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Xander's Admiral Of The Navy App

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Steam Name: ReAp3r

RP Name: Xander (Tarkin)

RP Rank: Vice Admiral

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:9887094

Why should you become Admiral?:
I think I should become Admiral as I have shown nothing but dedication for the Navy. I have spent a lot of my time on the server playing as naval and worked alongside Gohn learning the ropes and what it takes to run the navy for some time now. I truly believe I am best suited to take over this position due to my advanced knowledge of how the Navy works and what it takes to keep the navy active and successful as a faction. 

With the help of the officer corps I have been building during my time as vice admiral I believe under my guidance and that of the officer corps  the navy can become one of the most admired and respected factions on the server.

Do you understand  the purpose of Naval on the server?:

Naval is the backbone of the republic. Their purpose is to command the troops during battle, Run and maintain the base, provide relevant naval based trainings to persons who need them and make sure everyone has something to do to keep them busy and stop them getting bored. We inspire the troops to achieve greatness and become the best troopers they can be.

Mon - Fri:  8pm to 12am EST

Saturday - Sunday: 11am to 11pm EST

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:


I have achieved many things already as Vice Admiral of the Navy some of which are Implementing new systems such as the Merit system and Training/Entertainment/Recruitments Leaderboards that we currently use. I have also Implemented a New naval branch, changed up the dress code, Changed up some lore characters, Opened up an Intel team and remade/updated a lot of Naval Documents. These are just some of my Achievements in Naval to date.


On my civilian character I achieved the rank of Guild Marshal where I assisted the guild by hosting regular evals for both guild and spy as well as keeping on top of submitted bounties and bounty hunter reports. I resigned my position to focus on my main character in the Navy.

On my clone character I climbed to the rank of LT in the coruscant guard where I was also Hound and incharge of the Tracker branch. During my time as branch lead I increased branch numbers, reworked all the documents and the branch roster. I resigned this position to focus on Naval but have recently rejoined CG as a rank locked SGM.

I recently became a staff member in the community and dedicated spare time to helping out the server and players. Within my time as a new admin I learned a lot of new things and achieved Trainer of the week for all my hard work training new CR’s. I was Promoted to Admin just after that which is where I currently stand to date. 

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want the Naval to be at the end of your term?:

By the end of my term I want naval to be one of the most active factions and in a position where there is always naval personnel on base. I want naval to be seen as the professional, reliable leaders that the troops deserve.

Most of all I want the navy to be in a position where it can stand strong in the absence of the admiral to a point where the officer corps is able, active and willing to push the navy towards greatness.

There are a lot of things I feel I may have to change and implement to get the navy to this point but I believe we can get there and will do everything within my power to help the navy achieve this level of greatness during my term.  

How do you plan to change the Naval under your command?:

- Increase the level of professionalism from naval personnel.
To do this officers will be encouraged to carry out discipline on naval personnel who do not follow the naval rules.  I have already implemented the rule that naval should behave in a professional manner at all times this will mean that naval who do things such as swearing during debrief will be subject to discipline (This is something I have came across from time to time). Things such as disrespecting people/battalions, Getting in the way during battle or Minging in any sort of way will also fall under being unprofessional.    

-Set and enforce Maximum LOA/ROA times. 
The maximum LOA/ROA time will be set to 2 weeks however this can be extended if the circumstances call for it. This is to prevent people going on LOA for months at a time which is a problem we currently have. People joining navy then just taking a long LOA is a pain and I believe if they are gonna be away for that long they should have to redo the try-out as a lot can change in that time.

-Change the way Activity is checked as to not just rely on time since last promotion and instead check on recently logged activities also.
At the moment people get marked as inactive and even removed if its been over a certain time since their last promotion. This is not a good way to check activity as they may be on and logging stuff but just not on at the same time as officers. With this in mind my plan is to implement the checking of activity logs against a persons steamID to see if they have any recent logs and adjust their activity according to that.

-Rework the way naval reserves work.
Currently anyone from crewman up can become a naval reserve I think this is abit much as crewman are still new to naval and you never really know if they have any intentions of coming back which leaves reserve listing with hundreds of people on it. To prevent this i would like to change the reserve system so you must be NCO+ and have been NCO+ for at least 2 weeks to get added to reserves.

-Rework the Naval Handbook.
All I am planning on doing with the handbook is updating some of the information and making it a little better to understand.

-Increase activity within the navy.
To increase activity within naval I am planning on coming up with new naval based activity's that will include but not limited to Ship bound RP aboard dupes. There will also be credit reward incentives/giveaways to encourage naval to be active where out of the most active naval someone will be randomly selected to receive a reward or maybe a Promotion cooldown bypass.

