training. If they're scared they just shouldn't be Intel.  Adding NCOs to the Intel team in what way? If you move NCOs to intel you open up a plethora of possible issues that can be resolved, but require time and preplanning, which again i've never been reached out to about this. 

As far as your plan to simplify it, it was brought to me by not yourself, but Clorox. The entire roster change was removing the automation and adding merits. Removing automation doesn't make a roster easier to use.  It increases the likely hood of messing up promotion dates, rank updates, and people would need to manually log their changes and manually update the roster. This is asking almost 3x the work it takes to currently do /recruit. /promote is picking a name and a rank abbreviation, whereas changing to manual would require opening the roster, finding the person and manually changing their promotion date and their rank itself then going into Intel chat and posting the promotion. 

Intel bits aside, Ther rest of this app is fairly lackluster.  You can do bi-weekly meetings yourself as most battalions do this already with their Junior Officers spearheading them. 

As for NCOs reward you can also already implement this as an Officer. As for the Wolfpack thing, You can easily start doing this too as WPXO. Unless Badger was against this. 

You also touched on Dire Squad almost 0%.  You mention you want them to have models and you plan to get their kit changed. Fundamentally what do you think needs adjusted to make them succeed on more than just the development side of things? 

TLDR Adding credit rewards for NCOs, Turning Intel manual and putting up Dire Squad suggestions are things i don't see benefitting the battalion at all. Especially against the application Juggernaut has up. 

It'll be a -1 for me but if you make it to Inter view good luck.

  • Agree 5
  • Disagree 3

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu l Crosshair
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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1 minute ago, Antt said:

Did we read the same app?

Yes. We did. a simple CTRL F of the words Dire Squad will show its mention twice at the bottom of the app. The sentence consists of 

"Dire Squad has a lot of potential and can become something very intriguing. I want them to be used as a shock squad, a team that hits enemies weak spots. Just like every other 104th, I want them to have their own models, making their kit more CQB based with a shotgun instead of the DP-20 and buff their armor."

This is a TLDR of "I want them to have models.  I want their kit changed to a shotgun" 

There is no mention of how he plans to go about turning them into a shock squad or precision insertion team. Therefore its not touched on. 

  • Agree 2

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu l Crosshair
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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I have known taco for a while now and I know that he has the commitment and drive to get 104th to a better position then it is in right now.

my fault gang i forgot my +1 lmao

Edited by Blueman123


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on a real note tho
Taco has what it takes to make the 104th even better than what it is now. I've talked to him and his ideas for the battalion look promising. 

Edited by Trilogy
For Mystic to remove his dumb
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+1 Spoke to Taco previously and he addressed the concerns and questions I had to ask and a lot more I had were answered in this application, it would be a mistake to not put this man in BCMD position!
in my opinion, Taco is the best current option for this position. He has the drive, time, and the experience needed for a BCMD to lead in and out of game effectively. 


Edited by Diplo


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I have some questions before I vote.

1. You talk briefly about how to make Wolfpack and Dire Squad more interesting. But I really want to hear more about this, you have the direction you want to take them but how are you going to get them there?

2. On the topic of NCOs, you talk about requirements not being enough incentive to get people hosting things. Trooper of the Week and Month are good, but aren't a sure fire solution to the issue. What else do you plan to do to fix this issue? 

3. I think consistent officer meetings are great, but what other issues do you see within the Officer core and how do you plan to fix them?

4. Your "Why you should be BCMD" section is also very lackluster, tell me more about why you're the right fit.

Overall this is a very lackluster application, I've seen better applications get more harsh criticism than what me and Mystic have provided. I hope to hear your answers soon!

  • Based 1

My time as Echo was shorter than Clutch's Yoda Term

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+1 if the current people in the battalion support this candidate than so shall I 

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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I trust you'd be a great Wolffe just before I vote I have one question for you. How do you plan to help revitalize the branches within the 104th that need more members? (ie; Support & Medics)

Abstain for now.

Edited by Wulfram
  • Informative 1

Current; Delta 07 PVT Sev

Previous; DS SUPL Tracer, 

"And he's supposed to be our demolitions expert?."


