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Cryo/Broadside 10th Sector RCMD App


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Steam Name: 

ChaoticCryo | Synr.gg

RP Name:

Broadside / Cai DuLace

RP Rank:

Executive Officer

Steam ID:


Regiment you are applying for:

10th Sector RCMD

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

Throughout my time in Synergy, I have always been a part of 10th Sector. I have an unequivocal love for the Coruscant Guard and the rest of the 10th Sector Regiment and the rest of the Battalions within Synergy. I believe I would make a great RCMD for 10th Sector as I have a long experience with the Coruscant Guard (SGT-XO twice) as well as a multitude of relations with both Rancor and the 41st. I already have plans in place and in the works for improving, not just relations between the three 10th Sector Regiments, but relations between 10th Sector and the rest of the Regiments and Battalions as a whole. 
I believe I have what it takes to be a great third and final RCMD to complete the trio with both Meow and Finn, and I know that if I need help or assistance with anything at the start of my term that these two will be able to help me out.


7 Days A Week Unless:
or Working
(subject to change as i just left active service within the ADF)

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:

Coruscant Guard | SGT to XO - Tracker Officer to Tracker Lead - ARC Officer to ARC Lead - Intel Deputy Director - CG Thorn, Hound and Grey (First and Only)

Coruscant Guard | CSM to XO - Tracker Lead and Hound - Successfully Reimplemented Disciplinary Branch and Disciplinary Director - Interrogation Officer - Reimplemented Heavy Ordinance and Heavy Ordinance Officer 

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I wish the regiment to be at a point where they are consistently working together as a team again. 
I have noticed within the last few months of being back in Synergy that there appears to be quite a gap between the Coruscant Guard and 41st/Rancor. My goal is to close that gap between regiments have them continue to do trainings and deployments together to consistently improve their communications, combat effectiveness and relationships between the three of them. As for individually:


Coruscant Guard:  

Relations and Joint Trainings:  My main goal with the Coruscant Guard is to improve their relations with the other Battalions and I mentioned earlier in the application. If I get this role as RCMD, it will allow me to oversee and organise Deployments and Joint Trainings which, in turn, will improve the Coruscant Guards relations with the other battalions throughout the server. 
I have discussed this with Keegan/Shrimp already (and hopefully Bleach by the time this goes through) and we are currently working on organising some more joint trainings or even just socialising between the three Battalions. 


Public Standing: As we are currently and constantly working on already, I wish to improve the public figure of the Coruscant Guard. People tend to have a negative outlook on CG since they are the Peacekeeping/MP Battalion of the server, and with the help of Tessa we are always striving to improve that reputation. Putting me in the RCMD role will allow me more opportunities to improve this public standing of the Coruscant Guard 


Activity and Numbers: My first port of call is to help Keegan and the rest of the HC of 41st to improve their recruitment drive. I can see the current chain of command of the 41st have a passion to revive the Battalion so I want to help them achieve that. 

Trainings and RP: I want to expand on the Translations RP that the 41st provide. It isn't very often that they get to use this training and I would like to give them another reason to use it, whether or not that means help give them events/deployments that specifically caters to that or even just have it used more often during RP. 


Increasing ARC RP and Trainings: I would like to be able to increase the amount of actual ARC RP and the amount of ARC trainings that are done. ARC are specifically seen as Special Forces, and I believe that they should have some form of RP that shows that. 

Numbers and Activity: As the same with 41st, I want Rancor to flourish and become a Battalion to be reckoned with on the Battlefield. I will be liaising with Toaster and Bleach to see how we can improve recruitment and for the Battalion.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I know that all three regiments have had some recent history of minginess, which some of it is not their fault in the slightest. As I have stated above, I want to work together with all the BCMD's to get rid of this stigma and show the rest of the Battalions that the 10th Sector is not what some people claim them to be.  
With this, I will be working hand-in-hand with every BCMD in and out of 10th Sector to see how we can improve on this without stepping on their feet within their respective battalions unless asked to intervene or give my perspective.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes i do.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

Yes I do.

