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More ways to earn credits

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Name: Monty

RP Rank: MSG Monty

Suggestion: Add more ways players can earn money

Implementation: Have credits be earned through various actions on the server such as: Repairing vehicles and healing people might give around 1-5 credits per HP (of course making it so you don't receive credits for healing yourself), somewhere to sell event weapons from things like weapon merchants or dropped B2 wrist blasters as well as somewhere to sell lightsaber parts (could be either an NPC or a entirely new storefront), maybe a way to sell your skill points back for credits (this is mainly because I have 2 extra skill points and it bothers me), credits for completing admin tickets which would incentivize more people to join the admin team and take tickets, credits for making an arrest giving an incentive to join CG/5th fleet, or maybe credits for whitelisted to certain jobs as a extra reward for passing a tryout, randomly spawning caches of items to incentivize patrols (because lets be honest the only reason people do patrols is for events or training), hell maybe even a few minigames that could earn you some credits (repairing a droid, cleaning equipment, etc.)

Obviously I'm not a developer so I don't know how realistic some of these are especially the minigames but seeing as a pay raise would break the economy in many peoples opinions and changing permaweapons prices would most likely result in a permaweapons wipe, this seems like a good solution

Edited by Ccmonty
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Big +1

There's some flaws but this could work!

Really, my only big problem are credits for staff tickets. I don't feel like that's fair nor necessary. I also don't *really* like credits for arresting as people could easily abuse this, but the idea is there. This is much better than increasing payouts for jobs.

Droids dropping parts to sell sounds absolutely genius. This is 💯.

Lightsaber parts would be cool too, but probably for cheaper because they spawn very frequently. Some parts also sell for millions as is. Not a lot, but something. I feel this would increase the value of parts for people that want specific parts for their saber.

Interactive ways to get credits like this sounds genuinely engaging and gives another goal that's optional. It would also be a great way to grind to get the weapons you want from the armory without sitting AFK for hours on end.

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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I like these ideas +1 to literally any of them ngl


i am literally captain tukk

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Something that's always been an idea with SWRP servers but has never come to fruition is tying in the in game currency with actual events and giving GMs the ability to reward players for successful missions.

This is a concept which is extremely interesting and engaging in theory, I don't think I have to explain that, the sense of reward and engagement players would get for actually playing in events, which is the main draw and focus of the server as a whole, is self explanatory. But said system would obviously have a lot of flaws, particularly with the potential for abuse.

ALTHOUGH, I do think we could still actually reasonabely have a very very scaled back version of this concept, maybe with even the GMD being the only person able to actually administer these rewards, with there being a limit on what could be given out per event with anything higher than said limit requiring an extremely high level of scrutiny in order to get perms for it. It would be a risky concept to roll out to the whole GM team but I'm sure that at the very minimum the leader of the GM team could be trusted with overseeing and managing this system.

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Why tf cant you upload images to forums this shit dumb asf

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We get money for killing NPCs already, so the droid part one is redundant to an extent. 

I would like to see (and hear me out) some kind of weapon parts for clones similar to Jedi. Even if they’re non-functional, being able to sell randomly spawned parts to the armory would be neat. 

but if the development was there to make functioning scopes/silencers/etc that would be epic



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14 minutes ago, Heart said:

We get money for killing NPCs already, so the droid part one is redundant to an extent. 


1 hour ago, Lovestruck said:


Droids dropping parts to sell sounds absolutely genius. This is 💯.


i actually meant because B2s drop the wrist blaster weapons for some reason that you could also turn those in at the weapons buyer thing (unless that got fixed)

Edited by Ccmonty
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AFK meditation after force powers generate money:



(Imagine if we added a janitorial job for navy that makes money for trash pickups)

Edited by Willyworm1


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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The only gameplay I've seen of superior is people that aren't actually people but are basically NPC's carry loads from one side of the map to the other. I hope we can get more interesting things then this, but honestly something is better then nothing.



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I’ve been saying this for 2 years now, however with server performance as of late I don’t know if the server can hand with more shit spawning in. 

if you ever played defcon their events were cool but only got like 5 fps on a decent pc and like 2 tic rate. This would have to be mission based and not just random spawn in or drops cuz that would kill the server. 

I’d be down to write a mission line and I know some of the GM leadership would too it’s something I’ve been working on for BH very slowly. It would be a cool idea +1 just gotta do it right 

  • Winner 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Although I don't have exact specifics currently on what's going to be added due to not wanting to set expectations before everything is fully developed, there will be new sources of income coming within the next update/April one if an update is applicable for that month. Things to expect will consist of more in-depth gambling/lottery systems, and potential NPC random event pop ups on the map. 

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Seeing as how we're already working on something that will resolve this suggestion I'll be moving it to accepted.

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This suggestion has been ACCEPTED.



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This suggestion has been moved to DEVELOPMENT PHASE.
(Suggestions that are being coded, set-up & tested on the development server to see if they fit the server and are without major conflicts)

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This suggestion has been IMPLEMENTED.
(Suggestions that have been implemented into the server)

quests are cool

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