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Razens Commander Doom Application [Waived]


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Steam Name


Roleplay Name

Dooms Unit ARC 2nd Lieutenant Alpha-43 Razen aka Engineer Manager Ensign LeBron

RP Rank

2nd Lieutenant // Naval Ensign (WO)

Steam ID


Battalion you are applying for

Doom's Unit


187th (Private to Major) (Late 2016-2017)- ICEFUSE

My second legitimate run through star wars rp. I joined icefuse not having a clue how it works and the rules behind the game itself. That quickly came to  a change as I ended up choosing 187th as my first battalion. I can fairly say this was one of the most enjoyable battalions I have ever been a part of. Everyone was close with each other, and as I went up the NCO core I started to realize that everyone has different roles and duties within the battalion. I quickly made a name for myself, Becoming a Sharpshooter Officer and recruiting around 5-6 sharpshooters in my first two weeks! I wanted to go even farther than that, so I sought to help with document work and becoming a part of the Doc Team. There I learned how to manage rosters, change docs that needed to be updated, and how to put in true work outside of the game. It took me about 2 ½ months, but the day came where we were all deployed on a huge mission. I had the chance to truly prove myself as a leader and took lead. After the leadership and courage I showed I was then promoted to Sharpshooter Lead and an officer within the ranks, where I consistently attempted to help NCOs and balance out battalion regiments. I also learned a whole lot from Faeoea and Buzz, the 2 different BCMDs I served under. They showed me the ways and how to perform all my different duties within the battalion. This was my first path through the star wars rp grind and it truly shaped me up for my upcoming experience in other battalions and servers.


327th (Major to Executive Officer) (Mid 2017-Start of 2018)- ICEFUSE

My time in 327th was no less of a blast. I had taken a break and came back to icefuse to end up joining 327th. The battalion was in a bad spot and needed assistance. I worked my ass off the second I joined, striving to update the roster and get more Doc Team members in the battalion. Me and the other XO, Mellow, helped create a new solid K company tryout that would go on to have something around a 50% pass rate. It was something we could finally throw out there to prove the actual eliteness of 327th and K Company. We also worked on helping get the Doc and Disciplinary Team full throughout my time in 327th. We made some goals and were nowhere near short of accomplishing them. Eventually I had things going on in my life, and I was playing the game around 7-9 hours a day. That's when I finally resigned to make some time for myself and family while having to deal with school.


501st Legion (Private-Sergeant Major) (Summer 2018)- Back to SYNERGY

This is where I truly started to make a name for myself in my return to Synergy. I started with ARC, passing all my trainings and my Alpha-ARC designations first try. I had quickly proved to be a solid leader on the server. I worked hard to help improve the battalion, constantly holding trainings and attempting to mentor newer members. I had never truly stayed in 501st for a while, so I wanted to try something new. I had stayed consistent with my work and quickly rose through the NCO ranks. I met a lot of people and made a big impact within the NCO core. I took ARCL as soon as it opened and I strived to get the best of the best into ARC. I can safely say after I left that ARC was very active and in good hands. I also submitted weekly reports to HC as Warrant Officer about all NCOs and what I'm doing to help improve the core. I stayed consistent with the officers and help up my weight in my time here.


104th Mechanized Assault Unit (Private to Commander) (Start of 2019-Summer 2019)

I finally made my return to Synergy Early 2019, around the end of January. I joined and realized the server had completely changed. There were constant events happening, training's everywhere, and many opportunities for a CT PVT Razen. I looked around at tons of Battalions, feeling the same feeling I felt back when I first joined both Superior and Icefuse. I finally found 104th, where I met the 2 funniest people I've ever encountered on a Star Wars RP server, WPL Commander Comet (aka Skunk) and Wolfpack JTA MAJ Boost (Rover). He taught me the ins and outs and guided me through the Battalion. At the rank of MSG I achieved the rank of Support Lead, where I had my 2 SUP Officers, FM And Dagger. Me and FM made new versions of al the documents and kept a strict eye on all the 104th Support. I proved my leadership through constant trainings and simulations with the Support, and then going out on the Battlefield and positioning them perfectly. While under the Support Advisor, Mortar (Agent) I was very active and determined to make the regiment shine as the best regiment. I rose through the ranks and got up to CSM. Then, the Wolfpack position of “Mortar” opened up. I immediately applied, knowing I had the requirements and leadership to take on the position. After going through Wolfpack Trials, I passed and achieved the position of Wolfpack 2ndLT Support Adviser Mortar. I slowly worked my way up the Officer ranks, under the guidance of Commander Comet pointing me in the right direction and helping with documentation and leadership. I eventually reached the rank of Commander, where my final moments in 104th were made. I managed all the regiments to the best of my ability, working to improve all of them with anything that needed to be done. I confidently knew it was at the point where I could leave everything in perfect position. I had done all the work that needed to be done, so I made my way over to the 41st bunks. After a ton of amazing memories in 104th, I called the end of the journey. I'll include the fact that 41st was a very small and inactive Battalion, I really wanted to help out the 41st. (At the time talks had gone around about removal).


Base Ops (Private to Colonel) (February 2019 to November 2019) 

When I joined Base Ops, I didnt really think I was going to do much within the operations. My experience from PVT-SFC doesn't tell much of a story. I helped a lot in the Engineer branch, hosting trainings here and there. When I reached MSG, I wanted to expand my line of work. I transferred over to the ATC Branch and ended up achieving the position of ATC Lead and the rank of 2ndLT. I had a big responsibility to take over, and I think I fit right in perfectly. I rewrote every single doc for ATC. Me and Twig stayed up hours upon hours revising the ATC Roster, Procedures, and ATC Training. We made one of the biggest and greatest changes to both the ATC Branch and the Pilot Branch. We created the Pilot discord, where all ATC and Pilots would come together to form a mutual understanding and work together on events and trainings. I was active enough to balance both my Major position in 104th and my Captain position in Base Ops. I also eventually ended up sustaining the position of Chief of Engineering. This was probably my favorite time period in Base Ops. With the help of Bro, I helped put some idea and creativity into the Handbook we currently use for Annaxes. I wanted it to be something simple and easy to read, and with the help of Bro it was completed pretty quickly. I made engineering a big priority of mine, consistently promoting RP around the HMC and helping more naval get involved within the branch.  I did tons of work for Base Ops, even going outside the box with things like  medical training  and ENG speed runs when I had the chance.