-Push Recruitments and training more.
I will do this by actively encouraging naval NCO+ to be planning naval trainings and advertising them regularly. NCO+ will be told to regularly advertise naval try-outs and be on the lookout for anyone that changes to Naval cadet. (NCO's will prioritise Try-outs over everything else)

-Create a strong officer and NCO corps.
I have already begun forming a strong reliable and dedicated officer corps by selecting the best most dedicated people within naval to move up to officer. The NCO corps should naturally get better under the guidance of the officers who will be instructed to make themselves available to support NCO's whenever needed Officers will also be required to host NCO meetings.

-Reduce response times to comms replies and requests.
This is abit of a difficult one but i believe by actively reminding naval personnel to keep an eye on chat the response times should get better. Officers will be instructed to regularly check that we have people watching the comms whenever naval is on. Even during trainings someone will be appointed to prioritise comms responses.

- Run regular Naval Based Trainings whether this be in Sim rooms or ship dupes.
This one is pretty self explanatory host more fun naval trainings with lots of opportunity  to carry out Naval RP this will be very dependent on whether we can spawn in ship dupes etc at the time.

-Have regular scheduled meetings with Naval as a whole and NCO/Officer Meetings.
I have already brought back officer meetings but my wish is to have a rota where an officer is hosting an NCO meeting these meetings should be hosted at least twice a month to ensure all questions and concerns for the nco corps are handled. I plan on holding meetings for everyone in navy once a month this will be to go over any changes, answer questions, take any suggestions to improve the navy and have a catch-up with everyone to ensure they are enjoying their role within naval.

- Introduce Joint training with battalions.
This will be a training with a selected battalion we will try to choose a different battalion each time and host trainings that require both naval and the battalion to work hand in hand to succeed .

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Admiral rank?: Yes

Notes: Sorry Im Not very good at describing things in writing but i have added as much information as i could. Also although yes I can do these things as Vice Admiral (Has exact same authority over naval as Fleet Admiral) that shouldn't mean I am not allowed the promotion as Fleet admiral I will have full oversite of the navy and will be able to better Implement these things without feeling like im overstepping or stepping on anyone's toes.

Edited by -Xander
Added more information
  • Winner 1
  • Pay Respect 1

"I see. So, the mission was your usual version of success, then?"

 Fleet Admiral Yularen | CG SGM Price | Hunter Zero

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Will you stop Naval from making new docs (MED/Pilot) every single time they get a new lead?

Edited by Banagite
  • Agree 1

Current : Rancor BCMD Blitz TRM 
Former : Obi-Wan Kenobi | Bultar Swan | Guild Marshall Rancor CMD Colt | Rancor BCMD Blitz  Rancor Alpha-09 CMD Bana |SG WO Jayfon

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30 minutes ago, Banagite said:

Will you stop Naval from making new docs (MED/Pilot) every single time they get a new lead?

That for sure shouldn't be happening and it is indeed something i will look into. Documents should only be updated we dont need anymore new docs lol

"I see. So, the mission was your usual version of success, then?"

 Fleet Admiral Yularen | CG SGM Price | Hunter Zero

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+1 The best candidate we have at the moment. He has been constantly doing good work within naval and I feel that if he becomes the admiral of the navy that he can make good changes that benefit all of us.

Current: 332nd ARCL Sterling, Vice Admiral Tarkin of Navy.

Former: Hardcase, Kix, 501st MEDL, Chief Medical Officer, Aviation Manager,


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+1 you will do a great job, especially since you’re very dedicated to the role of naval officer. I really hope Naval gets more lore characters maybe even Naval Officer that work with battalions how they had Colburn working with 104th 

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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11 hours ago, -Xander said:

Increase the level of professionalism from naval personnel.


11 hours ago, -Xander said:

Increase activity within the navy.


11 hours ago, -Xander said:

Create a strong officer and NCO corps.

By doing what?


11 hours ago, -Xander said:

Reduce response times to comms replies and requests.



11 hours ago, -Xander said:

Set and enforce Maximum LOA/ROA times. 


  • Agree 1
  • Informative 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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35 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:



By doing what?





Q1: This can easily be increased by better enforcing the current naval rules which we have been quite slack on in the past.

Q2: This can be done by creating more RP opportunity's for naval personnel and bringing out more incentives to encourage people to play naval more this is something i will work on with my officer corps.

