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Commander Report on Duck


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Your Name: JBFox/Wolffe

Your Steam ID STEAM_0:0:51710115

Your rank/position in the battalion (if applicable)?: Battalion Commander of the 104th, which is in the Specialized Regiment that he is supposed to command.

Battalion Commander(+)'s Name: Senior SO-BDE/Specialized Commander Duck

Battalion Commander(+)'s Steam ID (OPTIONAL IF UNABLE TO FIND): STEAM_0:1:50121683

Battalion/Squad/Regiment/Brigade: SO-BDE/Specialized

Why should this Battalion Commander(+) be demoted?: He is flat out inactive, I've rarely seen him in Teamspeak and seen him not once in game.

Has this Battalion Commander violated one of the rules for demotion?: Inactive.

Evidence against the individual?: I may not have any screenshots, but i think it's been pretty obvious that he hasn't been doing his job correctly.

Suggestion for new Commander of that Battalion (OPTIONAL)?: Not my place to say.

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3 minutes ago, Zyner said:

Let's hear it from SOBDE

@Rush Cat

Ya not gonna lie Hes a good guy But i never see him either tbh 

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I too don't see him

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Honestly I will step down if necessary. I was here almost all during December,which is not a lie. In that time of December I did a lot. I helped 91st as much as I could. I help rancor when they went through the Alpha ARC problem with 327th. And just couple days ago Jax sat down with me and we had a conversation with a couple of ST Commanders about Puck, through this a somewhat decent conclusion was made. I would get why this report was made on me considering last two week,as Ive been gone quite a bit, bit it was never enough for me to make a loa as I was back every other day(at most I was gone two days).


Now let me hit on couple things you just put.

3 hours ago, JBFox said:


Your rank/position in the battalion (if applicable)?: Battalion Commander of the 104th, which is in the Specialized Regiment that he is supposed to command.


So during the 1st time you were under me, I was helping 91st and was thinking if needed to move on to help you, however you guys got moved to recon (as well as 91st and SO.And man do I miss having Ryx under me. Only person in SOBDE I loved to help if he needed it. As he really tried to fix problems if it were addressed) You only just got back into Spec. So don't put "Which is the specialized regiment that he is supposed to command" like it some pretentious shit that I haven't even bothered to look at you guys.


3 hours ago, JBFox said:

Why should this Battalion Commander(+) be demoted?: He is flat out inactive, I've rarely seen him in Teamspeak and seen him not once in game.

Now The inactive part I wont deny. Last week-two weeks. My activity on server has hella dropped. No hiding it. No Running from it. However I will state the reasoning why I was inactive. As some may know I have make up hours for school. Meaning if I don't make up these Hours I wont get my credits for my first semester, thus holding me back a grade. I was keeping a good track on them and was actually going to finish early however, my school(Do note I had already been going to there office multiple times to check my hours) told me out of the blue that my hours had gone up from 54 to 82(A major increase). I only had to finish these all by last Friday(which I already went into the office to sort everything out to make sure I will pass with flying colors.). So there you go theres my person life That I dont want to tell people often as its fucking embarrassing as hell to go "Oh yeah I have to stay after school because I missed to much".

Now I know what you may say, DUCK If irl is too big of a issue you should step down, which I respond with I already thought about it while I was dealing with this shit, however since I finished (as of friday) that there was no need to as I have Irl sorted out. Like shit I even applied for game maker as I plan to come back

Also There was one point in your post that Really actually pissed me off. "ive rarely seen him in teamspeak." It is not my job to go to your channel daily.I am ALMOST ALWAYS ON TS. I might be watching YouTube or doing something but im still on Team-speak to do shit. For example I got pulled last night and today by max(While I was hanging out with family) for Commanders Meeting shit but guess what I was able to tab in and see what was going on.

(Small last note about this. Although I was really reduce activity last two weeks I was still on every now and then for a hour-two. Some may not know, but if you ever wonder who I am I go by Armand Isard. I often change my name a lot as Sticking to the same old name gets boring.)


3 hours ago, JBFox said:

Evidence against the individual?: I may not have any screenshots, but i think it's been pretty obvious that he hasn't been doing his job correctly.