41st Elite Corps (Major to Executive Officer) (May 2019 to November 2019)

After joining 41st, I had big plans to help 41st, which was struggling at the time. I quickly achieved Cooker within GC, where I started helping promote more GC tryouts and trainings, and making it more serious. I was eventually promoted to REGL, and that's where the real work started to be put in. I put in countless hours updating tryouts and training docs with the helps of leads in order to fit the map changes upon us. I also put the regiments in good positions with assisting each one that had the least amount of members so I could balance the regimental system. I did countless amounts of creative trainings and activities to keep regiments consistently trained. I then was awarded XO and GCL, and when I truly made GC enjoyable and an actual challenge to get into.

501st Legion (Staff Sergeant to Warrant Officer) (Beginning of January 2022 to March 2022)

This is where I truly started to make a name for myself in my return to Synergy. I started with ARC, passing all my trainings and my Alpha-ARC designations first attempts. I had quickly proved to be a solid leader on the server. I worked hard to help improve the battalion, constantly holding trainings and attempting to mentor newer members. I had never truly stayed in 501st for a while, so I wanted to try something new. I had stayed consistent with my work and quickly rose through the NCO ranks. I met a lot of people and made a big impact within the NCO core. I took ARCL as soon as it opened and I strived to get the best of the best into ARC. I can safely say after I left that ARC was very active and in good hands. I also submitted weekly reports to HC as Warrant Officer about all NCOs and what I'm doing to help improve the core. I stayed consistent with the officers and held up my weight in my time here.


Dooms Unit 2nd Lieutenant (Warrant Officer-2ndLT)
I've been effortlessly putting the work in for the battalion though, including myself in the different branches, as well as familiarizing myself with the officer core and having a good greeting with each one. I understand the structure and currently work day to day trying to promote rp and activity within this Battalion. I want to see the end of the rainbow with this awesome group of people. I am already working on training docs, a calendar, and a to-do list for DU and how I can improve it. I didn't make any of these because I am going for Doom, I legitimately made these all for improving the Battalion itself.

Naval Engineer Manager Ensign (Recruit[PVT]-Ensign[WO]) 
When I first joined back a few months back, I initially made it my instant goal to make a name for myself within Naval. When I started becoming active, I showed an extreme amount of interest in Engineering. I quickly became a part of it and made it one of my main duties to promote the dead engineering branch within Naval. I had slowly made my way up the ranks as I started to better familiarize myself with my duties and how to improve myself within naval. I worked for Engineer Officer and earned it to help the branch. I quickly took action making a new tryout for Naval Engineers and constantly making branch announcements. I'm consistently on the server hosting ENG training. I then made it to Engineer Manager, where I started implementing big changes with Tec that are currently in the works. Ive also racked up a decent amount of recruits within my time as a naval and have recently been awarded WO in Naval. I look forward to holding this position and making it still a solid priority while holding a  Battalion Commander position. Ive also strived to help activity within the Naval and want to continue to do that while helping DU.



I have a good mindset and gameplan on how to help the battalion truly prosper. I feel as if my experience shows, and I have consistently been in leading positions and been through the sweat and grind to know how to handle the position. I'm a very down to earth kind of guy, always looking to handle any issues with ease within the Battalion. As Lead, Id like to have a system that's open and not extremely strict, showing a good balance between fun and professionalism. I've grown very familiar with all the members and have had my fair share of talks with the officers and other members about change being implemented into the battalion. 

I'd like to start with encouragement and more incentive. If I do get a chance to run this position I'd like to help start getting daily trainings combining different regiments within the battalion. I want to encourage more enlisted to be active within the battalion and attempt to make themself known as they rise to the NCO ranks.

Next comes activity and consistency among all cores of the battalion. First, High command and senior officers will work together to pursue consistency within the battalion, ie: Mentoring newer officers, Providing encouragement and influence in the discord, getting people in the correct positions and voting on whether or not certain people deserve promotion towards officer, discussing the future of the battalion and the best plan of action through officer meetings and shadowing NCO meetings, providing mentorship to NCOs, and assistance in their duties and merits, as well as consistent commendations to troopers who are putting in the most work within the battalion. We want DU High Command with a built up and strong senior officer core alongside them, so the big issues don't always have to all fall onto High Command. I'd like to have a system where Junior Officers are approaching NCOs and consistently offering that extra helping hand (ie: How to set up training, different passive rp, tips on leadership, assistance in duties and merits, promoting activities within the NCO core, improving teamwork ). It's important to reach out that extra helping hand when you can as an officer as well. Id like the DU officer core to be the best at what they can do, and continue to main their focus on helping keep the battalion consistent and under control. We need to know the opinions of others within the Battalion and what they would like to improve on. This will be settled in weekly meetings. Every 2 weeks the meeting will be optional to attend. This means there will be an off week where we still hold the meeting just not making it something mandatory. This way we can settle discussions and issues within the battalion on a weekly basis, with a goal to improve overall ratings every meeting. We will do the same with officer meetings, having one that's mandatory every 2 weeks and then an off week meeting that would be optional to attend. As BCMD, I will have High Command and the Senior Officer core consistently rate the battalions performance every week and what we can improve on. I am personally going to note down everything being said within the meetings unless someone else takes my place in doing so. Id encourage to consistently have new ideas and a creative mindset around the Battalion in order to strengthen bonds between us and always bring something new to the table. After officer meetings, we will post notes into the respective officer chat and speak on how we can work through the issues with people that didn't attend the meeting, so everyone can have a fair say.