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Veteran Admin

 There are some things to clear up here


13 hours ago, JustTaco said:

Currently, I feel officers aren’t held to the standard that is expected. The quota of 4 large entertainments isn’t always filled and nothing comes of it. If I become Wolffe I will ensure that officers live up to the standard that is set for them by introducing a strike system if they do not fill the quota.

The quota for the officers is substitutable based on how the officer activity is handled, If an officer doesn't do a lot of large trainings every week but does a lot of work in other areas this quota is waived as it is seen as a "worthy equivalent." 



13 hours ago, JustTaco said:

As of right now, there is no clear process in choosing a WO. We have a discord channel that has a “watchlist” but I feel it is ignored and not used 100%. I want to implement a system where before they become an officer they must go through an evaluation period where all officers will see how the NCO does. We will then discuss and decide during the bi-weekly meeting if they should be WO or not.

There is currently a process for WO. Warrant officers are suggested, discussed, and voted upon by the senior officers in their channel.  Should a WO be agreed upon they are promoted and given their trial period

Taco, could you expand. on what you wish to do with the subunits and how you will do it? Also, what are your plans with the various branches?

After thinking about this I am adding more questions

Edited by Underpaidstaff
change of thought
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Taco is a very good man. He has ambition and goals he likes to set. 
I've known taco for SOOO many years and i know his actions are meaningful. 
Brings a lot of good key points into the Battalion itself.  He simplifies on what change and improvement he would do. as a strong believer of Action than words. i know he would make good suit as a commander of the battalion. 

TACO!! <3  

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Veteran Admin
13 hours ago, JustTaco said:

Sadly, most intel members are actually afraid of touching anything on the roster as they fear they might break something on it. I would like to simplify the logging process and increase redundancy. I would like to introduce adding NCOs to the intel team as another way for them to show commitment to the battalion and bypass certain promotion requirements. Intel work could also factor into getting trooper of the week/month. I also feel that the current documents we use are outdated and one of the first things I will be working on is getting these updated.

The biggest issue with intel previously was the need to update the intel handbook which has already been done


13 hours ago, JustTaco said:

Personally, I feel both Wolfpack and Dire Squad are kind of under utilized.

Can you elaborate on this?

Can you expand upon your Why should you be the BCMD section?

You are a good guy Taco but I would like to see more on your app before I vote

. There is a lot here that is either not well elaborated or not quite right. 


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-1 I feel application is missing alot of key details. I also feel that one didn't put enough effort into the app, Im sure you ar every interested in this position but it needs to be show just a little more.


Current: 501st Ajax

Former: TC REGL Kano, TC REGA Dogma, TC Hardcase TC REGL Tup      41st Clanky,   41st Cooker WP REGL Sinker WP Mortar 332ndO Ross 332ndO Gunner

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Manual Rosters?



Ima be real this ain't it chief. A lot of your goals for the battalion aren't what a BCMD should be focusing on, or are just looking at things backwards.

-NCOs doing things for promotion is generally a good way of getting them to do things. Not everyone is going to enjoy them, but trooper of the week/month/year isn't going to motivate anyone to doing them more. You should be focusing on giving NCOs ideas on fun entertainments/trainings, and get them, to understand that more recruits=more people=better battalion.

-As the #1 Roster Enjoyer in the community (fite me Mystic), you don't have roster duty as a point on your app. Not only does it show you don't understand how to maintain your backend system (more automation means less people touching, which means fewer people breaking things), it also shows you don't have the right priorities for the battalion (intel is like, bottom tier for goals on a BCMD app)

-Your subunit goals make no sense to me. Maybe I don't understand them as well as you do, but having both squads be super elite like how you're describing isn't really good. Besides, both squads already have things that make them interesting and unique (I hope), and you should be focusing on their existing strengths, not imagining them as something different. Also keep in mind that if you want new models, there's a very good chance that, even if you suggest them on day 1 of your term, you won't ever see them as BCMD.

This entire app feels tone deaf to your battalions' actual issues, and more like a list of things you don't like about the battalion on a personal level. 