  • Funny 1
  • Confused 1

Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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+1 good lad, best of luck 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Couple of questions here...

Like Tessa, You came back this year and rose through CG fast. You JUST got XO are you positive that even though you were picked for the position that you are ready to leave and that CG is where you want it?

Your little tidbit about improving ARC trainings by increasing them and making more ARC oriented RP, How do you plan to go about doing this? It seems you have a plan but didn't discuss it at all, this is the point of your application. It feels like RANCOR had stepped up ARC trainings for abit there, with the loss of leadership in RANCOR have you and @Bleachspoken about the current/future state of RANCOR as a whole?

You seem to focus mainly on CG when it comes to explaining what each regiment needs, but it seems that CG is the best functioning battalion out of these 3. How do you plan to avoid bias towards CG / making sure other battalions will get the time they need, and will being in charge of your old battalion be in the best interest of the other 2 battalions (ex if there is an issue in relations between 2 commanders 1 from CG and one from say RANCOR or 41st how would you handle this situation to prevent damage?)

How do you plan to help 41st boost their recruitment? Do you plan to bring more people to the server? Or do you have an idea to make 41st more appealing? How do you plan to go about boosting their activity?

In your reasoning to becoming part 10th reg, you say you've always been apart of 10th, but in all truthfulness CG has been a little bit of everywhere, Spec, Siege, Operations (Back when regiments existed) and now 10th Sector. How do you plan to improvise battalion relations and improve the RP of RANCOR, 41st and CG as a whole? This seems like it was left out aside from mentioning you have a plan, and yet its one of the most important jobs of a good RCMD. 

You mentioned the gap between 41st/Rancor/CG as a noticeable issue, CG has had ALOT of issues fitting in with other battalions in the regiment like system we've been using since its birthing, should it come down to it do you think you can handle a re-arrangement of battalions and do you think you'd be ready to assist the other battalions in such an event?

I'll sustain my vote until you respond! 

Edited by Mystic
  • Informative 3

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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39 minutes ago, Mystic said:

Couple of questions here...

Like Tessa, You came back this year and rose through CG fast. You JUST got XO are you positive that even though you were picked for the position that you are ready to leave and that CG is where you want it?

I can answer any questions you all have :)

To start off, the reason why I ended up being promoted so quickly is because I was a pre-existing CG XO, I came back into the Battalion to help CG as they weren't in a great spot when I came back. My original plan was to go for RCMD because thats where I left off last time before I had to unfortunately leave due to work reasons. Tessa and I have discussed this multiple times over the last week or two and my original plan was to put in this application in a week when Tessa gets back from ROA. Unfortunately my hand was kinda forced with Ganar putting in his app, which its a win/win situation if either of us get it.


56 minutes ago, Mystic said:

Your little tidbit about improving ARC trainings by increasing them and making more ARC oriented RP, How do you plan to go about doing this? It seems you have a plan but didn't discuss it at all, this is the point of your application. It feels like RANCOR had stepped up ARC trainings for abit there, with the loss of leadership in RANCOR have you and @Bleachspoken about the current/future state of RANCOR as a whole?

I didnt discuss it in the application so it open ended and if people want to ask questions, they can just as you have.
Bleach and I have discussed the future if I went for RCMD (as I have with Keegan too), and we have an understanding on what he would like to see from me if I got RCMD, which the only thing he asked was to let BCMD's run their Battalion and not step in unless very much needed. 
As for the ARC RP, a great scenario was given to me from the Staff team during a deployment not too long ago and considering ARC Troopers are the Elite, there should be signs that they would only notice (much like RC would). Whether this be something as small as tracking, to scaling up a wall with their equipment, I would like to give them the option and the thought in their head that they can do things other troopers couldn't. I know first-hand that ARC can produce some of the best RP on the server (I spent more than a few terms as CG ARCL).



1 hour ago, Mystic said:

You seem to focus mainly on CG when it comes to explaining what each regiment needs, but it seems that CG is the best functioning battalion out of these 3. How do you plan to avoid bias towards CG / making sure other battalions will get the time they need, and will being in charge of your old battalion be in the best interest of the other 2 battalions (ex if there is an issue in relations between 2 commanders 1 from CG and one from say RANCOR or 41st how would you handle this situation to prevent damage?)