Being a BCMD also comes with discipline and professionalism, making sure that we are able to maintain a steady and active Dooms Unit that is of professional manner. I want to push DU to be a bit more elite and take things seriously, truly proving to other battalions around that we similarly have a strong core within our ranks. We need to continue with the system we have as we have done decently good punishing people for immaturity and rule breaking, as of late. It also includes improvement of the Senior Officer positions, as we currently have a lot of junior officers that can definitely work their way up to senior officers through time. With more effective use of the cause and effect handbook, we can easily deal with situations and not let a problem drag on. It also includes giving friendly tips and encouraging leadership during events or trainings and such. We want these officers we have now to be the ideal of example of loyal troopers within the battalion, as well as set the example for newer players making their way into Dooms Unit.

I am motivated to attract new members to stay with possible consistent deployments to the other planets we can travel to. It would be big to more often implement more use of these to get better trainings in different areas that we can use. I would also motivate an attempt to promote more deployments on the event server with DU and other battalions. I want to get us going and build a strong core within this Battalion. Consistency is so key right now, and in the state we are in we need everyone throwing in a percentage of the work. Yes we need to be more active on the server, we are well aware as we are currently working our ass off for it. I've come to see a battalion that still has some potential, and could still pull off some amazing performances within events and encounters on the server. I'd like to say I have seen nothing but a Legit active DU the past few days, and we are working our ass off to fix this to be consistent. It all comes with what I was talking about with encouragement. Our officers need to be more encouraging towards NCOs performing their duties and being active within the battalion. It doesn't take having to do a bunch of NCO meetings. Taking the extra time to pull a trooper aside and award them for hard work or give them advice on how to improve is very crucial. 

It will also come in the incentives, as we will continue to announce things such as trainer of the week, event lead of the week, or recruiter of the week in the discord consistently each week to encourage all to participate for cash prizes and recommendation. Id like to see people in DU truly put in that extra effort, and Im willing to give all my money away to help the cause and reward people for their outstanding work.

As the current state is, I am going to pursue to assist with intel with its needs at the moment and in the future, helping fix any errors and simplify certain things within the battalion to seem more easy going for newer members joining the battalion. The current Intel team is a bit lacking, so updates and changes will have to be put in place within this system. We will vote on whether or not we want to keep the current system or pursue a new one in the next meeting. I'd like to influence more numbers inside of the Intel Team, to have a stronger force constantly keeping the roster and docs up to date!

I truly would like to run something where I'm on equal grounds with my senior officer/high command team. I want these specific DU members to be the true example for the junior officers, as we have a lot at the moment.  Dooms Unit needs a solid presence in the High Command and in the Senior Officer core in order to have people you can. We then need these Junior Officers and Warrant Officers to be the  encouragement to the overall success and activity within the NCO core. It doesn't take constant pinging in discord, just get the message out there. We currently have a good amount of junior officers, so as other NCOs join the battalion or get promoted into the position we need consistency and activities within the battalion. I want to always encourage something to do within the battalion, and on Friday or Saturday nights introduce game nights where we can get together and play something collectively or even group watch a movie. I want to attract new members to stay with possible consistent deployments to the other planets we can travel to., as well as implementing more use of planets to get better trainings in different areas that we can use. I would also influence an attempt to promote more deployments on the event server with DU and other battalions. I truly want to bring this battalion as close together as it can get in this difficult time in need. I'm trying to stay consistent with this encouragement I've talked about, as well as having the rest of the officer core on the same page when it comes to this matter.. I would like to implement a small google calendar for trainings i'd like to hold in the future, and it will be open for any officers or NCOs to reserve a time to hold some sort of training/ private deployment/ simulation with the Battalion. I will encourage the majority of these scheduled trainings to be NCO-lead. I'd like to look at the calendar and be able to see that officers are promoting more activities within the battalion, more-so proving they can up the ranks and help truly structure the battalion. As Commander, I would also influence an attempt to promote more deployments on the event server with DU and other battalions. We will stay consistent with this calendar and make sure DU has a packed schedule for people to stay consistent within. I have already begun making it and scheduling some trainings Im attempting to hold in the upcoming days. Whether or not I get this position I am going to still sit here and work my ass off for this Battalion. I am still going to continue with creative ideas and more incentive towards duties that must be performed within the Battalion. I will implement more elite shield pickup and advance trainings within the battalion that help improve the quickness of the battalion and effectiveness of using our shields as we advance through different types of sims that will be timed. I like to make things interesting, and I want everyone to feel like they've enjoyed themself and have a true want to stay active within the battalion. These trainings are all examples of things we can do as anyone will be allowed to access the calendar and hold any trainings they may please, as long as its within basic protocols (ie: A medic doing ARC training with formations wouldn't be correct)We don't have to make things so serious and dense at the moment. We more or less need to keep our calm and composure and work the hardest we can at the moment to make sure this battalion can have a strong presence on Synergy.

I'd encourage to also promote more Joint Trainings, and connecting DU with other battalions. Whether or not I get this position, I'm a huge fan of getting this battalion involved with other battalions more often and seeing DU bond among the ranks of other battalions, especially among the siege regiment. I will make it a habit to weekly put at least 2-3 different joint trainings on the training calendar per week. Strengthening bonds with other battalions will help us come closer with this community and better understand the different battalions around us and how to work with them. I want to be open with other battalions and more inviting to things like trainings, sims, and events. I'd like to join comms more often with other battalions during any future deployments we have or in big events on the server. There we can see true leadership as 2 different NCOs in each battalion can lead all together and show leadership from different sides. It's always fun to get out of the channel and interact with other parts of the server more, which sometimes I feel like we don't do enough.