OK now this shit actually really, really pissed me off. Call me inactive. I admit. I fold. But holy shit. Do not say im not doing my job correctly. Being active and doing my job correctly are way two separate things. As stated in my 1st thing. Ive been helping out when its needed. I legit talk to regimentals often(or just random bystanders) and go so is there anyone in my regiments that need help. And as of the last two weeks its been one statement.

Is No.

RC/Null have always been self efficient

Doom is basically thriving under jayarr.

Like shit even 104th is doing fine now,ever since they got grapple hooks.

Galactic Marines? Dont fuckin make me laugh. They've had great numbers and have been doing fine for months.(If not years now).

Rancor has been doing fine since tofu came in and fixed up the trainings for other battalions.

Shock troopers. Some what in a state of need. but for most part with puck gone, the commanders are now able to handle things on the spot and are doing some what fine.(Not much more to say. ST have always been a special case, and also not use to leading a Battalion in charge protection of almost every location on ship, so give me a little.)

Only people who need help are RM as they just got added(however saint is doing a just fine job right now).


So there is no one for me to step into at the moment. I step in when the situation is really dire and has gotten to the point where the regimental is useless and a senior commander is needed.



Last final note for my whole post. To you,who are about to hit "Quote" on my shit and go "But yeah duck your inactive, You cant hide it. Stop lying" Actually read the post. I admitted. I folded. Ive been inactive last two weeks.


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I’m neutral on this case, as I have seen him on, including when I was supposed to talk to duck and Jax. However, when I came on to talk about my issues of my activity where I was supposed to talk to Jax and you duck, I don’t know if you were completely afk or what have you. I just talked to jax about the issue. The start of the talk with him, you were muted with pm you if someone needed you, in which I did so I could have sat down with you both. Then after finishing talking to Jax, you weren’t muted. But during this time, you did not shoot me a message or made any process of contacting me. 


I know that that since I stepped down from FOX, I really don’t have much stake in this anymore, but I just wanted to state my views on this with the little time I had both you and Jax as my reg and SO. I also personally believe that the real life situations has to and will always come first. And that is something I want to stress to everyone. At the end of the day, we are all playing a video game that has no monitory value behind it. This is something we enjoy to do and all share some sort of passion of enjoyment for Star Wars given why we play it. So take this how you may, I just wanted to voice this.



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5 minutes ago, Puck said:

I’m neutral on this case, as I have seen him on, including when I was supposed to talk to duck and Jax. However, when I came on to talk about my issues of my activity where I was supposed to talk to Jax and you duck, I don’t know if you were completely afk or what have you. I just talked to jax about the issue. The start of the talk with him, you were muted with pm you if someone needed you, in which I did so I could have sat down with you both. Then after finishing talking to Jax, you weren’t muted. But during this time, you did not shoot me a message or made any process of contacting me. 


I know that that since I stepped down from FOX, I really don’t have much stake in this anymore, but I just wanted to state my views on this with the little time I had both you and Jax as my reg and SO. I also personally believe that the real life situations has to and will always come first. And that is something I want to stress to everyone. At the end of the day, we are all playing a video game that has no monitory value behind it. This is something we enjoy to do and all share some sort of passion of enjoyment for Star Wars given why we play it. So take this how you may, I just wanted to voice this.



Puck I completely understand the issue. I told jax I was going to go afk. However I feel as though Jax handled the situation fairly well. Him and I sat down with Commanders. Then I stated my opinion on each of your commanders points. With that Jax had my full opinion on my standing of you as BCMD, so from that he should of been able to, and was able to handle the situation with my guidance.

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Well, about the 91st thing I feel that the only reason that you really did anything is because I actually talked to you. When I talked to you about it i said "Hey Duck can you start helping us in the 91st out a little bit because we are kinda struggling here". An what you told me in teamspeak blew me away you said "No, i'm not gonna help the 91st at all because they are dying out". An I was shocked about that an questioned your abilities to be the senior commander that's actually good. Then the next day what did you do? you helped the 91st because you told me that and I'm most certain that you realized that I would actually do something about you not helping us out at all. An also you brought in people that we were mostly ok with but we said no to Lazer but you brought him in anyway an this is what you said when someone called you out in discord.