  • Agree 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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On 4/24/2024 at 9:56 PM, Mystic said:

Nobody should be afraid of breaking a roster. That's my job to fix and the point of Intel Training. If they're scared they just shouldn't be Intel.  Adding NCOs to the Intel team in what way? If you move NCOs to intel you open up a plethora of possible issues that can be resolved, but require time and preplanning, which again i've never been reached out to about this. 


I've heard multiple times that they don't like to touch the roster cause they dont want to break it and the bot is being buggy. I believe the discord bot adds an unnecessary step that is easy to update on the roster anyways. Right now, whenever you want to update someone's rank, you have to go on to the discord and type in a command that often doesn't fully work. If we adjust it to the no bot version, they will instead click a drop down box next to the person's name, click the rank, then update the promotion date. All you have to do for new recruits if we switch to this version is add their Name, SteamID, and Recruitment date to the roster. There is already code on the current roster that auto sorts the roster based on rank so you don’t have to move them on the roster or anything crazy. Letting people just not do work will result in no one actually doing intel work and nothing gets done. Allowing NCOs to join the intel team will help display their drive to help the battalion alongside trainings and recruitments. Their activity in the intel branch can help decide out of the SNCOs who displays good qualities of an officer in the battalion. With the roster type I have in mind, it would be  super hard to break, and if anything is broken the intel training given will teach them how to fix anything including the formulas.

On 4/24/2024 at 9:56 PM, Mystic said:

As far as your plan to simplify it, it was brought to me by not yourself, but Clorox. The entire roster change was removing the automation and adding merits.

We originally talked to Clorox, yes, but after we showed and talked to him about it he asked us to get a meeting with you. Unfortunately due to conflicting schedules we were never able to get one set up, and Clorox offered to get a meeting with you alone and pitch it for us.


 The entire roster change was removing some automation, and bringing up the idea of a merit system for promotions. The total changes were: Removing the need for the bot by adding drop down boxes to update ranks, fixing and adding Battalion Activity and Monthly training count pivot tables to the hub tab, adjusting regiment tab formulas to separate how the cells look for squad members and their actual regiment (having the squad member look at the “Lore Character” column in the roster and their Regiment actually being on the “Regiment Column”, adjusting the formulas on the regiments tab that look for squad lead/xo and regiment lead to allow members that fill both roles actually show in both positions, reworking the checkbox that was utilized for “WP” to now show if a trooper is able to be promoted or not on one tab.

On 4/24/2024 at 9:56 PM, Mystic said:

You also touched on Dire Squad almost 0%.  You mention you want them to have models and you plan to get their kit changed. Fundamentally what do you think needs adjusted to make them succeed on more than just the development side of things? 


13 hours ago, Underpaidstaff said:

Taco, could you expand. on what you wish to do with the subunits and how you will do it? Also, what are your plans with the various branches?


22 hours ago, Joyboy said:

1. You talk briefly about how to make Wolfpack and Dire Squad more interesting. But I really want to hear more about this, you have the direction you want to take them but how are you going to get them there?

My Wolfpack idea was pretty recent to be honest and Mystic I 100% agree with you. I could do this now. I just wasn't fully sure how to go about it just yet. I want to shift the entire idea of Wolfpack. This includes what the tryouts and docs would look like to more focus on the idea of being an insertion team, being able to make HALO drops with the fuel in your jetpack, or know what to do when dropped in a hot zone, things along those lines. Even if I don't get Wolffe I will still work with Badger and whoever gets Wolffe to give Wolfpack some identity.

My idea for Dire Squad was just that, an idea. I talked with Debitor telling him what I think could be cool for the squad. Even if I got Wolffe it wasn't going to be a “okay you are this now”, I would have worked with the Dire Squad to build something for their squad that would solidify their spot in the server. 

MED: Right now we are currently about to fill the entire medical leadership team. I personally would like to encourage medics to set aside time for med rp after patrols or events and encourage others to participate in the rp like getting a checkup. I also would like for the med leadership to host med specific sims.

ARF: They recently have made a bit of a comeback when it comes to numbers. I think they have a strong leadership team even while missing a ARFO. I think if we begin to work more closely with the 41st we can really begin to work on getting ARF troopers out to scout before any patrols or events.