I know that there has been bias in CG in the past, every Battalion does it and every Battalion looks after their own. But there needn't be any worry about bias from my side. During my term as Disciplinary Director of CG, I was the one dealing out punishments toward CG who were mistreating the baton and I had to do my fair share of punishment (which is something that nobody should have to do, mind you). As for the comment about "will being in charge of your old battalion be in the best interest of the other 2 battalions", I believe that the answer this question is obvious. Would you rather somebody who was a part of 10th Sector as the 10th Sector RCMD or would you rather somebody who knows and had nothing to do with any of the Battalions of the 10th Sector?
I do feel like this question is a bit of a bait question though, and i'm sorry if it isn't. This answer is to no disrespect of Ganar and his abilities, as goes without saying.



1 hour ago, Mystic said:

How do you plan to help 41st boost their recruitment? Do you plan to bring more people to the server? Or do you have an idea to make 41st more appealing? How do you plan to go about boosting their activity?

There are a few ideas within the Pipeline that I have discussed with Keegan about the future of 41st and how we can further develop 41st. One idea we discussed was merging CG and 41st into daily activities, which would show two great Battalions working together and would encourage people to hopefully go "That's cool, i'd like to be a part of that."
Another thing that I would like to discuss with Keegan (which I wasn't going to bring up), but I would like to bring Translations back into the fold and it be more predominant in 41sts scene. It is one of their skillsets that isn't used as much as I would like to see it and I believe that bringing it back into events or just daily RP would be very beneficial for not just 41st, but the server as a whole.



1 hour ago, Mystic said:

In your reasoning to becoming part 10th reg, you say you've always been apart of 10th, but in all truthfulness CG has been a little bit of everywhere, Spec, Siege, Operations (Back when regiments existed) and now 10th Sector. How do you plan to improvise battalion relations and improve the RP of RANCOR, 41st and CG as a whole? This seems like it was left out aside from mentioning you have a plan, and yet its one of the most important jobs of a good RCMD. 

This is a well put point, CG has been a bit of everywhere over the last few years and I will admit that I did forget that we used to have Regiments such as Spec, Siege and Attack back in the day. So I will admit that that passed over my head as I was writing it and I do apologise. 
I think by the "improvising battalion relations" you meant improving so im gonna base it off that, and I already answered that question above. 
I feel like I also answered the majority of this question above but to reiterate, I would like to see 41st, CG and Rancor working together a lot more frequently to improve everything they do with each-other. From Battle-Comms, to Deployments, to something as simple as trainings. I've seen some great RP from all three individually, but what I want to see is all three having the same standard of RP at all times, with eachother or other Battalions.



1 hour ago, Mystic said:

You mentioned the gap between 41st/Rancor/CG as a noticeable issue, CG has had ALOT of issues fitting in with other battalions in the regiment like system we've been using since its birthing, should it come down to it do you think you can handle a re-arrangement of battalions and do you think you'd be ready to assist the other battalions in such an event?

Of course, this was actually up for discussion not too long ago but it never went through because we all came to the conclusion that CG will never really fit in anywhere. People will always have "hate-boners" for CG and what we do, and no matter what we do to try and minimize that, there will always be something that happens that will annoy somebody. 
And as I mentioned earlier, Battalions will always look out for one another until they are proven in the wrong.
But in saying that, CG is always trying to improve relations with everyone, and I believe we have done a tremendous job as of late.
But in addition to saying that, we have a job given to us by the Founders that will take precedence over anything else, and unfortunately because of this, ties are severed very quickly with Battalions when either a CG Member or one of their own does something wrong.