Which that right there just proofs it all that all you were trying to do was safe yourself from getting a demotion because I was gonna right a commander report on you before but decided not to because of what you did.


So all and all I really think you shouldn't continue your duties as a Senior commander so +1





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12 minutes ago, Nix said:

Well, about the 91st thing I feel that the only reason that you really did anything is because I actually talked to you. When I talked to you about it i said "Hey Duck can you start helping us in the 91st out a little bit because we are kinda struggling here". An what you told me in teamspeak blew me away you said "No, i'm not gonna help the 91st at all because they are dying out". An I was shocked about that an questioned your abilities to be the senior commander that's actually good. Then the next day what did you do? you helped the 91st because you told me that and I'm most certain that you realized that I would actually do something about you not helping us out at all. An also you brought in people that we were mostly ok with but we said no to Lazer but you brought him in anyway an this is what you said when someone called you out in discord.



Which that right there just proofs it all that all you were trying to do was safe yourself from getting a demotion because I was gonna right a commander report on you before but decided not to because of what you did.


So all and all I really think you shouldn't continue your duties as a Senior commander so +1






Nix. I wont lie You help bring 91st to my attention. I at first didn't want to help them cause during that time I had people lingering in my ears "91st is just going to get removed.327th is just going to get removed. DU is going to get removed."

But then I thought it over that night(LEGIT one night) and I decided that im their senior and also 91st was my starting place, my up bringing on Star wars. You Can ask wolfro and lazer. When I brought them in I said "I cant let 91st go with out a fight. Just to many old memories from there". I was not afraid of a commander report or anything of the sort from you. As you were meming. As I recall you stated along the lines "If 91st dies I become free lancer as Adi Gallia" So back off me with that "I was afraid of a commander report at the time."

Next on. Wolfro was fine with Lazer. Core was fine with Lazer. Thexan(Only at first, then they settled their differences) and outside people were only ones against it. Lazer did a amazing Job as Neyo(Post-CBG Time) in the past. So I felt confident he could help in some ways. It was a risk I took. I brought in someone who could be considered my friend to help.

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5 minutes ago, Duck said:

Nix. I wont lie You help bring 91st to my attention. I at first didn't want to help them cause during that time I had people lingering in my ears "91st is just going to get removed.327th is just going to get removed. DU is going to get removed."

But then I thought it over that night(LEGIT one night) and I decided that im their senior and also 91st was my starting place, my up bringing on Star wars. You Can ask wolfro and lazer. When I brought them in I said "I cant let 91st go with out a fight. Just to many old memories from there". I was not afraid of a commander report or anything of the sort from you. As you were meming. As I recall you stated along the lines "If 91st dies I become free lancer as Adi Gallia" So back off me with that I was afraid of a commander report at the time.

Next on. Wolfro was fine with Lazer. Core was fine with Lazer. Thexan(Only at first, then they settled their differences) and outside people were only ones against it. Lazer did a amazing Job as Neyo(Post-CBG Time) in the past. So I felt confident he could help in some ways. It was a risk I took. I brought in someone who could be considered my friend to help.

He was also removed from the position due to giving out favoritism to a friend of his. I told you flat out my reasonings for not wanting him in my battalion, and you were going to put him in regardless, so I decided that I would let it happen and keep him on watch, not because I was okay with him being put to Commander for no other reason than being your friend.


Edited by Thexan
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I mean yes i will agree with making adi gallia free lance because she actually wasn't 91st it was her cousin Stass Allie, Adi gallia worked with all battalions or just what ever clones she could take with her. That is the only reason why i would ever make her a free lancer if the battalion got removed which it didn't and i haven't touched on the topic like at all. since of the drought 91st had. An I mean the only reason I came on here was to just give my to sense about it and things that I didn't like about what you did. So if you can change my opinion about you not being there for the battalions as senior i would change my vote to -1 but for now its a +1

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1 minute ago, Thexan said:

He was also removed from the position due to giving out favoritism to a friend of his. I told you flat out my reasonings for not wanting him in my battalion, and you were going to put him in regardless, so I decided that I would lwt it happen and keep him on watch, not because I was okay with him being put to Commander for no other reason than being your friend.


heres the thing, I would understand people Writing it off as favoritism. However I did not keep the decision just to my self. Everyone Who was brought in was a long conversation held between Core and myself. And then we ran it by max(Max was against the removal of Bigman, however he was fine with the people being brought in). Thats why I kept him. If Myself, as the senior, and everyone else above me agrees that lazer did a good job in the past and deserves a shot then imma bring him in.