SUP: They have decent numbers but we do need to find a two SUPOs to help out with the branch. I think if we push to make more sims that involve the aspect of flying could be cool, however, I think we should start to lean into the engineering aspect of SUP by doing routine maintenance rp on tanks after having it out for events or sims.

I think for both HVY and ARC. They have strong leadership with great numbers. I would love to get them more sims made for these branches and continue to watch them grow. Obviously I would work closely with the leads and officers of these branches along with the REGL to get what they need and get them to grow and keep growing.


22 hours ago, Joyboy said:

2. On the topic of NCOs, you talk about requirements not being enough incentive to get people hosting things. Trooper of the Week and Month are good, but aren't a sure fire solution to the issue. What else do you plan to do to fix this issue? 

I have already been trying to lead by example by hosting sims and trainings but also hosting fun stuff like poorly made game shows or a game of hide and go seek. So with being Wolffe I would encourage the NCO core to follow suit by hosting their own sims and trainings, along with having the officers encourage things to be done during down time or lead by example and just host something. 


22 hours ago, Joyboy said:

3. I think consistent officer meetings are great, but what other issues do you see within the Officer core and how do you plan to fix them?


13 hours ago, Underpaidstaff said:

The quota for the officers is substitutable based on how the officer activity is handled, If an officer doesn't do a lot of large trainings every week but does a lot of work in other areas this quota is waived as it is seen as a "worthy equivalent." 

I think there is no clear quota, obviously there are the four large trainings per month on the roster but as Clorox has stated this can be waived by other work within the battalion. To lower ranks this could be confusing and subjective when it should be more objective and clear cut, I think it is important to display what the options are as quotas (example: instead of 1 large training, they do 2 patrols).

11 hours ago, Underpaidstaff said:

Can you elaborate on this?


Yes, personally from my standpoint, Wolfpack is just guys with jetpacks! They have no clear mission set other than go shoot the enemies from high up places. This is my fault as WPXO I should have approached Badger sooner to get something going.

As for Dire Squad they are just a named squad for now. They have their jobs on the server and thats really it after the change from being the negotiations team, I personally don't know how long ago that was but the idea has been changed so I want to bring them into the light. 

22 hours ago, Joyboy said:

4. Your "Why you should be BCMD" section is also very lackluster, tell me more about why you're the right fit.


11 hours ago, Underpaidstaff said:

Can you expand upon your Why should you be the BCMD section?


Clorox has given the next BCMD an opportunity to bring this battalion to the top of the server. However, I feel there are some parts of the battalion that need work/revamps. In my personal opinion I feel as I would be the perfect choice to continue what Clorox has started. I went through hell and back as a Doom’s Unit commander. I was part of the group that pushed for Havoc Squad to get their own jobs and later their very own models. Watching the battalion die in numbers and almost get removed was rough but we kept kicking and made a killer comeback. As ARCL I was able to get an active squad of ARCs after revamping the ARC tryouts and ARC handbook. As ARCO I had similar success helping my ARCL where it was needed and keeping the boys active. I was just joining back in DU and asked what needed help, and the HVY branch had no leadership so I took it head on bringing in new members making HVY something once again in DU. With all of these ups and downs in my career I will be able to push past any hurdles or obstacles that arise during my time as BCMD as I have before. I have been reaching out to other BCMDs building relations with other battalions in the server to help prevent any hurdles.


16 hours ago, inspector said:

If given the opportunity would you change the 104th as a whole or fix the peices that are in place.

I feel like the 104th is super solid just some of the pieces need work and can be fixed with the right leadership and I believe all current candidates can make 104th better than before.

I'm super sorry I took so long had a busy day hope this helps. Please ask me any more questions you may have!

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As it stands my current vote is -1 


Reading through your replies to people it seems like you're reiterating certain sections, Specifically when it comes to your Subunits Wolfpack and Dire squad. You already mentioned how you're WPXO how you should have reached out to Badger to "get something going" but what exactly are you trying to get going. Same issue when addressing Dire squad we're already aware that they not much more than a Jobbed squad but you didn't mention a plan on how to "bring them into the light". 