I hope this answered all of your questions :)

Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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14 minutes ago, Cryotec said:

I can answer any questions you all have :)

To start off, the reason why I ended up being promoted so quickly is because I was a pre-existing CG XO, I came back into the Battalion to help CG as they weren't in a great spot when I came back. My original plan was to go for RCMD because thats where I left off last time before I had to unfortunately leave due to work reasons. Tessa and I have discussed this multiple times over the last week or two and my original plan was to put in this application in a week when Tessa gets back from ROA. Unfortunately my hand was kinda forced with Ganar putting in his app, which its a win/win situation if either of us get it.


I didnt discuss it in the application so it open ended and if people want to ask questions, they can just as you have.
Bleach and I have discussed the future if I went for RCMD (as I have with Keegan too), and we have an understanding on what he would like to see from me if I got RCMD, which the only thing he asked was to let BCMD's run their Battalion and not step in unless very much needed. 
As for the ARC RP, a great scenario was given to me from the Staff team during a deployment not too long ago and considering ARC Troopers are the Elite, there should be signs that they would only notice (much like RC would). Whether this be something as small as tracking, to scaling up a wall with their equipment, I would like to give them the option and the thought in their head that they can do things other troopers couldn't. I know first-hand that ARC can produce some of the best RP on the server (I spent more than a few terms as CG ARCL).



I know that there has been bias in CG in the past, every Battalion does it and every Battalion looks after their own. But there needn't be any worry about bias from my side. During my term as Disciplinary Director of CG, I was the one dealing out punishments toward CG who were mistreating the baton and I had to do my fair share of punishment (which is something that nobody should have to do, mind you). As for the comment about "will being in charge of your old battalion be in the best interest of the other 2 battalions", I believe that the answer this question is obvious. Would you rather somebody who was a part of 10th Sector as the 10th Sector RCMD or would you rather somebody who knows and had nothing to do with any of the Battalions of the 10th Sector?
I do feel like this question is a bit of a bait question though, and i'm sorry if it isn't. This answer is to no disrespect of Ganar and his abilities, as goes without saying.



There are a few ideas within the Pipeline that I have discussed with Keegan about the future of 41st and how we can further develop 41st. One idea we discussed was merging CG and 41st into daily activities, which would show two great Battalions working together and would encourage people to hopefully go "That's cool, i'd like to be a part of that."
Another thing that I would like to discuss with Keegan (which I wasn't going to bring up), but I would like to bring Translations back into the fold and it be more predominant in 41sts scene. It is one of their skillsets that isn't used as much as I would like to see it and I believe that bringing it back into events or just daily RP would be very beneficial for not just 41st, but the server as a whole.



This is a well put point, CG has been a bit of everywhere over the last few years and I will admit that I did forget that we used to have Regiments such as Spec, Siege and Attack back in the day. So I will admit that that passed over my head as I was writing it and I do apologise. 
I think by the "improvising battalion relations" you meant improving so im gonna base it off that, and I already answered that question above. 
I feel like I also answered the majority of this question above but to reiterate, I would like to see 41st, CG and Rancor working together a lot more frequently to improve everything they do with each-other. From Battle-Comms, to Deployments, to something as simple as trainings. I've seen some great RP from all three individually, but what I want to see is all three having the same standard of RP at all times, with eachother or other Battalions.



Of course, this was actually up for discussion not too long ago but it never went through because we all came to the conclusion that CG will never really fit in anywhere. People will always have "hate-boners" for CG and what we do, and no matter what we do to try and minimize that, there will always be something that happens that will annoy somebody. 
And as I mentioned earlier, Battalions will always look out for one another until they are proven in the wrong.
But in saying that, CG is always trying to improve relations with everyone, and I believe we have done a tremendous job as of late.
But in addition to saying that, we have a job given to us by the Founders that will take precedence over anything else, and unfortunately because of this, ties are severed very quickly with Battalions when either a CG Member or one of their own does something wrong.

I hope this answered all of your questions :)

Just letting you know i saw this, i plan to read it when i wake up in the morning so i can form coherent thoughts, thank you for your response! :)

(also Bleach, i didn't mean to ping you in the message my finger slipped ;-;)

  • Friendly 1
  • Pay Respect 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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To err on the side of rules, just wanted to check so you don't bite yourself in the arse. Are you eligible to run for this position? As you must have been a Colonel or above for a week and the last time I saw you was a Major and the next second an Executive Officer. Furthermore have you been a Commander for at least a month throughout your time in the community, this this time adds up all together.