I want to have a system where people look at DU and see them as a Battalion that is busy within its ranks. My first training that is being worked on is a battle on mygeeto where 104th and DU will work together to capture a hostage Naval Commander that is being taken hostage somewhere in the base by an unknown force... They will use tech to break in through certain parts of the base and have to engage in negotiations at some point. I'm working on more things to improve the calendar but this is just a start. I want to improve consistency and activity through ideas like this. Overall I want these examples and consistent trainings to influence more members to get into their creative mindset and assist the battalion in keeping busy and influencing newer recruits. This is only a start, as it takes more than just previously said.

Professionalism and full maturity for the position will be taken, as I am a person not afraid to step in and command when needed. With the experience me and other current officer core have I'd like to help mentor the newer people joining and influence lower officers to do so similarly. I am not going to disinclude myself from duties, because if I get this position best know I will still stand outside those damn bunks and work my ass off to influence more recruitment even if Im a damn BCMD. I will still fully include myself in the battalion activities, but help influence officers to keep a watchful eye on the ranks coming up and to make sure things are being done correctly. As BCMD, I will take a watchful eye and would like to include a bi-weekly officer meeting that will be recommended to attend to. To those who don't attend, I will keep a close note of everything seen within the battalion/notes from the meeting and send the notes in some sort of small doc in the officer channel. I want opinions to be heard, and everyone to have an open say in the current officer core. I'd like to express the openness of more suggestions and creativity within the battalion. I want to involve this battalion in activities as much as I can, because I truly want to see DU prosper. In NCO Meetings, NCOs will be allowed to pm the  host of the NCO meeting with an anonymous complaint they may have or something they think should be improved. The host will share these pms through private pms with the high command of the Battalion. Organization is key, and that's one thing I can say we are working on improving in this Battalion. I'd like to have a system everyone agrees on, and something that's simple to read and easy to access.

As Doom, I want to attempt to make our singular sub-unit shine as well, with active members and a good lead in the position. As BCMD, I'd like the next brimstone to be a sort of right hand man to me. Brimstone will be guided to run Havoc Squad and make sure it's consistent and active on the server. If I notice Havoc Squad is falling off or becoming inactive I will quickly take action to find a new lead and plan on a new squad in place. I don't plan on kicking anyone out instantly because of inactivity though. We need the extra numbers we can get, so if people are going inactive we will move quickly to message them after 3 weeks of no activity. It will be a 3 message system, where on the 3rd week they wilI receive a first warning. On the 4th week of being inactive they will receive a 2nd warning, and if inactive for 5 weeks with no response we will kindly step them down from any position that someone else could fulfill better. I do honestly support the addition of Horn Company, but at the moment I want to better what we currently have to the best of my ability. If the officers can stay consistent with things listed above, and keep the activities consistent we can have a truly enjoyable place to bring in more recruits and showoff our Sub-Unit.

I want to improve relations through the officer corps to make sure the new and older people in DU are all on the same page. I'd like everyone to be informed about their officer duties and help other officers when it's needed. I want to have an open system with the older DU that's been around longer to me to help control the new flow of people joining the battalions and help control it. I still want the older DU to feel like its still home. I do not wish to completely demolish everything they have worked so far though,, rather help improve it and build upon the structure. We will simplify the discord to have a better overall look to it and make it easier to access. We will have a system where officers can truly speak their mind through officer meetings or meeting requests, and we will not down different ideas and changes people want to see for further discussion. I want officers to be able to recognize greatness and hard work among the NCOs and promote ranks not just because of merits or points, but because they are performing well and acting exemplary within the battalion. We have a lot of officers now, so the priority will be to uphold the lower NCO core and help bring in new enlisted.

Everything will work with a chain of command priority in place, so with issues people will first approach it to a junior officer, and if its a bigger kind of problem/report it will then be brought up to a senior officer etc. I am going to put in the work to help structure this Battalion all around, including getting more junior officer/senior officer/SGT trainings inducted into more of a informed training where we explain to them their duties when they reach the rank and what they can/cant do. Overall, I plan to make this an extremely enjoyable battalion to be a part of. Id like to prove to the community that we can still have a strong presence on this server and bring more rp and activity around the base. I want this battalion to be one of the most active battalions, and I am a consistently active member of this community and my number one goal is to maintain this battalion and have it running at a full success rate. 





Availability: (Eastern Time Zone)
Mondays 4pm to 2am//Tuesdays 2pm to 2AM//Wednesdays 12pm -3pm/8pm to 4pm est//Thursdays 11pm to 3pm/9pm to 4am//Fridays 4pm-5am//Saturday 12-3pm and 7pm to 5a//Sunday 24/7


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I would like the Dooms Unit to be a consistently active Battalion at the end of my term. I'd like the officer core to be flowing beautifully, with an active High Command in place. Within my term, one of my goals will be to make sure a steady 10+ members are active within the Senior Officer Core and High Command. I want to be able to have this core of people run the battalion when I'm not around and know how to deal with every kind of situation or problem happening within the battalion. Drama will be decreased to a MINIMUM, and DU discord/in game solutions will be handled in private comms with officers, not in a public chat where everyone can see. Any drama arising in the discord will quickly be dealt with and not tolerated what so ever.