Q3: First off the officer corps this can be achieved by making sure we pick the very best navy has to offer to go up to Officer and reworking the Officer Training as at the min there is really not much too it. once officers are sorted the NCO corp will strengthen as it will have better trained officers who are capable of training and assisting NCO's

Q4: Response times can be reduced by simply making sure naval are not just sitting AFK on the job and are actively paying attention to the chat this is as simple as appointing someone as Comms Officer which is something i am going to introduce  so whenever naval is on we always have someone watching.

Q5: At the min naval does not seem to have max LOA/ROA times and therefore we have people taking 3-4 month LOA's this takes up Spots and the truth is if they are gone that long why not just never remove people from naval....I dont think it works so I instead would like to enforce a max amount of time they can be LOA/ROA.

  • Informative 1

"I see. So, the mission was your usual version of success, then?"

 Fleet Admiral Yularen | CG SGM Price | Hunter Zero

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I feel like this app is a little dry on the explaining. You say you're going to do things but don't explain how you are in your application. It makes me a little paranoid that although you know what you want to do, you aren't exactly sure how to do it. (And yes, i've read your response to Brooklyn). 

-1 for now, but I do wish you the best of luck :)

Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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On paper, this isn't strong, however, I know you in-game are dedicated to the Naval Branch and everyone who's in it. +1 

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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9 hours ago, Brooklyn said:



By doing what?





-1 for now. I know youre capable of most of these things without the title of Admiral. 

I saw your responses to Brooklyn but i'd really like to see a slightly revised app with a few more aspects of why you NEED Admiral to do things in Naval. 

19 hours ago, -Xander said:

That for sure shouldn't be happening and it is indeed something i will look into. Documents should only be updated we dont need anymore new docs lol

This is huge btw. My -1 is on edge if you make an edit please ping me! id love to reread and revaluate! Youre spoken of highly in Naval

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu l Crosshair
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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+1 sorry but your app sucks balls but when I was in naval you actually did a lot of things and interacted with a lot of people but recently though cant remember last time I saw you on maybe increase activity but I think you will do good as fleet admiral but these changes you suggested your gonna do as fleet admiral why not start working on them now like someone else said you don't need to be fleet admiral to do that 

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I'm sure you are a great candidate but this is an RCMD position you are applying for and I have seen longer Green Company applications. You have ok plans but I would like you describe them in more detail. The current state of your application is a -1 for me but I would like you to add more detail to it and I will come back and possibly change my response. However I wish you the best of luck.

Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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On 3/28/2024 at 9:12 AM, -Xander said:

This can easily be increased by better enforcing the current naval rules which we have been quite slack on in the past.

What steps are you going to take to ensure this happens?


On 3/28/2024 at 9:12 AM, -Xander said:

Response times can be reduced by simply making sure naval are not just sitting AFK on the job and are actively paying attention to the chat this is as simple as appointing someone as Comms Officer

This is good in theory, but what will change with having Naval AFK on their jobs, or not having naval on their jobs at all? How will a Comms Officer improve this?


On 3/28/2024 at 9:12 AM, -Xander said:

I dont think it works so I instead would like to enforce a max amount of time they can be LOA/ROA.

Like what?

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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@Mystic @Boof @Brooklyn I have made an edit and added some more information I'm not great and writing out how I wanna do things but iv tried to make it abit more descripted if you need anymore clarification hit me up I would love to try explain things better over VC if the edit doesn't cover it. Also @jaxx Iv been on LOA this week that's why you haven't  seen me lol.

"I see. So, the mission was your usual version of success, then?"

 Fleet Admiral Yularen | CG SGM Price | Hunter Zero

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While I do have some gripes with your physical application as it seems a few others have had, I do truly believe you're a great candidate for this position.

I've seen your dedication to the faction firsthand since your early days in the Navy and the Engineering branch. You're truly a force within the faction and honestly, nothing makes me happier than to see you go as far as you have. If I can give you any advice for the future, assuming you do make it to the position, make sure to fully utilize your position to the best of your abilities when ingame. Yularen is a position that has a ton of versatility to it with what you can do ingame. Use it to be an active presence for not just the faction, but the server as well. By doing this, not only can you create a ton of fun for yourself and others, but you'll also continue to inspire others to try out Naval.

Oh and don't get too hung up on doc work, I know you love it, but it shouldn't take away from the in-game side of the position. If you haven't already, make sure you have some other intel sappy folks to help you out so you're not trying to balance it all yourself.

Hope to see you on the job, best of luck in your interview, +1

oh and i'm always a DM away if you ever need. keep doing great things for the faction.

Future Dev Team Assistant
CT PVT Alpha-14 Tec :sittingred:
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky (For Real this Time), Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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With your updates to the application and the support from the navy I believe you can do great in this position +1

Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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