They are there for a reason, to promote a fair system. Only reason I ask is from what I have said from above. And no waive anywhere in your application.


You say increase "ARC RP" and reference Special Forces, can you actually define what ARC RP is? I'm insanely curious on how you would describe ARC RP. Its great you wish to increase this, but I feel like this is a throw away comment.


Furthermore, you provide these ideas on what you wish to improve with each battalion but with no real game plan, you say it but I don't understand how you are going to do this? Think transparency is vital when it comes to potential High Command members to improve the community as a whole. Again at the moment this application seems like a "I want to do this" but no explanation on how. 


Edited by Void
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36 minutes ago, Void said:

To err on the side of rules, just wanted to check so you don't bite yourself in the arse. Are you eligible to run for this position? As you must have been a Colonel or above for a week and the last time I saw you was a Major and the next second an Executive Officer. Furthermore have you been a Commander for at least a month throughout your time in the community, this this time adds up all together.

Of course I understand your caution, and yes I have been a part of the community for a total of two years at this rate. As you can see in my history, I was a previous XO of CG, so all the time has added up and I am eligible (unless for some reason I don't, but I haven't been told no otherwise when I talked to people about it).



40 minutes ago, Void said:

You say increase "ARC RP" and reference Special Forces, can you actually define what ARC RP is? I'm insanely curious on how you would describe ARC RP. Its great you wish to increase this, but I feel like this is a throw away comment.

When I was ARCL, we defined ARC RP as things that "only Special Forces would be able to achieve" and based this off real-life scenarios. So as an example, one passive RP example I've seen was being able to determine the types of tracks that a speeder left once they drove away and what direction.

Now I already know what im going to hear from this. "But Cryo that's what Trackers and ARF do anyway? Why are you labelling that as ARC RP?"
Lets be completely honest here, I don't think I rarely ever see trackers from any Battalion implement the tracking skill during passive RP unless otherwise prompted, and as Special Forces being jack of all trades, they would also have this ability and/or training/experience from the field.

As for active RP, another one I did on occasion was I would have my team scale a wall during deployments with their equipment by making successful rolls on deploying said equipment and making successive rolls to keep stabilised. If they fail the roll, they fall, if they succeed they gain a flanking route and potential high ground advantage.

Thats what I had in mind for increasing the ARC RP, but it was also something I was going to talk extensively with Bleach about. Its only a draft, as my goal is to work with the Commanders of Rancor to see what suits them best and what they would like to see without stepping on their toes.


47 minutes ago, Void said:

Furthermore, you provide these ideas on what you wish to improve with each battalion but with no real game plan, you say it but I don't understand how you are going to do this? Think transparency is vital when it comes to potential High Command members to improve the community as a whole. Again at the moment this application seems like a "I want to do this" but no explanation on how. 

Im sorry I really don't get what you're saying here? I have explained what I would like to achieve as my time as RCMD and given explanations on how to do it, the only thing I didn't really touch on was recruitment but that's because that's a variable factor that doesn't entirely rely on me. Everything else I explained in detail what I would like to do and how I would do it, but a lot can change. 
I also can't set a game plan in stone until I actually get to do it, let alone doing multiple at once without actually being in the position to do it. Thats like writing up a playbook for a team when you're not even a coach, let a lone a part of the team.

All these are indeed ideas that I would *like* to achieve, but there's a lot of factors that come into play on how I would achieve it and if I could. But thats not to say that it won't stop me from trying.

Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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A lot of the responses are understandable, but once again a few concerns.

You say you've met the time requirement but there are two, you must have Commander experience but have you currently been a Colonel+ for a week since? Because from what I've been told you went from Major to XO a few days ago, but I may be wrong.


And why not form a game plan before getting it? A great to demonstrate your thought process, it doesn't have to be detailed but a rough draft? Would help understand your plans better.