Activity wise I would like DU to present a solid 8-12 player minimum activity rate. In my 3 month term, I plan on working effortlessly to make this happen. I want to have a consistent NCO core that is involving themself and participating in their duties within DU. I'd like recruitment to continue to be one of the TOP priorities  in the Battalion. I want a structured officer core that knows how to discipline, as well as knowing when to have fun and knowing when to be serious. I plan on being an example to these NCOs and showing the Senior Officers and other officers to set the example when a Battalion Commander or High Command member of the battalion isn't around. The officer core will be expected to act a bit more serious.  I want the battalion to rise up and involve itself with other Battalions weekly in trainings, deployments, joint comms, etc, without anyone asking. At the end of my term, Id like to see different people taking initiative every day and working on improvement within the battalion. I want a solid Jedi Branch within DU to support Xylops and Tiplee and have a strong force to fight alongside the troopers. I'd like to work with the Jedi command of DU to improve jedi numbers and activity within DU, and by the end of my term, have an active Jedi core with good leadership and numbers.

I want an open battalion where people can be able to express their own opinions in battalion meetings and come up with their own ways to improve the battalion if I'm not around. By the end of my term, Officers should have the correct knowledge to handle damn near any situation. The officer core should be able to pursue consistency and maturity within the ranks of DU. Our officers should have a similar mindset of being open and approachable, and handling issues with ease.

Another end goal is like Havoc Squad to have a consistent presence on the server with the correct leadership in place. I want this sub-unit to have a better and stronger effect on the server, showing themselves more often. At the end of my term Id like to see a majority of the characters within the squad be active. In order to fix the issues we currently have we will start enforcing activity checkups within Havoc Squad, and those not active will be put down to normal DU. The lead, Brimstone, will be enforced to keep Havoc Squad as consistent as possible, even if it becomes Horn Company.

The Battalion will have a full calendar full of different trainings they can OPTIONALLY attend. I don't want a system where we are pinging people a million times for a bunch of trainings, just something simple where everyone can get to look when trainings are being held and either assist or add their own trainings to the calendar and proceed to hold them.

I would like to encourage the NCOs to make a name for themself on their own will by the end of my term, based on performance, use of the calendar, activity, leadership, teamwork, intelligence, and comradery. I'd like everyone to be on the same page and fully understanding of the flow of the Battalion by the end of my term. All 6 regiments will  have at least a Lead and 2 officers. This may be hard to achieve now but we will make it happen with hard work and dedication. I will work consistently with our Regimental Leads and Officers to keep balance among the regiments numbers. When my term is up, Id like to see DU pushing into battle with a variety of regiments by its side. Effort will be needed for different regimental leads to put themselves out there and promote rp through the different regiments. I'd love to see multiple DU promoting rp and setting the example for new members without hesitation and with kindness and comradery.

I pursue an accurate and consistent intel system where the officers can understand everything being done in the battalion and how to track NCO work when they are not online. To create a solid team, we will have a full actual working team with officers and managers. Currently the Intel team has no different priorities, but I'd like there to be Manager/Officer positions to hold leadership solid within the team. We need more people making sure the intel team itself is actually a working force. I've got a list of goals, ideas and training ideas I have for the battalion, and I'd like to complete and expand this to fix everything I can throughout my term. After my term, the Intel team should be consistent and have everything updated on a daily basis.

I'd like this battalion to be one of the most active Battalions on the server, with a long working comeback in the works!


Do you understand that if you go inative you will be removed from this position?

Yes, I understand.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:


Edited by Razen
(Shorter font size)
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Doom the Boom

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The only reason U joined DU was to make a name for yourself, your entire joining DU wasn’t to help but just so people who know who you are, u said so in your 501st resignation. Just another power play attempt -1

Edited by A-a-ron
Added picture, formatting
  • Agree 2
  • Confused 2
  • Dumb 4


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15 minutes ago, A-a-ron said:

spacer.pngThe only reason U joined DU was to make a name for yourself, your entire joining DU wasn’t to help but just so people who know who you are, u said so in your 501st resignation. Just another power play attempt -1

Why are you assuming the only reason he joined was to make a name for himself and not to help?
I'm currently a DU officer & in the short time he's been here he's already implemented things to help entice NCO's ect, and being very helpful and outspoken.
Don't randomly assume things because he said he wants to make a name for himself. He means it in a good way imo, by being one of the great people fully supporting DU right now.
He has a great amount of experience, and by his app he's clearly put a LOT of thought into his position as doom, not everything is a powerplay...

  • Agree 4
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  • Optimistic 1
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3 minutes ago, A-a-ron said:

Last time im going to respond to you cuz I ain’t tryna argue on a commander app with someone that isn’t even running for the position, he’s helping for self gain, read the resignation, he knew he couldn’t make himself known in 501st because that battalion is fine, he went to DU for the power play and self gain, it’s obvious and I’m sorry you can’t see it.

Trust me im in 501st right now Razen is one of the most well respected and liked members within the 501st. he very easily already made a name. i honestly suggest talking to him it may change your mind about the situation.

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+1 I've read over this doc and worked with razen in the 501st. his ideas and plans for the battalion are excellent and he can really handle something like this. there are plenty of powerplays going around but this isnt one of them. if it were only a powerplay he would not have put this amount of effort into the application. if you are unsure or on the fence right now i urge you to chat with him in TS or Discord. i'd bet anything he could calm your nerves. i could drone on for a long time exactly why he deserves this but for now +1 good luck and do great at interview

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As well as I said in Bonzai's application. I don't think I have faith in you, rather a different applicant. -1

  • Agree 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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6 hours ago, A-a-ron said:

The only reason U joined DU was to make a name for yourself, your entire joining DU wasn’t to help but just so people who know who you are, u said so in your 501st resignation. Just another power play attempt -1

This picture says the opposite of what you're claiming?