You also bring up a Watch system for a NCO trying to become WO, a potential WO should be put into his evaluation phase the minute they become NCOs so by the time they reach SGM you should be more than aware if the person will be a good fit for the role. This leads into my main point that it seems like you may not fully understand the purpose of the Officer Core. The Officer Core should not be worrying about do large entertainments/ multiple small entertainments  weekly. They should be focusing on building up their NCOs and assist in trainings


And Lastly. Considering Mystic is your Intel Director as well as the Jedi's & Rancor's I've worked with him multiple times about issues im having during Intel work and he gladly explains the process to me and why something could have went wrong while still providing a fix for the solution.  My point is there's a reason why 95% of intel docs are automated on Synergy and its because it works. If you think doing stuff manually can work then you should suggest this change for a short trial period and see how it goes before doing the full revamp or atleast ask to see what your fellow Officer Core thinks.

  • Agree 1
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  • Dumb 1


Current:  Bardan Jusik

Former:  6  LT Kom'rk | Rancor Knight Halsey | Shaak Ti  | Branch Overseer  Kit Fisto


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I guess I have to +1, so I don’t get mass dumbed like Mystic and Vortexuss. 

On the real, I wish you had better answers to my questions but it’s gonna come down to the interview regardless. Good luck!

Edited by Joyboy
  • Funny 3
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My time as Echo was shorter than Clutch's Yoda Term

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Veteran Admin

As of right now I am on the fence, I like to work along side 104th quite a bit and being british have probably missed you, or spoken to you very briefly. However you have been highly spoken about when asked about and spoken about which is great! 

I am quite on the fence at the moment, I do have a question for you before I vote.

I do have one question for you, what have you done in the 104th thats led you to the LT spot, and from there what's then led you to asking for the waive?

I do as always wish you luck! As I do believe it will more then likely come down to the interview! 

Currently: 332nd CPT Vaughn  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose 


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I’m not going to vote on your app because I don’t play the server anymore. However, as the former 104th Intel manager that fixed 95% of the roster issues, I could tell you that most of the problems where the roster was messed up was from the manual logging parts. It was quite rare for the bot to mess up the roster. Also adding NCOs to the roster increases the number of people who can make changes on the roster. I would be fine if they got the tag in discord and could only use the bot. However, if NCOs can make changes to the roster you will find that some people will screw it up just because they can, for example we had a time where someone accidentally set the editing permissions to everyone and the roster got completely screwed in the first few hours by people that were NCOs at the time. 

Lastly, as a former Wolffe I could tell you that Intel stuff shouldn’t be the focus of your term and that the battalion should come first.

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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52 minutes ago, Moose_Wundo said:

what have you done in the 104th thats led you to the LT spot, and from there what's then led you to asking for the waive?

Just like any normal start in a battalion I did my requirements to get promoted through the NCO and SNCO ranks. I hosted sims/patrols and tank trainings. Now being an officer I rather push for NCOs to do the sims and trainings for their requirements. Granted even as a junior officer I should be doing trainings but at the time I wasn't pushing to be promoted. Originally I was going to wait for Clorox to do a second Wolffe term so that way I could mentor under him and learn more before going for Wolffe. After he decided to just go for Mech RCMD I thought about and figured I would try and go for BCMD with the experience I currently have. I talked to the 104th officer core and Clorox and got the green light to try for the waive.

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Veteran Admin
3 hours ago, JustTaco said:

Just like any normal start in a battalion I did my requirements to get promoted through the NCO and SNCO ranks. I hosted sims/patrols and tank trainings. Now being an officer I rather push for NCOs to do the sims and trainings for their requirements. Granted even as a junior officer I should be doing trainings but at the time I wasn't pushing to be promoted. Originally I was going to wait for Clorox to do a second Wolffe term so that way I could mentor under him and learn more before going for Wolffe. After he decided to just go for Mech RCMD I thought about and figured I would try and go for BCMD with the experience I currently have. I talked to the 104th officer core and Clorox and got the green light to try for the waive.

Thank you for the answers, and after talking and a lot of yapping in TS I am going to +1

Good luck at the interview I do believe it will be a close and hard decision!

Currently: 332nd CPT Vaughn  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose 


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Head Admin

plus +1 one

Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


The first and only Canadian Director

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


The first and only Canadian Director

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