Difference is this is a game, no point comparing it to real life, which grants you the option to do so? You say you want to do this, you present vague ideas, so I still have no clue what your overall action plan is.

I want to buy a car, I'm making money to buy the car. Seems to be the mindset.

Not, I'm buying car, I'm making money to buy a car, this is how much I'm saving each month in order to reach my goal. (The plan)

So I'm curious on your "game plan" to actually understand how you're going accomplish these things. I understand it may be hard to write out and a conversation may be better for this. But again, there is no plan at all. 

If you wish to use real life examples, a president in the running says what they are planning to do and how they are going to achieve their goals before they are even elected.

Edited by Void
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5 hours ago, Cryotec said:

I want to expand on the Translations RP that the 41st provide. It isn't very often that they get to use this training and I would like to give them another reason to use it, whether or not that means help give them events/deployments that specifically caters to that or even just have it used more often during RP. 

For example how are you going to accomplish this. Do you plan to talk to the GM team, do you have any current ideas on events, how do you plan to get this involved more during role-play? 

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5 minutes ago, Void said:

And why not form a game plan before getting it? A great to demonstrate your thought process, it doesn't have to be detailed but a rough draft? Would help understand your plans better.

I get where you're coming from, but i'm also not going to completely plan out everything I plan to do within the time frame I would be RCMD before I even get potentially looked at for it. There's a lot I would want to do when I get it, and I am in the process of getting things underway, but I'm not going to completely plan everything out before I'm even looked at for getting the position. At the same time, I still have to look after CG for the next 6 days because Tessa is on ROA and has asked me to step up while she is gone. I don't plan on overwhelming myself with work before I even get it. 
And as the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour.

10 minutes ago, Void said:

Difference is this is a game, no point comparing it to real life, which grants you the option to do so? You say you want to do this, you present vague ideas, so I still have no clue what your overall action plan is.

I do get that this is a video game, but in that case should we remove RC because they are based off Special Forces too? Should we remove the words Regiment and Battalion because they are based off IRL words too? 
And as for my overall action plan, I refer you to what I wrote in "Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?"



10 minutes ago, Void said:

For example how are you going to accomplish this. Do you plan to talk to the GM team, do you have any current ideas on events, how do you plan to get this involved more during role-play? 

And yes, as I wrote:


6 hours ago, Cryotec said:

whether or not that means help give them events/deployments that specifically caters to that

I'm happy that you're asking these questions Void but I do not have everything set out in stone. I have the foundations laid, I have discussed with the people I have needed to and everything is falling into place if it happens. But again, I'm not going to write everything out and make sure every nook and cranny is fixed before I submit it because
1. If I don't get it, it would have been a waste of time that I could have put into something else.
2. I also STILL am the current XO of CG, so I need to focus on that too
3. Im studying almost full time and working part time. I'm not going to waste hours on writing stuff up that I'm not guaranteed thats going to happen. I'll lay the foundations, so if I do get it then its already set to go.

Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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4 minutes ago, Void said:

Then I'm stuck on where to go with a vote sadly, because while your wants are great with not even a vague of a draft plan how you plan to tackle these issues just create a fog.

I don't understand why you keep saying "Not even a vague draft". I have given explanation of what I would like to achieve in my term, I went into even further detail in the reply to Mystic.
I'm sorry my explanation doesn't satisfy you, but I have a plan and I can see that I do. 

Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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Either way, I'm going to go with the benefit of the doubt and hopefully you'll be able to explain and develop these ideas and develop a proper game plan "if you get". I believe you deserve to go through to the interview. Even though I am left in a fog on your overall approach.


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4 hours ago, Cryotec said:

Bleach and I have discussed the future if I went for RCMD

If you consider One PM in game a discussion we're in trouble.


7 hours ago, Cryotec said:

how we can improve recruitment and for the Battalion.

I feel like this is kinda out of your reach as 10th because it's not a matter of making recruitment better, it's a matter of getting more foot traffic on the server itself.

And to be honest, your plans seem very vague for Rancor and I am concerned with your current knowledge with the current state of Rancor.