  • Agree 1
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Future Dev Team Assistant
Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky, Republic Intelligence Jedi Agent Tec :sittingred:
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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Whoever posted that discord screenshot has no knowledge of the english vocab, and needs serious help. +1 youre an insane asset to any battalions.

  • Optimistic 1
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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10 hours ago, A-a-ron said:

The only reason U joined DU was to make a name for yourself, your entire joining DU wasn’t to help but just so people who know who you are, u said so in your 501st resignation. Just another power play attempt -1

Really Aaron? Really?

+1 Keep making a name for yourself and continue the path.

  • Winner 1
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9 hours ago, Whataburger said:

I think you need a little bit more time under your belt, -1.

Also this does seem a little bit like another attempt for a powergrab

I have a few things of note to add onto this -1:

  1. It has only been 3-4 days since you left 501st to transfer to DU. While you were waived to apply, myself (and many others from what it seems) would prefer someone who has been in DU for longer than that to be Doom, as time in a battalion is a key factor in understanding how it functions, the people within it, and being able to take the correct course of action for a battalion that is having debate regarding its removal.
  2. 16 hours ago, Razen said:

    make sure a steady 10+ members are active within the Senior Officer Core and High Command

    This is beyond optimistic. Going from 3 current people of this rank to 10, which would far surpass what 501st currently has, is improbable.

  3. 16 hours ago, Razen said:

    NCOs will be allowed to pm the  host of the NCO meeting with an anonymous complaint they may have or something they think should be improved. The host will share these pms through private pms with the high command of the Battalion. Organization is key, and that's one thing I can say we are working on improving in this Battalion.

    It would be much better and actually anonymous to utilize Google Forms for this purpose. 

  4. 16 hours ago, Razen said:

    Brimstone will be guided to run Havoc Squad and make sure it's consistent and active on the server. If I notice Havoc Squad is falling off or becoming inactive I will quickly take action to find a new lead and plan on a new squad in place. I don't plan on kicking anyone out instantly because of inactivity though. We need the extra numbers we can get, so if people are going inactive we will move quickly to message them after 3 weeks of no activity. It will be a 3 message system, where on the 3rd week they wilI receive a first warning. On the 4th week of being inactive they will receive a 2nd warning, and if inactive for 5 weeks with no response we will kindly step them down from any position that someone else could fulfill better.

    I think this plan for how to handle Havoc Squad is only going to encourage inactivity. Allowing people to be inactive for 5 weeks before a removal is just going to hold up the only available positions in the singular subunit. Furthermore, I do find it concerning that your first thing noted for what to do with the Brimstone if the squad goes inactive is a removal instead of working with them to solve whatever issue is present, if it is even something that can be controlled by the lead.

  5. In 501st, there were a few instances of you messing with the roster as a joke. I know your personality is like this, but it was quite disrespectful to the work that people have put into the roster, and was quite interesting to see someone put this on and decide to just leave it there for all to see. I understand calling your friends names, but there is no need to put it on the roster, someplace where people are not able to see any context and most cannot see who put it there, thus making a low maturity comment like this reflective of all of 501st.



Overall, -1. I don't see the maturity or time in the battalion to be a good BCMD this time around.

  • Agree 3
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Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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This reminds me of a certain power grab from a couple years ago, when you left 104th cuz you didn’t get comet or some shit took a bunch of us with you and turned 41st into 104th. Cringe. Also the seediness from that time period (referring to you legitimately copying shit off my app) among the entire situation shows me you are not the type of person to lead DU - or any battalion for that matter.

You just joined DU, and you make questionable decisions.


Also, there’s 2 applications up from candidates with relevant DU experience. What sparked your drive to get waived and put up an app? @Razen

In the long run it would’ve been more beneficial to just stick it out, help DU as a lieutenant climb the ranks and proceed with an app. 

Easiest -1 of my life. On god.

Edited by Craigary
  • Funny 3
  • Informative 3
  • Confused 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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5 hours ago, Craigary said:

Also, there’s 2 applications up from candidates with relevant DU experience. What sparked your drive to get waived and put up an app?

The ideas and creative mindset I can bring to the table could be a valuable asset in turning this battalion in the right direction. I understand yes, I have only been in the battalion for a few days. Within this time I have worked effortlessly making docs, helping with the roster, scheduling trainings, giving DU something to stay busy with during off time when event aren't happening etc. I would like to continue to do all this even if I get denied from this position. When joining this Battalion, I made an oath to metal saying no matter who gets doom, or what position I am in I am going to pour my heart out for this Battalion. So what if I don't get this position?! That's not what I came here for. It wasn't the easiest decision leaving 104th in the past, but we're talking 3 years ago man. Times were different back then and even tho I loved being in 104th dearly I chose to help a Battalion that needed more help then all, and some of my friends on the server in that Battalion were struggling to keep it active. Besides that even after getting denied for Gree I worked as XO under Brooklyn and Zeik and helped preserve all the regiments and Green Company in 41st consistently. Nothing will change in my plans if I get denied from this position. I plan on going on that same kind of grind I did back when 41st was struggling and I stepped in to assist. I simply am applying because I know leadership is needed ever so badly at the moment. We need to get people into positions, and build a solid core within DU. Im one of the most active members of this server ATM (Literally averaging over 7-10 hours a day just promoting rp and trying to improve DU while having a full time job), so I plan on working effortlessly to keep this Battalion enjoyable and consistent in its duties, even If I don't get this position. I'll be honest, I'm a firm believer in being inside a battalion for a decent amount of time/ having good experience within a Battalion is key for applying for a Battalion Commander. At this point though, with High Command having to literally step in and take command over the Battalion temporarily, we need someone who can bring a new creative and ideal mindset to the table. We need a lead who can be consistently active to watch over this Battalion as we attempt to improve our consistency and numbers. Id encourage older DU to still feel like its home using its same old structure, just simply improving on it and making things simplified after talks with officers and meeting discussions. I have big plans for this battalion and bring a lot of new ideas to the table that could truly be helpful in bringing this Battalion back to the strong numbers and core like its had previously. Being in DU for the 3 days is a solid reason to down me/have doubts in me, But just know the Battalion needs someone that is going to go all out and truly make DU have a more stronger presence on this server. Like I said If I get denied oh well. I'm not here for a power grab I'm here to put everything I can into this Battalion and make it great once again. I made this app because I would like to fully support this current DU and do everything in my ability to improve it in each aspect.