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2 minutes ago, Nix said:

. So if you can change my opinion about you not being there for the battalions as senior i would change my vote to -1 but for now its a +1

Well I mean I did state in my post above about when I have been there for battalions(Ex Working with Rancor. Working with Jax and ST. Working with 91st. Working with SO.) When it is brought to my attention by a individual I will often solve it soon. As jackson said "Senior Should really just be a adviser" That really what I have been doing. Jax has been bringing things to my attention(Sobde is fine at the moment) and we've been talking about it when we get the chance. My job is not to micro manage his Regiment. If I were to do that what is the point of Jax being regimental? If you feel I haven't kept to my thing as a "adviser" and really helping when its needed for Gods sake ask @Ryx. If ryx felt there was a issue with himself he would come talk to me and we would discuss for almost an hour about things that can be worked on.

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2 minutes ago, Nix said:

Well I was talking to about as of late not really in the past.

Well I stated my problems as of late. Think it how ever you want. And I also stated that no battalion is need of help except for Maybe RM.Who honestly are doing just fine with Saint as Commander, and Joah in as a officer(Everyone swarms the battalion a owners in ;-; )

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Update: Jackson didnt say Advisor. Sorry Misinterpreted it. He said I should be primarily working with the Regimentals more than I do the Battalion Commanders. And seeing how Spec is the only ones who may be in a state of need. I have been working with Jax when the time calls for it. So Either way I have been both a "Advisor" and working with the regimental a lot

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1 hour ago, Duck said:

Honestly I will step down if necessary. I was here almost all during December,which is not a lie. In that time of December I did a lot. I helped 91st as much as I could. I help rancor when they went through the Alpha ARC problem with 327th. And just couple days ago Jax sat down with me and we had a conversation with a couple of ST Commanders about Puck, through this a somewhat decent conclusion was made. I would get why this report was made on me considering last two week,as Ive been gone quite a bit, bit it was never enough for me to make a loa as I was back every other day(at most I was gone two days).


Now let me hit on couple things you just put.

So during the 1st time you were under me, I was helping 91st and was thinking if needed to move on to help you, however you guys got moved to recon (as well as 91st and SO.And man do I miss having Ryx under me. Only person in SOBDE I loved to help if he needed it. As he really tried to fix problems if it were addressed) You only just got back into Spec. So don't put "Which is the specialized regiment that he is supposed to command" like it some pretentious shit that I haven't even bothered to look at you guys.


Now The inactive part I wont deny. Last week-two weeks. My activity on server has hella dropped. No hiding it. No Running from it. However I will state the reasoning why I was inactive. As some may know I have make up hours for school. Meaning if I don't make up these Hours I wont get my credits for my first semester, thus holding me back a grade. I was keeping a good track on them and was actually going to finish early however, my school(Do note I had already been going to there office multiple times to check my hours) told me out of the blue that my hours had gone up from 54 to 82(A major increase). I only had to finish these all by last Friday(which I already went into the office to sort everything out to make sure I will pass with flying colors.). So there you go theres my person life That I dont want to tell people often as its fucking embarrassing as hell to go "Oh yeah I have to stay after school because I missed to much".

Now I know what you may say, DUCK If irl is too big of a issue you should step down, which I respond with I already thought about it while I was dealing with this shit, however since I finished (as of friday) that there was no need to as I have Irl sorted out. Like shit I even applied for game maker as I plan to come back

Also There was one point in your post that Really actually pissed me off. "ive rarely seen him in teamspeak." It is not my job to go to your channel daily.I am ALMOST ALWAYS ON TS. I might be watching YouTube or doing something but im still on Team-speak to do shit. For example I got pulled last night and today by max(While I was hanging out with family) for Commanders Meeting shit but guess what I was able to tab in and see what was going on.