7 hours ago, Cryotec said:

Increasing ARC RP and Trainings: I would like to be able to increase the amount of actual ARC RP and the amount of ARC trainings that are done. ARC are specifically seen as Special Forces, and I believe that they should have some form of RP that shows that. 

You only talked about ARC RP and nothing about the ARC Trainings. What DO YOU have planned for ARC Trainings besides just stating it in your app and not talking about it at all.


5 hours ago, Cryotec said:

Whether this be something as small as tracking, to scaling up a wall with their equipment

From my experience with doing this in events GMs have always shut it down and told us to follow a certain path. 


2 hours ago, Cryotec said:

I was going to talk extensively with Bleach about.

Well why didn't you? I'm always willing to talk about the future of Rancor on the server and the fact that you considered talking to me and ended up just leaving me alone makes me think that you're just going to leave Rancor alone and never interact with us and 41st and just interact with CG. Of course I am just speaking from my perspective.

I'm not going to vote yet until I have some reasoning from you Cryotec

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8 hours ago, Mystic said:

Just letting you know i saw this, i plan to read it when i wake up in the morning so i can form coherent thoughts, thank you for your response! :)

(also Bleach, i didn't mean to ping you in the message my finger slipped ;-;)

I'll +1 you, My interactions with you give me hope that you will do well in the position if you get it, this is just the application and i believe you're good enough to get to the interview where it really matters about what you say. I wish you the best of luck.

The worst thing ever is a biased RCMD though so be careful about how you treat people, and be sure to touch bases with EVERY BCMD/XO/CMD. Bleach mentioned a single pm, its never too late to hop into a TS channel even after your app is up/accepted. 

Edited by Mystic

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
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The requirements to apply for regimental is COL+ for at least a week did you get waived because you went from according to the CG promo logs MAJ-COL-XO in less than a week

Edited by Clutch
  • Informative 2

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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6 hours ago, Cryotec said:

I also can't set a game plan in stone until I actually get to do it, let alone doing multiple at once without actually being in the position to do it. Thats like writing up a playbook for a team when you're not even a coach, let a lone a part of the team.

This is the wrong mindset to have going into a High Command position. That's like writing up an application without actually knowing what you want to do or how you want to do it. Doesn't matter if you don't have the position. Going into it shows a lack of preparedness and competency. An RCMD should be versatile enough to CHANGE what they do on the fly. It just seems like you don't want to put in effort. This the type of thing BCMD's get -1ed for.

12 hours ago, Cryotec said:

I already have plans in place and in the works for improving, not just relations between the three 10th Sector Regiments, but relations between 10th Sector and the rest of the Regiments and Battalions as a whole

Like? I see your Mystic response about Joint Trainings and Deployments. But that's about it.

9 hours ago, Cryotec said:

I know that there has been bias in CG in the past, every Battalion does it and every Battalion looks after their own. But there needn't be any worry about bias from my side.

So you are saying that you were 100% not included in any bias? Cause that's how your making it sound. Just want clarification on that.


Also would really like to see your response to Bleach. As this is gonna seem like the biggest Yikes for your app.

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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3 hours ago, Maddoxx said:


3 hours ago, Mavelle said:

Don't worry, after this interview, it's a you maneuver


Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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4 hours ago, Clutch said:

The requirements to apply for regimental is COL+ for at least a week did you get waived because you went from according to the CG promo logs MAJ-COL-XO in less than a week

I put in my application on my 5th day from when I was promoted to colonel. The reasoning behind not getting a waiver is because:

1. I'm not going to put in my application on the 7th day and make Ganar wait another 7 days before we both get an interview. Doing that would be a real arse move so I didn't see it as an issue since the application takes 5-7 days to go through anyway.

2. If I did wait for the full 7 days to put it in, then the extra 3-4 I needed to wait, I would have been on LOA by then because I'm moving states so I wouldn't have been able to attend anything until I got set up.

But if I genuinely needed to have waited the extra two-three days before i put it in then feel free to void the application. 

I'm also writing this from my phone at work so I apologise for not answering any other questions as I wrote this.

  • Confused 2

Current: Retired
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