7 hours ago, Shrimp said:
On 3/12/2022 at 1:29 PM, Razen said:

make sure a steady 10+ members are active within the Senior Officer Core and High Command

This is beyond optimistic. Going from 3 current people of this rank to 10, which would far surpass what 501st currently has, is improbable.

We have a roster full of Junior Officers at the moment. Nothing is truly impossible if you put your mind to it. With the amount of junior officers we have we can easily develop and get them up to the positions they truly deserve to be in. Even though we may not have the numbers that 501st has, or 212th or even 104th, we still have goals and aspirations. We have good people in this battalion that can easily prove to  be exemplary fits into the Senior Officer core. All it takes is time and patience, to let everyone grow within the system they have joined and start to assist it more and more over the coming weeks. We have a solid 13 Junior Officers at the moment, with people with loads of experience that can prove to be valuable assets to a solid Dooms Unit Senior Officer core. It simply takes 3 high command members, the Battalion Commander and 6 other people who can run senior officer, and it can maybe even expand to more than that, it just takes time and effort, and if these guys can be lead in the right direction I think this battalion will be in good hands with a solid officer core to watch over. If we cannot reach this, oh well, but I am going to push to be above or damn near close to that number by the end of my term no matter what it takes. Even if I get denied and I stay a 2ndLT I am going to work my ass off and grind for a senior officer position, as well as keeping good activity within the battalion in general.


7 hours ago, Shrimp said:
On 3/12/2022 at 1:29 PM, Razen said:

Brimstone will be guided to run Havoc Squad and make sure it's consistent and active on the server. If I notice Havoc Squad is falling off or becoming inactive I will quickly take action to find a new lead and plan on a new squad in place. I don't plan on kicking anyone out instantly because of inactivity though. We need the extra numbers we can get, so if people are going inactive we will move quickly to message them after 3 weeks of no activity. It will be a 3 message system, where on the 3rd week they wilI receive a first warning. On the 4th week of being inactive they will receive a 2nd warning, and if inactive for 5 weeks with no response we will kindly step them down from any position that someone else could fulfill better.

I think this plan for how to handle Havoc Squad is only going to encourage inactivity. Allowing people to be inactive for 5 weeks before a removal is just going to hold up the only available positions in the singular subunit. Furthermore, I do find it concerning that your first thing noted for what to do with the Brimstone if the squad goes inactive is a removal instead of working with them to solve whatever issue is present, if it is even something that can be controlled by the lead.

Currently Havoc squad is being tweaked with and we are attempting to find a true purpose for the squad. If I'm being honest I can tell you now my true ideals for Havoc Squad after discussions and a previous meeting. Id like to pursue Havoc Squad to be a sort of Stealth QRF. Whenever they are deployed/ requested on the battlefield they will tactically deploy behind enemy lines and assist other DU from other angles on the Battlefield. This is just an idea I have, but giving it a purpose is just the start. The activity check may seem a bit dull and long, but people have lives. It isn't simply for just Havoc Squad, its for the entire Battalion. Sometimes people don't get a chance to get back on the game because of things going on outside of the Synergy world. There is a war going on between countries while the world already has to deal with a virus going around killing people. I am going to continue with this plan and helping with it whether I get BCMD or not. If I was to get BCMD, Id want to be considerate to those going through times or those currently struggling to find time to play the game. Because of the current state our world is in, I am a huge fan of this activity system. It gives people a chance to come back and message us like "Hey I know I was inactive the past few weeks I'm having surgery and I won't be able to get on for another week" (just as an example). I want activity to be a big priority but I'm not going to move to instantly remove people that are inactive, rather give them a chance to explain themself and have them request an LOA or resign if they know they cant come back on for a while. But I plan on keeping this sub unit consistently active no matter who the lead is. I'd like Brimstone to clearly have full control but allow me to assist if he needs the help. Quite honestly Havoc Squad isnt my number one priority right now but Brimstone will have it as his number one priority, including consistent trainings with the squad, getting the correct people in and out of Havoc, and providing me weekly reports (not an actual written out report just privately telling me whos active in the squad and whos actually being consistent) So I may be able to consistently keep a watchful eye over the sub-unit that currently does not have a lot of active members. And going back if it wasn't for the state this world is currently in, Id tighten up on activity and form a better plan towards it if we didn't live in such a shitty 2022. As a Lead I'd like to actually consider others circumstances and situations before I make big decisions. 


  • Dumb 1

Doom the Boom

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-1 as much as I like you I’d rather see other applicants get the position. They have a much more vast experience within the battalion. I also think some of your plans aren’t that great and are pretty bland overall. 