(Small last note about this. Although I was really reduce activity last two weeks I was still on every now and then for a hour-two. Some may not know, but if you ever wonder who I am I go by Armand Isard. I often change my name a lot as Sticking to the same old name gets boring.)


OK now this shit actually really, really pissed me off. Call me inactive. I admit. I fold. But holy shit. Do not say im not doing my job correctly. Being active and doing my job correctly are way two separate things. As stated in my 1st thing. Ive been helping out when its needed. I legit talk to regimentals often(or just random bystanders) and go so is there anyone in my regiments that need help. And as of the last two weeks its been one statement.

Is No.

RC/Null have always been self efficient

Doom is basically thriving under jayarr.

Like shit even 104th is doing fine now,ever since they got grapple hooks.

Galactic Marines? Dont fuckin make me laugh. They've had great numbers and have been doing fine for months.(If not years now).

Rancor has been doing fine since tofu came in and fixed up the trainings for other battalions.

Shock troopers. Some what in a state of need. but for most part with puck gone, the commanders are now able to handle things on the spot and are doing some what fine.(Not much more to say. ST have always been a special case, and also not use to leading a Battalion in charge protection of almost every location on ship, so give me a little.)

Only people who need help are RM as they just got added(however saint is doing a just fine job right now).


So there is no one for me to step into at the moment. I step in when the situation is really dire and has gotten to the point where the regimental is useless and a senior commander is needed.



Last final note for my whole post. To you,who are about to hit "Quote" on my shit and go "But yeah duck your inactive, You cant hide it. Stop lying" Actually read the post. I admitted. I folded. Ive been inactive last two weeks.


Only interactions I've ever had with you is that I see you in Commander Meetings every now and then, that's what i meant by I never see you in TS. 

That being said, even if the SOBDE regiment doesn't need much of your involvement, there are 5 Battalions in the specialized regiment including mine. If you do not have the time to play the game any longer, you should have stepped down when that became the case. I would do the same thing if that were to ever happen.

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1 minute ago, JBFox said:

Only interactions I've ever had with you is that I see you in Commander Meetings every now and then, that's what i meant by I never see you in TS. 

That being said, even if the SOBDE regiment doesn't need much of your involvement, there are 5 Battalions in the specialized regiment including mine. If you do not have the time to play the game any longer, you should have stepped down when that became the case. I would do the same thing if that were to ever happen.

Well Ill be honest, Im sorry. As you know the human mind. We think we can balance things. We want to balance things. Even when we cant. I should of Taken An LOA During this whole School Debacle. However I will admit, I have talked to every battalion every now and then. The only one who I honestly havent talked to prob in months is 104th. Which I should however probably improve apon.

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The only thing ill mention here is chain of command. The design of chain of command is that the person in spot A is in charge of handling spot B and making sure B is handling C. 


Duck being Senior should be handling regimentals and making sure the regimentals are doing their job and holding them to a standard. Now if a reg spot is open then then the Senior should fill that and act as a temp regimental until the spot is filled. 



You have an assembly line. You have foreman who oversees operations and makes sure everyone is doing their job. Suddenly one of the line operators is injured and has to leave. It makes sense that the foreman would fill that spot until someone else comes in to work that spot and the foreman would go back to overseeing operations.

This is the concept. He shouldn't need to be hands on with every battalion and he shouldnt be the one working to keep them alive. 


He should be making sure the regimentals are keeping them alive and working with what the regimentals need as far as training and encouragement.

You wouldn't expect your bosses boss to take care of your issues every day.

You wouldn't expect your principal to grade your math homework.


Edit: Apparently this point was talked about but im too lazy to read most the replies. Point still stands.

Edited by Runs with Apache
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So I'm going to throw my hat into the ring... and start with some argument deconstruction.

3 hours ago, Nix said:

I feel that the only reason that you really did anything is because I actually talked to you.

I mean usually, people tend to fix issues if they are brought up to them.

3 hours ago, Nix said:

An also you brought in people that we were mostly ok

These people are the sole reason the battalion is still here right now.


3 hours ago, Nix said:

we said no to Lazer but you brought him in anyway

Clearly, them moving people in worked out, and he left anyway. He's in total lasted as long as the BCMD did.