  • Agree 1
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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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29 minutes ago, Razen said:

The ideas and creative mindset I can bring to the table could be a valuable asset in turning this battalion in the right direction. I understand yes, I have only been in the battalion for a few days. Within this time I have worked effortlessly making docs, helping with the roster, scheduling trainings, giving DU something to stay busy with during off time when event aren't happening etc. I would like to continue to do all this even if I get denied from this position. When joining this Battalion, I made an oath to metal saying no matter who gets doom, or what position I am in I am going to pour my heart out for this Battalion. So what if I don't get this position?! That's not what I came here for. It wasn't the easiest decision leaving 104th in the past, but we're talking 3 years ago man. Times were different back then and even tho I loved being in 104th dearly I chose to help a Battalion that needed more help then all, and some of my friends on the server in that Battalion were struggling to keep it active. Besides that even after getting denied for Gree I worked as XO under Brooklyn and Zeik and helped preserve all the regiments and Green Company in 41st consistently. Nothing will change in my plans if I get denied from this position. I plan on going on that same kind of grind I did back when 41st was struggling and I stepped in to assist. I simply am applying because I know leadership is needed ever so badly at the moment. We need to get people into positions, and build a solid core within DU. Im one of the most active members of this server ATM (Literally averaging over 7-10 hours a day just promoting rp and trying to improve DU while having a full time job), so I plan on working effortlessly to keep this Battalion enjoyable and consistent in its duties, even If I don't get this position. I'll be honest, I'm a firm believer in being inside a battalion for a decent amount of time/ having good experience within a Battalion is key for applying for a Battalion Commander. At this point though, with High Command having to literally step in and take command over the Battalion temporarily, we need someone who can bring a new creative and ideal mindset to the table. We need a lead who can be consistently active to watch over this Battalion as we attempt to improve our consistency and numbers. Id encourage older DU to still feel like its home using its same old structure, just simply improving on it and making things simplified after talks with officers and meeting discussions. I have big plans for this battalion and bring a lot of new ideas to the table that could truly be helpful in bringing this Battalion back to the strong numbers and core like its had previously. Being in DU for the 3 days is a solid reason to down me/have doubts in me, But just know the Battalion needs someone that is going to go all out and truly make DU have a more stronger presence on this server. Like I said If I get denied oh well. I'm not here for a power grab I'm here to put everything I can into this Battalion and make it great once again. I made this app because I would like to fully support this current DU and do everything in my ability to improve it in each aspect.

I remember you saying something similar to what you said at the beginning of this statement for 41st, and you ended up running to 187th when they were in BCMD limbo. 

I wasn’t going to go more in depth than the feedback I provided but I shall,

Your past and present leadership is flawed for multiple reasons, you promote everyone and anyone for any reason and lean heavily towards having an officer battalion. Which in and of itself isn’t a problem until, there’s too many people who don’t know what they’re doing, running around as officers / senior officers all doing different things with a ratio of 3/1 officers to enlisted. You even reference this today as in your application one of your main goals is to have a large senior officer corps. Imagine getting on and everyone’s similar ranks, no one is getting anything done, and no promotions in db for weeks at a time? Boring.

You over extend yourself, and lack the ability to focus on one thing at a time from what I’ve observed. Not a good trait for someone applying for a BCMD position for a battalion they don’t fully understand yet, thats on the chopping block.

Your app gives the appearance of being large and detailed, while if you read it, it’s mostly fluff and filler. You constantly say things like “I want to” but don’t say how, to pretty much all of your goals.

You have a lot of ideas but all of them combined don’t make you a better candidate to run DU, than any of the current candidates, or anyone who decides to run that has been in DU for longer than 5 days. 

My opinion stands for a reason - your decisions and actions I’ve seen, and my belief that you are not capable of bringing DU back to its glory in a responsible manor. I simply believe others are more capable. 

There’s more but I know no one reads essays so I’ll leave it off there. 

  • Informative 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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On 3/12/2022 at 1:52 PM, A-a-ron said:

The only reason U joined DU was to make a name for yourself, your entire joining DU wasn’t to help but just so people who know who you are, u said so in your 501st resignation. Just another power play attempt -1

you  just be talkin bro i swear LMAO +1

razen app might be slightly wonkly and long but hearing his plans in the last DU battalion meeting, i believe he can get the job done in the next 3 months

  • Funny 1
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the Darman Keller guy

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Head Admin

+1, good luck

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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I haven't known Razen for that long. He's been in naval for a while but I never really got to know him and see what he's all about. This past week in DU I've seen Razen everyday that I've been on. Whether it is just chilling in the DU TS or going out of his way making sure we have something to do such as a big training mission, a turnament or a patrol he's the DU officer that has been doing the most from my POV to work on the activity of DU and give the members of DU a reason to play and stay in DU. He's shown that he can lead and get people to work and that's something we'll need from a BCMD. While there still is more that he needs to improve on and learn I still think he's more the earned a chance for an interview and as such I'd like to see him get one.

Best of luck

  • Agree 1

 Papa Kal

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Razen, I think you're a great guy. You're definitely a strong leader, and I've seen a lot of good shit you've done in 501st, Naval, and DU. You definitely have a strong, structured idea of where you want DU to be. As someone who was in DU when I first started in 2020, I feel like you definitely have the ideas to make a great Doom.

My only concern is that while you were XO in 41st back in 2019, you haven't had much CO/HC experience in current times. I trust you fully with becoming Doom, but I worry that with the lack of current HC/CO, it may not go well.

Granted I've never been a CO, so much of what I say may not be valid. Regardless, I still think you deserve an interview.

+1, Best of luck my guy :peepoLove:

  • Agree 1

I was the leader of the Dogma Balls movement

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Huge +1

Posting a discord screenshot from a resignation when he is trying to help a batt that some people want purged is reaching for sure and then disagreeing with people because of whatever beef, this is one of the most well rounded and humbled guys I know he is a real one and deserves to be respected for wanting to help out a battalion, nothing but love and respect to Razen best of luck!

FormerTorrent Company Commander Kano/Fives, WO Appo | FormerWO Mortar, Lieutenant Dash-29

Former: GCO WO Waxer

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after reviewing the application i have decided to give a massive +1, while in 501st, this man showed true leadership, and i believe with past experience aswell as current he'd make a great doom.

 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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