3 hours ago, Nix said:

you said when someone called you out in discord.

That screenshot shows nothing important.

3 hours ago, Nix said:

all you were trying to do was safe yourself from getting a demotion

Yet he still saved the battalion... so does it matter?

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3 hours ago, Thexan said:

He was also removed from the position due to giving out favoritism to a friend of his. I told you flat out my reasonings for not wanting him in my battalion, and you were going to put him in regardless, so I decided that I would let it happen and keep him on watch, not because I was okay with him being put to Commander for no other reason than being your friend.

How is literally ANY OF THIS VALID. AT ALL. He can do WHAT HE WANTS. It is within HIS POWER. Commander Reports are for breaking rules or the terms you make. Please, if you try to remove someone from a position, at least give valid reasons.

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I mean ok? all the people he brought in except like 2 stayed so i mean ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ an also i did get a little off topic this post is mainly for his inactivity not really his lack of effort in the battalion, an i wouldn't say he "saved" it he just put people in the right place where he though they would do well. An also lazer got demoted then left because of he favortized one of his friends from icefuse that was a CT PVT an put him in as like the highest possible rank that he could put him at.

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33 minutes ago, Dragon said:

-1 while his activity is low his job is not to interact with nations everyday. I mean max spends a lot of time afk on the server but his job is to be over the entire clone army and naval. Not the go to every battalion and be like, hey guys let's powwow. 

my boy has a point     -    But since im the one who decides this I need to stay neutral for now at the end of today after more feedback I will review this  

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+1 I'm sorry duck I know that you probably did alot of work as said above but your activity has been questionable at best for an extremely long time and personally I only see you play for about 15 minutes then go afk or log of when your on

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10 hours ago, Washington said:

So I'm going to throw my hat into the ring... and start with some argument deconstruction.

I mean usually, people tend to fix issues if they are brought up to them.


To add on to this, a Commander won't be a good Commander/Advisor if they don't have anything brought up to them. This is how it works in every battalion, the commanders can't figure out all the problems on their own. They have members and officers for a reason. Duck has the BCMD's in his regiment to speak to. Just adding on to the statement.

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I will say duck's activity has taken a dip. (dude wasnt even there for his own promotion Great Meme). He has done his job relatively okay from someone in nulls perspective. with that said most of SOBDE is self sufficient so that might not mean much. Thus im left honestly on the fence and i really cant say much else about it. Others may have different experiences then I.

Edited by Cipher
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3 minutes ago, Cipher said:


I will say duck's activity has taken a dip. (dude wasnt even there for his own promotion Great Meme). He has done his job relatively okay from someone in nulls perspective. with that said most of SOBDE is self sufficient so that might not mean much. Thus im left honestly on the fence and i really cant say much else about it. Others may have different experiences then I.

I agree with this. SOBDE is peachy, it can handle its self, it mostly is small groups of people anyways. I cannot speak for specialized though. I give no vote.

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  • Retired Founder
On 1/4/2018 at 9:08 AM, Forseen said:

==========[ Commander Rules and Regulations ]==========

This is a bullet point list of what a Battalion Commander and above can and cannot do. This is subject to change at any point. You will be notified if this is changed.

If any of these rules and regulations are broken the person in the position may be warned, demoted or removed on a case by case basis and under the discretion of your superiors in the hierarchy or the Directors.


==========[ Reasons for Demotion or Removal ]==========

  • Inactivity.

  • Battalion disrespect.

  • Promotion of racism, ageism, or any other biases.

  • Inability to maintain numbers within his/her battalion.

  • Consistent minging/fail roleplay or promotion of minging/fail roleplay (with video evidence).

  • Consistently violating server rules.

  • Chronic insubordination or blatant disregard towards superiors (with video evidence).

  • A successful Battalion Commander report.

  • Removed directly by a Director of Staff, Marshal Commander, Senior Commander, or Chancellor.

  • Removed by the vote of the Regimental and Senior Commander.

  • The context for these reasons may differ between battalions.



The reason "Inactivity" is on the Commander Rules and Regulations page as a reason for demotion, however @Max, @Core@Jackson & I will discuss and come to a decision together.

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